Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
Are her parents not trying to stop that behaviour? How old is she? It's not alright to let young ones slap people. I could see that as a phase still if its going on longer then a phase then your brother or sister need to enforce better parenting.

You need to get Joe the super nanny in there.
She's two years old

I recommended baby sign language and we'll see how that goes
She gets emotional at odd moments and doesn't know how to get over it unlike her brother who shifted emotions quickly. She goes into a tantrum. She's perfectly calm around me but my sister's Fe makes her explode

Quote Originally Posted by Koneko View Post
How about acting gamma?

Caught by surprise may start respecting you within the confusion before you run out of energies.

ILI might be the closest to mimicry.

  • Dissociate your mind a bit
  • No staring at the eyes
  • No sincere smile
  • Speak as if you were reading her the news
  • Use sarcasm
  • Ignore the value of company
This describes both my ESI and SEE cousins