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Thread: Ti-ENTp Pick-up Artists

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    Default Ti-ENTp Pick-up Artists

    Last edited by suedehead; 04-08-2016 at 04:15 PM.

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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    They all seem NF.

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    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    I don't really care if you care to argue, I'm not going to let bad info slide here.

    PUA is a intuitive thing but it's all about at some level ethical manipulation, at some point you have to accurately and confidently gauge emotional states either Fi or Fe, ILE's are basically inept/neurotic at Fi and uncontrolled with Fe.

    As individuals without ethics in their ego ILE's are not particularly concerned with gaining ego benefits from ethical manipulation, rather many ILE simply go about their relationships thru material means as they're a Te 4d types.

    It's possible some ILE's do PUA for brief periods in their life but it's almost never a ego manifestation and non-ego manifestations are usually disordered or brief. However NF's get a great deal of ego satisfaction from ethical manipulation and as intuitives often have a roundabout way with sexual matters.

    A lot of the PUA leader types are just EIE's as they have Fi ignoring which get mistaken for Fi polr. They have the ability to very accurately gauge dynamic emotions in interaction and Ni to guide the interaction cautiously towards what they want. They sell these tricks in a simplified form to their followers which are more generally practicable but it's still very low rate of return unless you have the natural ability to gauge emotional reaction.

    If you want to talk about a OG "PUA"observation from an actual ILE , read Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman

    He describes exactly how it works, these simple tricks and there are individuals who it works on, and in the end he ultimately dismiss it because it was unsatisfying and did not really do it anymore.

    I go actually the entirely opposite manner as described in the story, because I always buy someone I like or find attractive (friend, sexual prospect) something, not for sex but to test if I'm just a game to them or not. It's like paying on the first date. If someone is put off by this, that means they can never ever really be close to me.

    If you want a Real Life example.

    In summary, for about two months we had very little contact. He was constantly disappearing to somewhere, but would re-appear when I turned to him with requests: to give me a ride, to help transport furniture from friend’s place (I was in process of moving back then) - and he has always agreed to help. (This is a special characteristic of ILEs – helping everyone despite their personal relation to them.) All this time I felt zero physical attraction towards him. But next to him it was always calming ... When we talked I rarely understood him, and he rarely understood me. I couldn't understand what the purpose of his hanging around me was, when it was clear that nothing will happen between us. But he would stubbornly appear next to me again. He helped me with the documents for my dissertation, lent me his notebook computer for almost constant use, let me borrow some money when I needed it. Then we started going out to cafes together. He always paid for me and never tried to penny-pinch on anything. This has amazed me, to be honest, because I’d fight for a single penny.
    For Te 4d types, this is a very important mechanism by which affection is show because these are not individuals with a strong ethical ability.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    Whatever. I know how to recognize ENTp's - extroverted, casual-deterministic thinking and weak/compensatory ethics (breaking attraction down into nerdsplaining 'concepts' and 'techniques' that they learned in their mid-late 20s).
    Except it was all "nerd explained" to Richard Feynman by a person he called the Master. Likely a EIE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Master
    “OK,” he says. “The whole principle is this: The guy wants to be a gentleman. He doesn’t want to be thought of as impolite, crude, or especially a cheapskate. As long as the girl knows the guy’s motives so well, it’s easy to steer him in the direction she wants him to go.

    “Therefore,” he continued, “under no circumstances be a gentleman! You must disrespect the girls. Furthermore, the very first rule is, don’t buy a girl anything –– not even a package of cigarettes — until you’ve asked her if she’ll sleep with you, and you’re convinced that she will, and that she’s not lying.”
    Clear dialectical thinker, tells the Causal Determinist to go the divergent direction.

    Essentially every PUA video in existence is a negativist reaction to conventional thought.

    This story is old yo, been here since... forever.

    If you are ILE and you want to have a good long term relationship, these videos have absolutely 0 value. The key to Causal Determinist thinkers and dialectical thinkers is that CD thinkers offer a consistent and steadfast directness of thought in how they approach matters. While dialectical thinkers go back and forth, if there is real care and relationship potential, a CD thinker must always be the steadfast and resolute one. This is even more important for LSI's and EIE as the dynamic between those two individuals are more explosive from the EIE. The CD thinker should prove his directness as well when given the chance.

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    Mystery is probably EIE. Robert Greene was EIE. Not saying they're about one and the same thing.

    Although I'm sure many Fi polr can have a pua-like style and are probably even familiar with several concrete pua methods .... fastening such a wide-spread practice to a type may be an exaggeration. But I know at least one example on this site that I kinda picture engaging in pua-like techniques (incidentally some sort of sp last...).
    Last edited by Amber; 05-05-2015 at 04:22 PM.

  7. #7
    boom boom boom blackburry's Avatar
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    Russell Brand is not ILE.

    Yay more pick-up women theory threads.

    next women bashing will commence in 3...2....1....

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    boom boom boom blackburry's Avatar
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    That's not passive aggressive. That was pretty straight forward.

    And hey pal, all of your posts are about you comparing yourself or complaining about men who can get women (because they, in your words, are jocks and pick up artists) and women (as you complain about how they do not like you and your supposedly better than them).

    You've some weird fucked up innuendo of being so much better than everyone whilst also being a teeny lil bitch. And honestly- IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING. I'm sick of your threads. It's the same topic over and over and over and over and over. Dear fucking christ- get a hobby.

    I'm more than happy to look onto your page and copy and paste the oh-so-many posts (and threads you start) regarding this topic and women bashing (which I 100% guarantee you would've eventually brought up in this thread- I decided to beat you to the punch).

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    Instinct stackings that gravitate towards pick-up:

    Sp/So, So/Sx, and So/Sp.

    The rest don't give a shit and have a naturally idiosyncratic approach to life and intensity to them which certain girls catch onto in close contact (usually other Sx's), and there's less of a void to fill through pointless hook-ups because they can actually connect with a girl.
    that's not true. you're deluded. also, i fail to understand why getting laid is so damn important. if a person is just a body to have sex with, then a mannequin will do.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    You don't know shit about me so shut the fuck up.

    Instinct stackings that gravitate towards pick-up:

    Sp/So, So/Sx, and So/Sp.

    The rest don't give a shit and have a naturally idiosyncratic approach to life and intensity to them which certain girls catch onto in close contact (usually other Sx's), and there's less of a void to fill through pointless hook-ups because they can actually connect with a girl.

    Everything I typed in the above post was things that you have said many times now. Whether that is knowing you or not- it is restating things you have said.
    everything. Even the comment about you being a little bitch were things that you've said.

    Also none of the above has anything to do with socionics or e type, or instinct stackings.

  11. #11
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    Tucker Max is LIE.

    Can't see other people in the thread b/c no jewtube but I agree that a large portion of the PUA community is Alpha and more specifically NT.

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    well, bb chose to get very incisive with suede this time... he obviously doesn't have a lot of fun making all these threads, but I know there's something crassly objectifying in his more or less explicit attitude. He kinda thinks in terms of "pussy" and "dick" instead of people. I mean, if I sensed a guy has a hard time understanding and seeing me for what I am and is just there "for the pussy", I'd surely distance myself and think smb else will do. Not saying anyone who messed things up for him had the same reasons ...just pointing out what's a bit stinky about it all.

  13. #13
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    I seriously doubt that Russel Brand is alpha NT. I think beta NF with reasonable high Ti emphasis (INFp). He seems to be Te PoLR. There are xIEs and other Exxps in vids.

    It is so much easier to chat this and that with alpha SFs. They like it. Seriously. PUA? Blah... why play the game when there is no need if you can do it right way (I'm not talking about the effective end results but about results ending up in better outcome if it happens).

    I have followed a blog by alpha NT and his was not successful in that scene, completely opposite actually with 100 % failure rate. Only way he got laid was by complaining his skills in that scene in his blog in very humorous way. He finally found one by using more conventional methods.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 05-06-2015 at 04:10 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    If a guy's ever wanted to fuck you, then you've been 'objectified', so get over it and stop selling me fairy tales. I bet you don't like it when some random guy treats you like a fairy princess either.
    Beyond objectifying women, I think you objectified yourself as a "PUA" consumer guy, you've sort of turned yourself into a object, and not one you particularly like either. The subtle delusion for you is not that people don't objectify each other but how one objectify oneself without that necessary self-analysis that often will cut thru the delusion.

    So the question is what have you objectified yourself as in this scenario and what do you really feel about that objectification. Are you really the target audience to be spoonfed this tripe? Who are you really? Do you like this object that you express yourself as.

    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    The minute I care about the girl as a person I go overly passive and they think I'm a pussy. A lot of girls like being 'objectified' or get objectified by guys regularly anyway, and if I don't care about her personality I'm not forcing myself to because I can only act on my natural impulses and still feel congruent. A lot of people in general are boring to talk to. I have no qualms about admitting that I'm shallow and I'm not going to convince myself that there's a 'better' way to be because in the end it's meaningless and I'm not doing it for me. I'll grow out of it, or I won't. Platitudes mean shit. If I've approached a girl and don't see anything in her beyond her looks then I've usually stopped talking to her, but I think that's just an excuse for not following through and making my intentions clear.
    Also instead of confronting your fears you've chosen to be a coward. Yea, anxiety is going to make you act passive but you know that, now you know it, you can overcome it by actually not being passive. You don't have to become emotionally dead.

    I know this particular anxiety fairly well myself, but you don't gotta be a coward about it. You're still young, it took me a long time to learn this lesson. You can learn it today.

    Also are you shallow? Do you want to be shallow? What is it that you really want? You can objectify yourself here but I think given your cognitive ability as an individual in charge of your cognitive mindset and how you do things, do you need to stick with whatever you happen to excuse yourself as.

    I think you can make your intentions clear without turning yourself into a coward, because this dick between legs running from your anxiety is pretty much just the coward's way out.

    There's nothing wrong with a certain level of objectification but do it with some craft at least.

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    I bet you don't like it when some random guy treats you like a fairy princess either.
    yeah. totally. if i could be with that boring guy in cinderella who barely talks except when he's singing awful songs, i'd go for it. there's nothing like a castle and a garden and shoving it up my step mom's ass.

    or perhaps that's too disney.

    "i worship the ground at your feet, lady inumbra. allow me to prostrate myself before you. oh? is that a door? i shall hasten forth and accidentally slam my forehead into it. there you go, my lady. i look forward to the day you vomit so i can free your hair of the bile and slurp it with my tongue. i shall buy you normandy. we will sail to a remote island and be waited upon by men dressed like penguins. you shall wake to find i've transformed our bedroom into a bed of exotic flowers and i shall protect you from the bees and wasps with my bare bum. my family will tell you, you are the most beautiful woman they have ever seen. and so... intelligent. your breasts. oh, and we shall have babies and i shall drink of your breast with my young ones. you are my jewel and you shall want for nothing."

    (i'd rather just buy my own android and program what it will say and do according to my whims. it would be just as fake, but certainly more stimulating.)

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    I think the real reason you have an issue with my behavior is because despite your feminism, subconsciously, you're repulsed by the fact that I'm not a naturally masculine/desirable male and have to learn how to be one - instead you'd prefer if someone like me just faded into obscurity. Yet you'll fuck the living shit out of someone who's naturally an asshole. That's not a judgment, I just know how to game works and I'm adapting to it. You know this shit works (no girl will ever admit the full extent of what attracts them to someone sexually because a lot of it's fucked up or doesn't fit some rosy feminist perspective), yet you're trying to keep me in my place through moralizing and pointless platitudes. You don't have my best interest at heart. You 'value' traits in me (meek passivity and non-assholeness) that keep me miserable. You don't know how fucking powerless and pathetic it feels, every single day of my life, but fuck me for wanting to change right. Same with @blackburry. Fuck the both of you.

    The last guy I might have wanted to fuck on the forum .... I kinda don't even know what he looks like. It was kinda a matter of vibe, energy, intelligence, and interesting personality traits. Won't deny that physical (masculine) features do matter to me ...but you might also wanna read something different from Cosmopolitan (maybe upgrade to Men's Health) to get insight into what various women like about men.

    But I have my own objective, which is to get pussy.

    You are disgusting. You should hire a couple of prostitutes first ... to teach you about human sexuality (and sex as an act)....instead of trying to adopt PUA.
    Last edited by Amber; 05-10-2015 at 03:00 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    @Kim You were complaining about me passive-aggressively in chatbox yesterday. Of course you'd disapprove of my interest in this, because it serves you. But I have my own objective, which is to get pussy.
    My complaint was not about you specifically. It was triggered by an earlier conversation in chatbox. Your posts are just part of a current trend of people talking about "getting pussy," etc. It's all over the place.

    I am also currently "fucking the living shit" out of an sp/so, whom I find far more attractive and exciting than most sx firsts I have encountered in my life. He is not passive, powerless, and pathetic either, so all of this has nothing to do with stacking (just saying this because in other threads you say it is).

    I find PUA as a movement repulsive, but I think this is just a symptom of you being in a pretty severe depression. Developing a fucked up attitude towards women is not going to help you with anything. I REALLY recommend changing your meds (I have changed mine many times before finding the right ones).
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    I'm pretty sure most of it is coming from me.

    Why is it repulsive? It works and women clearly eat that shit up based on the videos I posted. It's giving them what they want and it's the reason they blow off every other chump. It's valuable information. I don't have a fucked up attitude towards women either, it's a realistic one. I don't take meds and I don't plan to so I don't know where you're getting that from.
    It would not work on me or any of my female friends. It works on some women, maybe. If that is the kind of relationship you want with a woman, knock yourself out. I don't want it and plenty of other women don't want it because we don't like being hated on and reduced to our genitals.

    And I thought you wrote at some points your are taking SSRIs. Maybe I misread, but in that case, you REALLY should give them a try.

    And I wish most of the PUA crap came from you. It's rampant currently. Your posts are just the most obvious ones.
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    @Kim lol, every girl says that. You wouldn't even know if a guy was PUA-ing you, you'd just want to fuck him.
    I think we live in very different realities.
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    Why is it repulsive? It works and women clearly eat that shit up based on the videos I posted. It's giving them what they want and it's the reason they blow off every other chump. It's valuable information. I don't have a fucked up attitude towards women either, it's a realistic one. I don't take meds and I don't plan to so I don't know where you're getting that from.

    You have a fucked-up and denigrating attitude towards women both in terms of sexually objectifying them ("pussy") and in terms of underestimating them ("women only wanna bloke with a long dick to behave like an asshole and smash them and leave them mesmerized by so much male power").

    Cut the passive-aggressive BS.

    Besides you seem to be in alignment with PUA, a movement that implicitly undervalues women by promoting views of them as "prey" that can be easily "bought" via a couple of stupid verbal and body language tricks. You for one seem to buy and eat that shit more than many women I know. However doesn't look like it's working, which is why you're not actually getting any "pussy" and most women on the forum indeed find you deplorable.
    Last edited by Amber; 05-10-2015 at 03:02 AM.

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    I don't know where that's coming from. That's probably a fantasy of yours which proves my point. That's basically what most women want, what's wrong with admitting that? Why is that underestimating them?

    Again, what women claim to find attractive and repulsive doesn't match up with how they actually respond to things in real-time. A girl will tell a guy to be nice or treat a girl like a regular human being, yet she'll go crazy over a guy who objectifies the shit out of her.

    You are actually gonna gaslight me here. You didn't spread that kinda shit about women all around the Gamma Quadra and Which stack gets laid.

    You objectify the shit out of women and I find you absolutely repelling. You gross me out. And I can assure you most women on here feel the same ...except for mby one or two you actually jibe with.

    Last edited by Amber; 05-10-2015 at 03:04 AM.

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    I can't believe all you losers who buy into nerdy psychopathic internet myths like PUA and redpill when it comes to "what women really want", rather than looking at what reality shows? I wonder what made so many nerdy losers buy into psycho fiction like that? it's like religious insanity without realism, based on hurt feelings seeking the worst possible of all explanations. lol @you all for ruining your lives for using and abusing a "pussy". I personally don't care much, as I don't like the kind of guys you talk of and never will, so it's fine by me that you destroy your loser lives even more, instead of trying the OBVIOUS and possibly INBORN knowledge of what really is true - that connecting and being honest is where happiness lies. But maybe "pussy" is more important than happiness for losers.

    Here are some facts, suedehead:

    1) PUA is rape by deception. You'll see people go to jail for it pretty soon.
    2) PUAs generally don't fool quality people, unless all there is to quality is a pussy. You may as well not change a thing about yourself and just walk into a bar and start asking if anyone wants to fuck, you'll find somebody for sure. Or get prostitutes. Pussy is pussy, right? Unless it's the raping and deceiving women that is your goal? In that case, get medical help, as you are a sadist.
    3) If you ever want a meaningful relationship with a person with brains in the future, you'll have to chose between either telling about how you raped women for a hobby before, or you'll have to hide that part of your life forever, causing a rather weirdly cold relationship between you and your partner. Just a thought if you have a brain cell in there at all. You really know how to disgust people, don't you. lol.

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    Answer this question. Why does a black prison slut get more dick than the average, 'normal' female who's friendly and nice or whatever.

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    @Ananke, I liked your explanation, but where you went wrong was to explain yourself, please explain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    What's wrong with being sadistic. Sadists have it better in life than oversensitive pussies. Most people are fucked up and fuck each other over all the time, so what's wrong if I become the aggressor
    Why not rather fix your disordered mind? Like seriously?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    @Ananke, I liked your explanation, but where you went wrong was to explain yourself, please explain.
    Should I help you get banned, sweetie? I mean, you want it, right, to get out of here?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    Should I help you get banned, sweetie? I mean, you want it, right, to get out of here?
    I don't know if your post is friend or foe, are you drunk, or high?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    It would not work on me or any of my female friends. It works on some women, maybe. If that is the kind of relationship you want with a woman, knock yourself out. I don't want it and plenty of other women don't want it because we don't like being hated on and reduced to our genitals.
    I think it works on a fairly neurotic spectrum of individuals. I'm sure PUA would work on a spectrum of men as well. There is a spectrum of attraction here where a spectrum of individual go for narcissistic or narcissistic appearing men and the borderline seduction tactics in PUA is straight out of BPD handbook.

    PUA simply is npd + bpd seduction game in one toxic farce. Most people who try to do this game will also fail because well most people aren't actually scum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    What's wrong with being sadistic. 'Sadists' have it better in life than oversensitive pussies. They get what they want. Morals are useless. Most people fuck each other over all the time, I've been fucked over before and I'll probably get fucked over in the future, so why is it wrong if I become the aggressor through something as innocuous as pick-up. It's a natural progression.
    The problem is you're only a pussy who struggles to become tough via sadism and stupid ready-made pick-up techniques. You have nothing in your life to offer you (and others) real value. Where does your strength lie. In PUA videos ... in your lamentations, in your insults towards women. You have no passion in life, no hobbies ..anything you love and want to achieve in life? I don't see it. At this point, I mean.
    Last edited by Amber; 05-10-2015 at 03:06 AM.

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    Now you're comparing yourself to older men in a desperate attempt to pull some value into your sorry ass if your 20 years old matter to anyone per se. I know attractive men who are 40 and even more and they're sure getting what you're not getting due to a well-defined character, a good job, and maturity apart from looks. Sure you can also find older losers, np.

    Anyway I'm so sick of the useless vortex you create around you --- go pay some prostitutes and get laid once and for all. Or shoot yourself in the head.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    Ti-ENTp 5w6

    7w8 so/sx


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    The problem with all this pick up attention is the massive amount of effort all these people put into their work. Tyler guy says work your ass off, Julien says work your ass off. All this. Personally it's very difficult to get this amped Ne wise to work so hard on one skill unless there was a significant gain. Their sales pitch is heavy beta.

    Julien: ILE (Hardcore Ti infrastructure for social interactions, this guy can fake any type enough to get laid, and it ain't an ethical construct, it's Te/Ti based)
    Tyler: LII (He has his Ni moments, he HA seeks Si, says he didn't notice social queues until really late into his journey, has that Finish it work ethic)
    Todd: LIE
    Max: ILE (very little knowledge of him, saw one or two videos, he's just getting used to expressing Ne relentlessly)
    Alex: ILE (built his own system, it's far cry better, and more human. Just throws Fi out the window for Ne and Fe.
    Jeffy: ESE
    Ozzy: Kinda seems SEI,

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    I don't have or care about developing any of those traits. Pick-up should make up for it, and to hell with the feminist tripe posted in this thread.
    You don't have to be a feminist to oppose sadism. You admitted you want to become PUA not for pussy, but for it's sadism. Sadism is not gender related, even thought the targets for torture may or may not be women. It's probably not even as if you like other men any better, is it? You'd torture them, too, right, if you can find a way?

    If you insist on talking genders, I'll tell you what I see as a current trend. This new wave of bitter sadistic people online has nothing to do with feminism, nothing to do with women - or men - at all, and everything to do with sitting online for too many years, never meeting a partner and then projecting the cause of this misery on the other gender. The solution to the problem is simple - turn off the damn computer and meet real people. The solution isn't in sadism, though it's a typical response to torture. Yeah, being online most of childhood and early adulthood is torture.You were tortured by the computer, suedehead, not by women, nor by other men.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    You don't have to be a feminist to oppose sadism. You admitted you want to become PUA not for pussy, but for it's sadism. Sadism is not gender related, even thought the targets for torture may or may not be women. It's probably not even as if you like other men any better, is it? You'd torture them, too, right, if you can find a way?

    If you insist on talking genders, I'll tell you what I see as a current trend. This new wave of bitter sadistic people online has nothing to do with feminism, nothing to do with women - or men - at all, and everything to do with sitting online for too many years, never meeting a partner and then projecting the cause of this misery on the other gender. The solution to the problem is simple - turn off the damn computer and meet real people. The solution isn't in sadism, though it's a typical response to torture. Yeah, being online most of childhood and early adulthood is torture.You were tortured by the computer, suedehead, not by women, nor by other men.

    Don't bother, he is irreparable. It's ingrained ...that's clearly the material he's made of and he won't change.
    He is nothing more than an envious little dick who just sits there and posts PUA links and laments about his lack of sex and insults others at the same time. Add generalizations about women he spews around out of frustration. As if anyone were guilty for his inability or as if there had never been any other guy on earth who had difficulties at his age. But of course he doesn't get that "low" to change his meds for depression or pay women for sex.
    Last edited by Amber; 05-09-2015 at 11:34 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    @Kim @Amber
    Answer this question. Why does a black prison thug get more pussy than the average, 'normal' male who's friendly and nice or whatever.

    Answer this question. Why does a black prison slut get more dick than the average, 'normal' female who's friendly and nice or whatever.

    Originally Posted by suedehead


    Specifically, when it comes to things related to sort of intangible things like identity politics and social stigmas/privilege? It's like I can read some of it, and kind of see why people might care about it, but I've just never felt the sense of urgency or indignation that a lot of people do. I'll sometimes even have to check myself to think "hey, I guess this is an issue for some people". And I wonder why this is. It's always been this away for me, and it makes me feel a bit, I don't know, close-minded, or dense. Am I just sheltered? Misanthropic? Why the disconnect? Why don't I radiate empathy when it comes to these things? I can definitely feel something, especially when reading about specific cases, but it's fleeting. It doesn't stick for me. It feels distant.

    I know better, but it's so easy for me to just feel apathetic, or to assume that I'll somehow do fine even with my perceived lack of privilege (Black/Hispanic male, immigrant parents, lower-income family, etc.). It's only weird for me when these sort of discussions come up online or otherwise, in which case I just keep my mouth shut.

    I think its a character flaw. Why am I so numb to everything? Why is my world so small? Why don't I get angry or passionate about anything? All I can do is pretend. It's like the most obvious thing about me in comparison to other people. I don't even try to be edgy or a contrarian or anything, I just don't care about much, and it's bizarre to me. I don't feel socially responsible, interconnected, or whatever, I'm just flesh, I do things, I move from place to place. I react to things how I want to. I don't know how to be any other way, and it's always implied that I should be ashamed or something. Someone in this thread even went our of the way to say that I'm self involved, a bastard, whatever, and it's probably true. It hurt and I didn't know how to respond to it, it's hot air. I don't know him and he can project whatever he wants onto me. I hate feeling like I have to justify the way I am, even if most of its self inflicted. Maybe I'll see the light at some point, but I don't know.

    Last edited by Amber; 05-10-2015 at 03:09 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    20 goes to 25, and goes to 30 in a flash, so what does that mean really. I'm a grown man. I've spent literally the past 12 months either working a shitty job or sitting at home on my computer and eating stale chicken breast, and I see that as a realistic forecast of my future. People have this shit down when they're 15. It's arbitrary. Once I'm 22-23 you can't excuse my age anymore.
    people think they're sooo old when they reach early 20s. you're not. work on a better future for yourself. you'll thank yourself later.

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    My laid back, feminine, male co-worker (pansexual but primarily into ladies) says just casually asking if she wants to have sex seems to work best. I can believe it. Less work, less disingenuous game playing. You'd be surprised how many women really just want a casual fuck without the drama, and [hopefully] without STDs (yay, protection?).

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    I don't see how it hurts to try. Don't need to blow it off as a joke, either, cuz that looks weak. Could be honest, too. "Hey, I haven't got laid, and I'm not looking for a relationship or any commitment, just something that's NSA. I thought I'd ask in the slight chance you might be interested in something similar, but if not, forget it. I don't want something out of sympathy. There should be something in it for you, too. But since I'm not a mind reader, I thought I'd ask." and be cool about it. Well, that's how I'd approach the subject, but I prefer easy going honesty than manipulation which I think is rather crude. ymmv

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    Just approach them confidently, no need for mind games or complicated posturing.

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    I wanted to do the same topic over on PerC but didnt see the potential.

    I heard about the blueprint about 7 years ago, a friend recommended it to me. I downloaded it and saw RSD Tyler, the fat INTj adult-child who wanted to play the town fool and manipulate everyone around him into believing he was cool. I hated him. It took me half a year to start understanding what PUA is really all about. The advice I took from RSD helped me express my Ne-Ti and retarded undeveloped Fe. I did some extreme shit, Jeffy style or worse in a way, I wanted no social control...

    What I learned after 5 years of sarging is that you are the one that seeks people who you want to interact with and you dont want to spend time pretending your something your not. Enjoy yourself in the interaction, stop seeking validation.

    They keep talking about there is no magic pill. I think these guys are on the magic pills. They cant tell you what drugs they are taking but its obvious they enhance their cognitive abilities with something like MDMA imo. This is their job guys, dont expect them to tell you they pay a few girls so that you can have "proof" in their abilities, or that they do drugs. Men are such losers when it comes to expressing themselves or be open to experience, these guys mustn't know the truth about good game and how to achieve it through direct knowledge, they are given placebos. They need hope and motivation which is the ultimate PUA goal now days.

    Ohhh and btw, I respect these guys and support them. Im fed up with these Fi dom/sec casanovas trying to be touchy-feely with girls drooling around them, makes me mad... so beta... so girly... BWAH!
    If it wasnt for these guys I would probably be another INTj hoping I could someday meet a perfect princess I could share my hearth with again.

    You cant teach an INTp how to pickup girls. And you cant teach an ENTp to learn textbook pickup. What you can do is learn calibration, use Fe to connect to a girl to get her to want you. Learn what makes her tick, what is her most used I/E function, fill it up with actions.

    And yea... These guys are teaching people how to be a narcissist, well, at least in the stereotype way. Alex and Jullien both seem classic ENTp's narcissists with Ne-Fe loop, my favs

    Good topic, lets not spoil it with personal disputes.

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