Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
I know. I was in a similar situation but different types. I explained when I was feeling bad I'd get out of bed and keep going because I didn't want to let down the people I cared about too. The penny seemed to drop.

There are some SEIs on the forum @Pink @Suz @lemontrees I called em you, can you help this lovely guy out with some advice?
Sorry @Scientist I am just seeing this summons

The jury is out as to whether i'm truly SEI or not, and perhaps none of this is even type related, but i will say that from a health standpoint, when i have the occasional problem, i can be in denial sometimes, whether because too inertia'd doing my daily routine, or scared something serious/scary might be found, or that treatment might make me feel worse than i feel now. My mom has been known to talk my ear off trying to convince me to see a doctor about a problem i feel is minor -- it makes me annoyed though, and more often than not i'll disregard the pressure, though sometimes it does work (but usually if it does work, i have to be worried enough or scared enough or i've had enough of whatever problem it is). In the latter cases, it might seem like i am still gonna be stubborn, but if it sinks in enough, i will actually concede, so take heart in that your insistence might pay off.

I do agree with the suggestions to be supportive and encouraging though... not coercive.