Okay. I have just skyped with him and we might have some progress. Here is the summary:

Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
Redirect their focus to something good and positive. Reminding them of other tough situations they already overcame
tried and totally failed! He looked at me with doubt and told me that I do not sound convincing. That's what happens when ILE makes an attempt to be supportive.

Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
Ask him why he's not continuing treatment and if he can't do it for himself can he do it for the people who love him?

You know how some people who are down find strength in continuing for the people who rely on them.

Quote Originally Posted by Pookie
Throw rocks at him
used the combination of above and it kinda worked. He said that it was a "cute attempt to manipulate" and suddenly agreed to make a doctor's appointment for June 1st. If he keeps his promise it would be the best progress I made in the past year.

thank you!