- Don't explain things to her. Just tell her what is good or bad. Conclusions. Verdicts. She will ask questions all the time, just no matter how much you explain, she will still be in doubt.
- Be skeptical and down-to-earth - all not-so-"real" is bullshit. Don't tell them your worries and insecurities.
- Don't emphasize things, don't try to convince her emotionally, showing how enthusiastic/excited you are. Make things appear ther are important "for some reason", preferably putting on a serious face.
- What you say, they just take it or leave it, authenticity makes no difference, don't try to prove anything, as proofs have no impact on them - they live in a story, anyway, it does not matter. (applicable to NF types, in general)
- Tell her what has a good effect on her; don't lie, just hide from her things that deter you from your purposes, just say what is good for you and her. Don't worry about delayed effects, unstable states. LSEs don't care, they never ask themselves "what if?", they just handle things as they come.
- And BTW, if they can't articulate an acusation, you are clean, no matter what the effect and your purposes are. Hiding things is not breaking a law; in the Delta word, freedom is paramount, you are not required to tell your "personal" reasons. Never ask the Merry question "why?", that will make them oppose you bluntly.

In matters of sex, keep in mind that Serious types will be turned off if you focus exclusively on them, their body or the intercourse. Don't show yourself too horny. None of these flatter them. They may feel forced, laugh at you, or label you a sexual maniac. On the contrary, make yourself appear you're busy with something else and just let it come (if it does at all, which may be frustrating). Use some undercurrent here and there. If she's into new-age shit, you both may develop some "kundalini" practices, raising your Yang energy up her spine as a regular job. Read stuff like "Ten reasons to have sex every day" or "Semen nutritional facts" when she is around, just never ask her read these, let her become curious and read from your monitor/magazine. Start some LOTR/medieval lords & ladies role-playing, your little pal may "accidentally" find himself stuck between the rock and the hard place in the rush of things. Whoops! Be creative using what she clicks with.