Oh, Teal.

The reason I don't believe her is the stuff she's said in the past people would realistically be arrested for (like her stories about childhood abuse) or I mean... I don't hear any news stories about her supposed perpetrators. What are even their names? If what she said was real- it would be this huge story on the internet and all the major media players would have a field day with it. Nancy Grace would go ballistic with a story like that.

The FBI probably investigated what she said and didn't find any evidence because they realized it was some fucked-up made believe story she said for more $$$ - but she's still allowed to claim it was true to manipulate people into feeling sorry for her so they'd buy her books and crap. Cuz the law is hopeless when it comes to people like Teal- it can only go after easily scapegoated SLE bad boys lol.

I could be wrong. If that crap really happened to her I mean we should have compassion because 'even Teal Swan has feelings too' but I just don't buy it. Based on her cold narcissistic ways. Or maybe something did happen, but she's extremely exaggerating and milking it.

It's like this clever Te way to legitimatize some fucked up Ni fantasies maybe?

Her recent-ish video about women liking bad boys was kinda like something I'd talk about ((we do often think alike)) and I liked some of the logic in what she was talking about - but considering that she's single and doesn't have a relationship herself it seems a lot of what she is talking about is bullshit. Any time I look at the real reality beyond what she says - it's always so different than her narc presentation.