Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
Sort of emotionally restrained, stiff, self contained. She's not a brick wall but I don't get the impression that emotionally engaging with others is totally second nature to her. Maybe it's just me. I've only seen a couple of her videos. I guess my impression wouldn't necessarily be out of step with Fe creative either.
I've heard it from several IEIs that they had to "learn" Fe later in life.

Quote Originally Posted by Pole View Post
I don't know what to type her as. I think whatever her type is, it might be masked by her public image. I can't tell if she's a logical type trying to sell to NFs, or an NF type trying be seen as super calm and rational. I agree with what people are saying about her being stiff, I can barely watch her without my throat hurting because she sounds like she strains just to talk and to move her jaw, her voice is very forced and boyish sounding.
My assumption is she is just another snake oil sales woman.
IMO you hit the nail on the head here "NF type trying be seen as super calm and rational"

Quote Originally Posted by Jake View Post
It's been a while since I've watched one of her videos, so I'll have to watch more. From memory though, she seemed LSI.

The ability to manipulate people seems Se heavy. She isn't necessarily manipulating peoples' emotions, but their ability to make choices. This would be out of the norm for any type with 1D-Se. I can say for sure that I think she is incredibly unhealthy and for someone who works with peoples' energy, she has a HUGE Ego, which harms the people she works with.
Se manipulates in a more direct way than that. Ni does the indirect version.

The huge ego thing seems like narcissism, of the covert version perhaps.

Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
Major sociopathy vibes. Whatever her type there's a woman you should be cautious of.

EDIT: she is definitely a powerful person no doubt about that and I in no way want to say she is insincere AT ALL. Whenever you feel kinda confused inside your chest about a person, just be wary. Big time caution flags, and then you WATCH. Watch what happens.

I'm with aylen on her typings except strike ESE. Sol said ESTp and I wouldn't throw that out just because of the esoteric"ness"
More narc than sociopath IMO