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Thread: Si vulnerable / painful PoLR function of ENTjs and ENFjs

  1. #121
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    Yeah, see is a static picture. So, it sees everything analyzes and the things that are most interesting pop out. It's like looking at a picture.

    is like a video, you're focusing on whatever is moving and whatever has the most effect on you, but you're just observing everything.

    With a picture, you're more likely to pick out things of interest and comment on them. With a video you're more likely to sit back and enjoy because if you try to interact with any moment you'll miss the flow of things.

    So, Se will easily notice things that stand out, but Si is basic recognition of everything. I've heard it put that extroverted functions want use and introverted functions want truth. Se wants to use/interact with its surroundings at any specific moment and Si wants to know whats going on and how it's changing. It's like Se wants to grab on to something before it changes and Si enjoys the change.

    This is not bad.

    Also I like how you did not reference comfort or willpower once. This shows you are at least proficient in elemental theory.

    Thank you.
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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Azeroff you may find information here useful:

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    Originally posted by Ashton @ Sep 19 2007, 12:59 PM

    Se – External Object Statics (EOS)

    (Meant to respond to this a long time ago, kept forgetting)

    It's funny, because the stuff Herzy wrote... see I'm sort of confused, because I always tacitly assume that everyone is naturally like that anyway. So I have a difficult time equating it with Se because in my mind it's like, "What, I thought everyone does that? I thought everyone experiences the world like that." Like it just seems like such a normal, given form of awareness to me. Like... how can you not be that way? I'm really curious, Alpha/Deltas please tell me if this is true because it seems really bizarre to me lol.

    So, yeah. Since I'm Ni-ENTj and all, Se is my "Hidden" Agenda function. Not sure how it differs from what Herzy wrote. But I'll compare experiences here with what that same sort of thing is like for me.

    I'm always intensely aware of everything going on around me in a very physical way. When I'm out and about, I'm wired to the pulse of the 'here and now' and my brain is primed to notice everything... all the sights, all the sounds, all the people, things moving this way, that way, etc. I just always have a running instinctual sense of all the stuff in my environment and what everyone and everything is doing. Nothing escapes detection. Always alert, always monitoring, always scanning. A constant flood of impressions registering in every instantaneous moment. The only time it really ceases is when I'm sleeping.

    This is all largely effortless and automatic. And most of the time it's passive... that is, I'm not acting on anything - yet. Just scanning. Prowling. Evaluating whatever scene I'm in, eyes dashing here and there at intervals. Rapidly surveying everything possible in sight with each alternating glance, for targets. Searching for something to hone in on. Anything to tip off the senses. Something stimulating, something interesting, something exciting, novel, unexpected. Eagerly yearning for a change in tempo, chapping at the bit for a surge of momentum... the more extreme, the better. And all of this is not as overwhelming as it might sound... it's actually really comfortingly natural and chills me out. I only get anxious the more removed I am from this frame of awareness. And the more raw and the more intensified/faster everything becomes, the calmer I get. Probably why crises and fights make me grin with happiness.

    When something sufficient does spike in my awareness... it could be any number of things, and will also depend on my mood/state of mind at the time and what in particular I might be seeking... it could be a hot girl, some person I know, or just something that looks awesome/different/novel. My attention immediately zeroes in on the blip for a more precise check, and I'm rapidly evaluating how much sensory stimulation it could render. If the blip strikes me as worth pursuing, I do so. If not, it's ignored and I go back into scan mode to seek out more entertaining opportunities.

    When something does strike me as worth pursuing... something I *have* to have or something I *have* to react to... I immediately snap into action and mobilize to "attack." I light up and lock on with total resounding imperative. There's no real thinking, it's all impulse. I instinctually assess the exigencies of the situation, decide on the spot what I want to happen or what needs to happen, and move in. The bigger the stimulus, the more compelled I'll be. And there's always the urge to push anything to it's absolute and most visceral limits... see how far I can go, how daring of a risk I can carry out... and hence, how big of a sensation I can get. Life only feels truly real in the extremities of experience... anything less seems like a cop-out, something too vague, too illusionary, too abstracted and diluted. More like a waking sleep than really being alive.

    If there's nothing going on, I'll start sporadically acting to stir up activity around me. If I'm stuck in some kind of bind where I can't act immediately to alleviate it, I'll daydream instead to try and stave it off until I can leave. The longer the nag of boredom goes on though, the more I'll get progressively aimless and then irritable, etc. Over a long enough time (days/weeks) if the discontent keeps up, I'll get to feeling too void and numb and start acting out in destructive ways, sowing negative chaos and conflict everywhere, and being incredibly reckless in general JUST so I can sense *something* (bad Se?). I've been thinking lately that it's important for me to be a relationship with someone who can help inspire me with a certain style of... visionary purpose/direction. So that I don't fall into that trap. Not that I can't do that myself... but I need someone who see it clearer and more consistently than I often can. Without a mission to focus myself into, I feel incredibly lost. But when I have that, it's really like the whole universe opens up and I'm unstoppable. And I'm a lot happier and more positive.

    Originally posted by Steve @ Jan 14 2008, 06:12 AM

    Si – External Field Dynamics (EFD)

    Si to me actually seems similar to Ni in many ways. Both are dynamic field functions, and both have this fundamental essence that seems to develop and emerge over time. The Ni essence of course deals with internals and sees interconnected dynamic processes that are happening beneath the surface, while Si focuses on the flow and interaction of things that exist in the external environment. With both Dynamic Field Functions, the perceiver is a part of what’s being seen, personalizes the experience, and harmonizes themselves with the flow.

    A Si person achieves harmony with the external environment around them (primarily the physical environment – in which people can also be included, as well as the way those people in the environment make the perceiver feel). Everything the Si-perceiver experiences around them has a character and makes them feel a certain way. They are constantly taking in experience; watching things go by, gliding from one point in time through the next. If you compare Si-eyes to Se eyes, the Si-eyes will look much more even keel and stable – even “flat” or constant, because they are experiencing inter-connectedness with their surroundings, as their surroundings pass through time. Si-eyes are one with what they are seeing, whereas Se-eyes are more likely to dart from point to point like a laser-targeting system, leaving what they have just seen in the past, and constantly moving on to something else.

    Si people frequently go through a day where each day has a different character, and there’s this core feeling as to the flow of the particular day. In fact, their environment may even seem different to them on one day or even one time, than on another. For example, one could be at a particular indoor location where there is no sunlight (no windows in the room), and the room will actually have a different feel, and even a different look to it, at 9 in the morning vs. 6 at night.

    Also, looking at a particular object in the environment from one point of view could make the observer feel completely different than if they were viewing it from another. For example, one could be observing a suspension bridge across a river, while standing on one river bank. This particular side of the river could be the side where the person lives (even if their house is 100 miles further inland), where the person goes out, experiences life, and has more associations with the scenery that exists on this side. The other side of the river could be the side where the person goes on vacation, and doesn’t spend nearly as much time. So if the person is standing on the “familiar” side of the river bank looking at the bridge, they may even attach all of the familiarity and “local-ness” and whatever other associations the person has made with that side of the river to the tower of the bridge which is closest to this side. They may also somehow tie the architecture of the bridge, with the feeling they get from observing the “character” of the bridge, and blend it with all of the Si associations they have with the particular side of the river that the tower is closest to. If the person moves to the other side of the river and looks at the bridge against the new background, the person will feel like they are more connected to the Si-associations of the other side, and the perspective of looking at those associations changes.

    Associations of things in the environment play a major part in Si experience. An environment will evolve and appear different with new experience, giving the perceiver a different feeling while looking at the exact same physical setting (or certain people within the physical setting) at two different points in time. Si-types hold on to past experience of environments and seem to frequently blend past and present, because for Si types, external experience is all continuous – it is seamless over time. What was can be almost as real as what is. Something Si people experience in the present can act as a “trigger” for re-experiencing the flow they had at a different time period. For example, Si-types can form associations around songs, in the sense that sometimes when they hear a song being played, they remember what they were doing and the context in which they first heard the song. Hearing the song in the present makes them re-live the experiential flow of their life at the time that they first heard the song – the time when the Si was attached to the song (including any other Si experiences that were added along the way – such as if the person had experiential associations of a song, and then went and saw the artist perform the song live – they may add the experience of the environment of the concert venue to the whole core their experience of the song). Smells or sights can act as triggers as well. For example, seeing a piece of furniture that was in the house of a deceased grandparent can suddenly bring the perceiver back to the time period where they saw the furniture in its proper place in the grandparent’s house. They will also likely recall exactly what the room looked like in striking detail, and all of the personal attachments and associations they had with that room, house, and grandparent within the context of the room and house – and of course smelling a piece of furniture (like the pillows on a couch) can be even more of a trigger of the past experience of being in the grandparent’s environment, and even the other things that were going on in the Si-person's life at the time.
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  3. #123
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Steve @ Jan 14 2008, 06:12 AM

    How Si Differs from Se

    Si differs from Se similarly to how Ni differs from Ne. With both object-perceiving functions (Ne and Se), the focus will be more localized, and there isn’t any emphasis on a context. Se is also a positive feedback function like Ne, in the sense that it will keep going, looking for stimulation after stimulation, while Si goes after only certain stimuli (sometimes repeatedly) that will be in harmony with the Si flow.

    Se people will seem more intense because of the constant need to jump around and seek stimulus after stimulus in the external environment, while Si types have a smoothness and stability with the Si flow. Se types may find this Si flow boring (sometimes painfully boring and deadening, particularly in the case of ENXjs). The Se types can see Si’s flow as one constant line progressing over time, and they frequently feel the need to turn the line into a wave, or something with more variance, so they may end up causing what Si types see as a disturbance.

    As I mentioned earlier, Si can be very personal, while Se is not. Sometimes if I try to talk about all these associations, combinations, and images I’ve blended together about things in the environment to an Se person, they have no idea what I’m talking about, and wonder why I do that, and don’t think it’s relevant. Se on the other hand focuses on things that are directly visible in raw form – no added ingredients.


    Originally posted by Ashton @ Oct 23 2008, 05:03 AM

    Abstract vs. Concrete:

    QUOTE (theMime. @ Oct 22 2008, 05:39 PM)
    Yeah it is. In the sense he meant it. It's abstract as in it's not just washing your hands and shit like that, like he said. There is an idea element to it. There are "vibes" involved. Vibes are abstract.

    Or at least that's my understanding.

    In actuality, both and are more "abstract" functions.

    While it is true that the language of consists of concrete sensory descriptors that make it sound concrete, I think it's a mistake to say that is concrete. Because perceptions are actually composed of layers of subjective impressions that bear only an indirect relationship to actual tangible, physical, concrete circumstances (as they exist in the present or as a memory of the past). That is, does not perceive tangible, concrete circumstances of reality directly, but rather perceives an abstracted composition of subjective sensory impressions reflexively elicited in reaction to whatever the actual tangible, concrete circumstances are.

    From most "concrete" to most "abstract", I would plot the functions on a spectrum like so...

    -More Concrete-
    Se (EOS)
    Te (EOD)
    Ti (EFS)
    Si (EFD)
    Ne (IOS)
    Fe (IOD)
    Fi (IFS)
    Ni (IFD)
    -More Abstract-

    So then according to this distribution, occupies more of an intermediate space between abstract and concrete, which is appropriate in my estimation. While occupies the position as relatively most concrete. Though it's safe to say that no function perceives reality in a purely non-abstracted manner, only that some functions perceive it less abstractly than others.


    Originally posted by ArchonAlarion @ May 29 2009, 07:13 PM

    Alpha Tinged Si
    By ArchonAlarion (Jake)

    First let us define Si abstractly. In aspectonics, Si is the “external dynamics of fields”. Being a “field” element, this means that Si does not perceive information as separate from the subject. Si is not something “out there”, floating around whether you want it there or not. Si surrounds you or surrounds others and you change Si by changing your viewpoint. Go to one corner of a room and you’ll experience something different than if you were in another corner. It’s not so much what objects are present, but where you are amidst those objects and how the objects are working together as a group.

    As an analogy, imagine a table in front of you. The table has a variety of objects on it. You can interact with each knick-knack individually or order
    them how you please. Now imagine you are in a dark room and surrounding you is a continuous video screen around the perimeter. The screen is showing you the same table with the same items. However, now the items are inseparable. They exist as part of the screen. Now you have to interact with the objects by using a remote to rewind, fast forward, and change the channel.

    That’s sort of what dealing with subjectivity is like. You can’t change the objects directly; you have to change your view of them. However, we are never totally field oriented, and always have an object element ready at our disposal to make changes to the world outside of our subjective views.
    As I alluded to, Si is “dynamic”. This means it deals with kinetic energy, as in motion, direction, speed, pace, etc. Si perceives changing subjective states; “How did I view this before? What was this like when I saw it last? How has my view changed? What sort of setting is this? How is this environment changing?”

    For Si, I like to imagine being in a pool. The water surrounds you and constantly reminds that you are in a specific environment that acts in a specific way. When you push water with your arm all of the pool is affected because there is a continuum between your actions and everything else in the environment. This fluctuating context is central to understanding Si.

    Lastly Si is “external”. External elements deal with what is explicit, demonstrable, direct, tangible, etc. Whereas Ni is concerned with abstract, implicit contexts, Si perceives the changing concrete context. It’s about the tangible effects that objects have on each other within an environment. Like ripples in the pool, each action affects everything else to some degree and changes the arena. With enough actions going off, you’ll be able to see a trend or “flow” which is pointing to an outcome. That’s what Si does; you can “feel” all around you the flow and direction of the tangible world. It’s like standing in the eye of a hurricane, or on a rock in the middle of a stream. You can “sense” the mass of rock and molten lava that is the earth under you. You can “sense” all the people around you, their energy pressing into your body. In a business situation, you can feel areas that lack resources or that are poorly managed. This is not Te, its Si. The business comes to mind as a single, pulsing organism and you can run your hand over it, and in your mind, perceive broken parts, places that are “healthy” and pockets of emptiness where resources must be directed. Te is not as intuitive as this and is not as concerned with the operation as a conglomerate whole as it is with individual workings and tasks. Te is the “object” version of External dynamics and Si is the “subjective” version.

    In a strategy games like civilization or Warcraft, I experience Si to a great extent. My fortress/base is like a sprawling animal that reaches out with eager, greedy hands and swallows up whole forests, devours gold mines, and evolves more every minute. I need more footmen, so I increase gold production and in my mind I can feel the lumber gathering organ shrink whilst more tentacles of energy reach out and begin consuming gold via my peons. My army is like an amoeba, spreading across the map, sucking up space and strategic areas, assimilating territory. I can feel the game’s economy fluctuate, noticing more units of a certain kind being produced, so I react to this ripple with a counter ripple. I’m like a man sitting in a tower over the land, pushing and pulling levers, managing the flow of my civilization. I can sense power at my capital and the power decreases in magnification depending on area.

    Si has a lot to do with logistics and resource managing. You can sense how one department of an organization is sending out inefficient ripples, that are affecting the rest of the organization. Si helps to regulate the environment for a desired outcome. This outcome could be simple comfort, but efficiency, domination, extrapolation of knowledge, and even just to create a specific environment for whatever purpose is of course possible and in my opinion generally more interesting.

    You know the Flood from the Halo series? Do you know the Tyranids from Warhammer 40K? If Si was a monster it would be like that. Always evolving, expanding, consuming, adapting, regulating, and assimilating new concepts to produce new forms.

    Jung says about Si,

    “Actually he lives in a mythological world, where men, animals, locomotives, houses, rivers, and mountains appear either as benevolent deities or as malevolent demons."

    This is very true in my opinion. Using Si feels like you’re extending yourself outwards. Like, that tank is my finger, the cloud is my hair, and the skyscraper is my arm. It feels like you can grab onto the essence of a city, of a forest, of a world, of the universe. All the actions and reactions are blended into a single... creature. It’s difficult to explain. You can feel how everything within a context fits together and moves. When you experience Si it’s like you extend your essence outwards into your surroundings and you become the heart/mind of the environmental flow, so that the waxing and waning, the ebb and flow of all things is at your fingertips.

    Basically Si is the most boner thing ever and when you add Fe to it, I ruin my clean pants.
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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Also this information above has absolutely dick to do with any model and is simply a description of the elements.

    Once again, it is not limited to any model.

    You have no reason to move it.
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  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArchonAlarion View Post
    This is not bad.

    Also I like how you did not reference comfort or willpower once. This shows you are at least proficient in elemental theory.

    Thank you.
    I figure the focus on comfort or power is byproduct of what is really going on. It's like showing a long drawn out equation and then telling someone the answer without showing how you reached it. You're missing all the in between.

    and thanks for the link!
    Last edited by Azeroffs; 06-07-2009 at 08:15 AM.

  6. #126
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Yes exactly and its not the only result you could come to!

    I take back my suspiciousness lol
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    I've always struggled with finding objects. I need people to tell me very explicitly, or walk me over to it, or just grab the thing for me. I both weak Si and Se.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    It's probably S-PoLR in general since Se is part of the conscious for static types and are not much aware of Si.

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    Default Si PoLR

    There are a couple of related subjects that I'd like to ask about.

    1.) Cooking: How do the Si PoLR types you know feel about cooking? Are any of them known in their families as great cooks? Are they more likely to get good results while cooking by following a recipe or by putting it what sounds good and tasting it as they go to see if it needs this or that?

    2.) Driving: If someone tells a Si PoLR type that they're going too fast for conditions, how are they likely to respond? Do they feel they are good drivers? Are they? How well do they handle situations which require lightning fast reactions in order to avoid accidents? Are they comfortable, even confident, driving in poor weather conditions?

    And if you want some extra credit points, answer the same questions about Si ignoring types.

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    I'm a good cook when I want to be, but I just can't be bothered. I have developed a decent palate over the course of some 7 years in the food service industry, and I have a good sense of what goes well with what, but I have problems gauging portions and ratios and such things. I appreciate a nice meal once in a while, but I will hardly ever cook it for myself. I do the bare minimum in terms of feeding myself every day; food goes in, food goes out.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I'm a good cook when I want to be, but I just can't be bothered. I have developed a decent palate over the course of some 7 years in the food service industry, and I have a good sense of what goes well with what, but I have problems gauging portions and ratios and such things. I appreciate a nice meal once in a while, but I will hardly ever cook it for myself. I do the bare minimum in terms of feeding myself every day; food goes in, food goes out.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  12. #132
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    I like eating, I think I'm a pretty good cook compared to most people in europe/usa, but I'm just decent in Italy, I don't really stand out for my ability. I def. don't mind spending around 45 minutes a day cooking, if I eat "cold" meals for days in a row I start feeling unbalanced. Of course tho I know many people that have more patience than me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    There are a couple of related subjects that I'd like to ask about.

    1.) Cooking: How do the Si PoLR types you know feel about cooking? Are any of them known in their families as great cooks? Are they more likely to get good results while cooking by following a recipe or by putting it what sounds good and tasting it as they go to see if it needs this or that?

    2.) Driving: If someone tells a Si PoLR type that they're going too fast for conditions, how are they likely to respond? Do they feel they are good drivers? Are they? How well do they handle situations which require lightning fast reactions in order to avoid accidents? Are they comfortable, even confident, driving in poor weather conditions?

    And if you want some extra credit points, answer the same questions about Si ignoring types.
    I'll go by one example that i have of a female Si-PoLR type.

    She cooks a great deal, always from recipes and almost always something different each time rather than attempting to perfect a manageable repertoire of dishes. Her judgment as to whether she did well or not seems to be related to her perception of how well she followed the recipe rather than the response of others to the results .... her cooking doesn't always come out as it should IMO mainly because she does't acknowledge and attend to the myriad of things that never go into the cookbook and second because she doesn't adequately acknowledge or attend to feedback from others. Then there are other "simplistic" things eg. meat dishes are often burnt because she fears potential health consequences of eating uncooked meat.

    With regard to driving. I find she tends toward accelerating too fast from a standstill and breaks too late and too hard ... all very unnecessary & annoying. Curves in the road are not generally taken well and appears that there is a failure to observe subtle changes in conditions up ahead.

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    My ENTj sister and ESFp brother-in-law-to-be seem to count cooking among their major hobbies, too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I'm a good cook when I want to be, but I just can't be bothered. I have developed a decent palate over the course of some 7 years in the food service industry, and I have a good sense of what goes well with what, but I have problems gauging portions and ratios and such things. I appreciate a nice meal once in a while, but I will hardly ever cook it for myself. I do the bare minimum in terms of feeding myself every day; food goes in, food goes out.
    Fully agreed.

    I'm not a great driver. My SEE brother is.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    With regard to driving. I find she tends toward accelerating too fast from a standstill and breaks too late and too hard ... all very unnecessary & annoying. Curves in the road are not generally taken well and appears that there is a failure to observe subtle changes in conditions up ahead.
    Yeah, I must admit I think I'm not a particularly "smooth" driver, I def. accelerate too fast (although I tend to break too early, not too late) and don't take curves with the maximum carefulness

    Altho I don't relate to the food part, I basically never follow recipes unless I'm doing something I have never seen before, I tend to learn dishes from looking at others preparing them
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    I'm a pretty good driver, but I'm more aggressive than a lot of people are comfortable with; I have very good control over the car and can sense its spacial presence and movements well, so I feel confident driving fast without endangering myself or anyone else. I tend to accelerate and decelerate too fast for some people's tastes, and I take turns at fairly high speeds. My SLE friend once said "I trust you and all, but sometimes I can't help fearing for my life when I get in the car with you!" My sister and her husband, an Alpha SF mirror couple, always ask me, without fail, "Do you think you could drive a little more...carefully?" whenever they ride with me, even when I intentionally take it down a notch
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    I hate cooking. I always have to follow directions. Whenever I "experiment" my end result always leaves with a thought of "well, at least I know it's good for me." I have very few preferences in food. My dietary decisions are almost completely made on the bases of healthy or not healthy rather than tasty or not tasty. Most everything I make and eat is on the bland side as a result, but I do like strong tastes. I like spicey foods and such.

    I'm pretty confident in my driving skills. I do tend to take off too fast, turn too fast, and I have a lead foot. I don't drive very smoothly unless I'm focusing on it.

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    And if a passenger were to say that you're driving too fast for conditions and you should slow down?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    And if a passenger were to say that you're driving too fast for conditions and you should slow down?
    Then I'd start focusing on it and driving better.

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    You wouldn't be like, "Whatever, it's fine," annoyed at the suggestion because you're paying attention and have made calculated decisions about how fast to go at various points along the route, factoring in things like temperature, the amount of slush on the ground, stopping distance, the stopping distances of other vehicles on the road, what you would likely hit if you did slide, and various test turns/brakes you've made along the way?

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    I would probably think that they're overreacting, but I do like to focus on driving smoothly kinda just for the sake of it and also because it saves gas. Overall, I like driving whether fast and angsty or nice and smooth. I like the control over the vehicle I think.

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    I do not have Si in my PoLR or my ignoring and I hate cooking for anymore than 10-15 min. I hate the repetition of cooking and I hate following recipes....don't tell me what to do! I would prefer eating out more than cooking, but 1. I can't afford it and 2. I've got a very strict diet.

    I also HATE driving. too much stress, too much aggression of the road, and I hate the seclusion that driving in a car brings me. I do not like being in control.
    ENFp. yay!

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    In my experience, ENTp cooking is horrendously bad. Perhaps the worst there can be... their sense of taste is... AUGH!!!!

    ENTjs don't like to experiment with their cooking. They won't try to put together a good taste on their own, and will instead use borrowed meal ideas in everything they do. They will give various excuses not to create their own meal ideas.

    ENFjs will try to do all the cooking on their own. They will try not to accept any help. They will confidently experiment in the kitchen, producing unpredictable results.

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    haha well i think that i am a pretty good 15 min cook and i do know taste...but maybe that is only because i grew up w/ a mother who cooked really well....anyhow i can cook just fine :}
    ENFp. yay!

  26. #146
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    I love to cook. God I don't know if I would want any of you over for dinner though. I would feel psychoanalyzed 24/7. and id have to be all 'god im just steaming the broccoli, you're acting weird go away.'

    "now here's a self help book, SHOO" - dolphin. Haha <3.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbybeam View Post
    haha well i think that i am a pretty good 15 min cook and i do know taste...but maybe that is only because i grew up w/ a mother who cooked really well....anyhow i can cook just fine :}
    I hadn't seen you on here Bobbybeam. Glad to have you.

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    And if a passenger were to say that you're driving too fast for conditions and you should slow down?
    Depends on who it is. If it's someone who normally doesn't have a problem with my driving, I might take heed, or at least dismiss them jokingly and slow down a little. If it was someone who normally dislikes my driving, well, then that depends on the person, too; some people I would fuck with and drive even faster, others, like family, I would get kind of frustrated and accommodate them grudgingly.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    ENFjs will try to do all the cooking on their own. They will try not to accept any help. They will confidently experiment in the kitchen, producing unpredictable results.
    I HATE it when people try to help me when I'm cooking. If it's something like nachos, I might delegate someone else to grind cheese or do some kind of preparatory work for me, but generally, when I cook, I cook. I hate it when people try to taste my food and give me advice like it's their job or something; if someone casually suggests something, and it sounds legit, I might give them a chance, but generally I dislike people commenting on my cooking. Even when it's a compliment, I'd rather them just eat it and talk about something that matters.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    My dad (EIE) is male and a product of the 50s, and therefore doesn't cook.

    My mom (LIE) is CHEAP and uses cheap ingredients and substitutes cheaper stuff for ingredients called for in recipes, and therefore her food doesn't turn out well. But she thinks she's a good cook and is quick to give cooking advice, and complain about other people's cooking.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Oh, driving. We have very bad weather here, and my parents seem to handle it OK.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I'm a good cook when I want to be, but I just can't be bothered. I have developed a decent palate over the course of some 7 years in the food service industry, and I have a good sense of what goes well with what, but I have problems gauging portions and ratios and such things. I appreciate a nice meal once in a while, but I will hardly ever cook it for myself. I do the bare minimum in terms of feeding myself every day; food goes in, food goes out.
    Same lol. I feel so bitter whenever hunger arises, because I don't view the necessary effort to obtain whatever momentary, biological satisfaction as valuable. It's weird, because (as you've seen) sometimes I don't mind cooking up some large course of pancakes or whatever; but mostly, the notion of "feeding" (whatever it is that demands it) is repulsive, and cooking just feels like some distended ball of constipated desperation. Bodily needs are bullshit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mariella View Post
    My mom (LIE) is CHEAP and uses cheap ingredients and substitutes cheaper stuff for ingredients called for in recipes, and therefore her food doesn't turn out well. But she thinks she's a good cook and is quick to give cooking advice, and complain about other people's cooking.
    That sounds like something I'd do. Instead of cooking for taste, cook for price and health. Usually priority is given to price

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    I always get made fun of because my palate is not that varied. I usually don't like to try new things and I tend to like bland food. I always get those 6 pack ramen noodles, I love that stuff.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Morcheeba View Post
    I always get made fun of because my palate is not that varied.
    I seriously got something like 7 boxes of cereal for Christmas because I eat so much cereal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin
    When I bitch at him, he mocks me or downplays my point, whereas with the LSI and other Se people's bitching, he basically takes it up the ass.
    LOL... you're brother feels eerily native to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I HATE it when people try to help me when I'm cooking. If it's something like nachos, I might delegate someone else to grind cheese or do some kind of preparatory work for me, but generally, when I cook, I cook. I hate it when people try to taste my food and give me advice like it's their job or something; if someone casually suggests something, and it sounds legit, I might give them a chance, but generally I dislike people commenting on my cooking. Even when it's a compliment, I'd rather them just eat it and talk about something that matters.
    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Same lol. I feel so bitter whenever hunger arises, because I don't view the necessary effort to obtain whatever momentary, biological satisfaction as valuable. It's weird, because (as you've seen) sometimes I don't mind cooking up some large course of pancakes or whatever; but mostly, the notion of "feeding" (whatever it is that demands it) is repulsive, and cooking just feels like some distended ball of constipated desperation. Bodily needs are bullshit.
    lmao jesus you two are such little bitches. blah blah deign blah i am too aristocratic to need food.

    anyway i am a great cook and i enjoy cooking. might just be my upbringing though, since my dad's a chef and my mom went to culinary school. i'm pretty resourceful and good at using whatever's available to improvise meals. i don't use recipes or anything, i just teach myself or ask my dad.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    I seriously got something like 7 boxes of cereal for Christmas because I eat so much cereal.
    I LOVE cereal!!! Life is my favorite.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    I LOVE cereal!!! Life is my favorite.
    Lol, I love Life too(no pun intended) ..and I got some

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    Quote Originally Posted by Azeroffs View Post
    Lol, I love Life too(no pun intended) ..and I got some
    awesome! When it goes on sale, I buy like 10 boxes at a time.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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