Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
Hey there. I do VI, and all I did was look at your video for about 20 seconds and said "SEI. Done." I'm pretty sure you're SEI Si subtype. Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear but anyways, welcomez!

Fe is spoken all throughout her words, gurl. It can be very analytical and yet unexpressive, IME, as Fe is all about understanding the feelings and humanity in a much moreso objective attitude than Fi would, like an overhead picture; so I think she captures the reserved Fe process perfectly. You'll notice this in someone like user:Joy too who I type ESE-Si. A lack of expression yet a clear (recurrent) analysis of her feelings and emotions. Sometimes a productive actualization is worth more than the expression of such motive, because that will only then allow for the correct expression of the motive, and that is what I find in the case of Xe functions and their manifestation.
Subtype makes a difference too. SEI-Si would be less outwardly expressive, I think than an SEI-Fe. I think she's probably Si subtype.