Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
This is because it is common practice to portray Socionics types as caricatures such as an EIE with social extroversion and a floaty irrational bent. This couldn't be further from the depth that information metabolism and its independence from personality has proclaimed, nor does it fit with even the most simplistic Socionics classifications, such as the definition of extroversion fitting with commonly prescribed ISTP traits of extroversion. Nor would we find an EIE ISTP all too difficult since they're not opposite types in any regard. As I've spoken with individuals who have this occur ie. Ashton, who I believe has an EIE ISTP father same as me or something of the nature, it is clear that these are quite different dichotomies, one dealing with the involved metabolism, Socionics, and the other dealing with personality correlation of different measures, that is MBTI. It is why I, for one, prescribe as a deep thinker, and an ethical/personal type, a questioning perceiver and a rigid rational. It is why one in my EII position may prescribe as socially extroverted, as individuals here have (I can count at least 20 outgoing and social introverts here.) 2 or 3 superficial differences is not too far off from 4 superficial differences. As I mentioned earlier, we have different definitions for intuitive and sensory functions as well as the contemporary mistake in pop-psychologies like MBTI that a thoughtful and healthy imagination = intuition, commonly cross-typing celebrities across the two systems totally differently, ie. 2 that come to mind out of the hundreds, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ayn Rand self-typed themselves a theoretical, introspective INTJ status, where as we know in Socionics that being theoretical and introspective isn't type-related. These numbers only exponentialize once typing people in real life, in my experience, as I can barely find one person who has the same similarly lettered type in one system as they do the other.
The problem with this approach is, why bother keeping the jungian dichotomies and notation for MBTI then if the theory deals with such an entirely different aspect of people. I don't think you can provide a valid reason for that

Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
I'm istj in mbti and istj in socionics... yeah if you try to work out the functions between the two systems you'll get confused. but, if you take a step back and look at the overall type descriptions, they're pretty much describing the same shit. people overthink this stuff when it's fairly simple.

btw, if you get istp in one system and enfj in another system, you're probably very confused about yourself.
You can work out the functions without getting confused, all it needs is the understanding how and why the functions differ between the two systems