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Thread: Intuition Evolution

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    Hmmm, if we were to say socionics was right, and considering intelligent design, my question would then be why can't we get along with everyone? Because it would seem that people are invented to basically not be able to get on with certain individuals, for instance someone is my conflictor, someone is in a different quadra. Of course there are other reasons but this is something fundamental which socionics suggests doesn't change.

    If one continues, and then put a religious slant on intelligent design one could say that the psyche requiring other people in the form of socionics has been contaminated by the demiurge, as a better situation would be a form of psyche which can connect with everyone. One could also carry this forward by instead of putting a religious label on intelligent design to say instead that good aliens made us and the bad aliens corrupted us so that we can't get on with everyone. Now lets open our hidden extra 846 chromosomes - an enneagram type and a numerology there, can 846 combine to give ennea 9 hmmmm.

    I think we could create a whole new idea here and have some paid for subscribed followers

    I have a suspicion that the idea of a lopsided psyche can give excuses for a form of ill health. For instance, I don't look after my body because I am weak in Si. I can't stand up for myself because I require someone to do this with Se. I am inconsiderate and pushy because I have Fi PoLR. I am destructive of happy situations in my life because i do not value Fe.
    Oy, close that can of worms. Well, I believe that we are born with a, rough outline (ethics), built in user guide (intuition), a map (logic), and choice/free will (sensing). Looking at the world, as essence, before we are born, let's say we are already fully connected and "get along" (thinking in human terms) outside of a physical reality. So earth would be one place to experience what is only a concept within the realm of essence/all that is/god. If you were "god" and had an infinitely creative imagination but no experience, only concepts, why not manifest infinite dimensions to experience all that you had dreamed/imagined... Then this forum would be a microcosm within the macrocosm, perhaps, maybe. IOW, just another creative experience.

    As far as using socionics as an excuse for anything... that only works on a forum like this and it is just another way to question "why?". In the real world you can't call out of work because you Si is weak and you got sick. You might just need a doctor's excuse if you do it too often. If your employer was also into socionics it might fly though. hah

    I don't take any of this serious enough to blame socionics for what I do or what others do but it is interesting to consider. If others do it doesn't affect me as long as they do not try to attribute all my actions to socionics. Being duals does not guarantee everlasting life or happiness.

    I like socionics as a tool not as an excuse.

    Macrocosm and Microcosm in Taoism

    Like several other cultures, China has developed the macrocosm-microcosm theory in different forms. Taoism has borrowed some of them and has elaborated others. These multiple formulations are not restricted to the universe and the human being. Other components come into play. The first is the state: the human community with its codes, hierarchies, and physical seats of power ideally mirrors the configuration and order of Heaven. Reciprocally, Heaven is an administrative system managed through bureaucratic procedures similar to those performed at court and in government offices. The second is the ritual area, whose altars correspond to the cosmos and its temporal and spatial configurations. Other environments and surroundings, including gardens and gourds, are also said to represent a "cosmos in miniature." Cosmos, human being, society, and ritual area are analogically related to each other, so that an event or an action that occurs within any of these domains can be relevant for the others. This is determined by the principle of "resonance" (ganying, lit. "impulse and response"), by which things belonging to the same class or category (lei) influence each other. Ritual, for instance, reestablishes the original bond between humans and gods, and the Realized Persons (zhenren) or the Saints (shengren) benefit the whole human community in which they live by aligning themselves with the forces that rule the cosmos. On the other hand, a ruler who ignores Heaven's omens brings about natural calamities and social disturbances.

    In many cases, the conduits linking each domain to the others are either the abstract emblems of correlative cosmology or the gods of the outer and the inner pantheons. Emblems and gods are closely related to each other, as several divinities correspond to cosmological notions. Symbolic numbers and images (xiang) play a central role in establishing these relationships. In Taoism, however, numbers and images also perform an even more important function, as they serve to express both the different stages of the self-manifestation of Dao into the macrocosm, and the reverse process of return to the Dao, which is often performed with the support of a microcosmic framework.


    "Every person, all the events of your life,
    are there because you have drawn them there.
    What you choose to do with them is up to you."
    Last edited by Aylen; 04-15-2015 at 02:30 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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