Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
i found your discussion interesting. i was recently thinking about something kind of similar (though certainly not same thing). although i don't know how to place myself in a dominance/submission spectrum exactly, one thing i've learned about myself is that i'm not a leader. things that can be stressed as highly important in some workplaces for instance, like taking initiative and developing one's leadership qualities with the implication that we are all leaders and should all be striving to be leaders, are simply not me. while i'm here i will try to develop interpersonal qualities as a lack of such skills i've realized isn't going to really help me either, and i'll try to do a good job and what is asked of me as that is what i must do in exchange for pay... but in terms of who i am and what i like, seek, and have the natural inclination and energy for, leadership just isn't it. i find it difficult when i feel "society" is trying to move me counter to who i am, but i'm trying to find a way... or rather i think i have found a way, it's just that it's little more than a light in my mind right now.
Thanks for sharing

I think this is a very important step for self awareness I'm happy for you that you found out something about yourself.