Enneagram Communication Styles - Type 1
Talk Style: Proselytizing, teaching, preaching, informing, telling, educating and elevating.

Energy: Rigid, upright, stiff, contained, solid, stoic, elegant, polished, assured.

Image Statement: I am right; I am good; I know best; I want perfection. One's want to communicate to the world that they have it together, and are competent, right, and good moral people even though internally they may feel the opposite.

Conflict Style: Faultfinding, nitpicking, condescending, poker faced, unemotional (or explosive if pushed too far), moralizing, admonishing. One's are triggered by being told they are wrong and will go on the offensive if their character is attacked. They may become moralizing or scolding. Some One's may retreat for fear of emotional display or may seem cold and distant.

Resolving Conflict: Do not tell them they are wrong, but rather find a way you can validate their opinion while holding your ground. Try to avoid the words wrong, incorrect, or bad all together while in an argument lest you escalate it. Help them see the ways in which they are being angry or hurtful (in a gentle way, as 1s have a fear of their own anger).