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Thread: Enneagram Type 1

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    yeves's Avatar
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    another possible 1? @Nymeria

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post
    another possible 1?
    It’s really unfortunate, because I’m not familiar with her, so I cannot really cut into more deeper aspects of her, like personality/campaign/biography. Surfacey aspects like her body language don‘t eliminate a 1 typing (or 1 fix) in my opinion, but I’m aware for a more nuanced answer, you should of course draw from more material, which unfortunately I cannot do... so somebody else might share their opinion. I mean I saw that you mentioned me specially, I mean yes I know, I have posted quite some things here, but it’s my subjective take on the type. I’m also not really extensively doing enneagram/typology, I’m just saying because it gets me to my next point...

    Re Kill4Me
    : Really the low profile makes you wonder at times. I don’t know if everybody is aware of this, but look... the pinterest socionics group basically offers you the connection to the ennegram stack me up group on a silver platter and the signature style between these 2 is uncanny. You have the VI for socionics and the VI for the enneagram here. Open any group in stack me up enneagram... look at the eyes (take 6w5 sx/sp) for example. I mean... cmon... and it’s like 1400 pins there. Now let‘s move further – the stack me up list: (go to 8w7 so/sp for example) honestly... the style... it’s just recognizable everywhere. You don‘t even have to dig that much... everything is nicely on display. Only thing I’m wondering, is it from different people contributing (and discussing things on another forum) or just 1 person. Yeah sure, could be also 1 person copying, but really... the signature... the style. Also how much typings, pins are there? Over thousand? I mean, it’s not really the big revelation here. I’m just saying... bc. I haven't really seen people mentioning it or me picking up, that they are aware of it? If somebody is not aware of this... it’s really easy to see/detect. I mean just in case you wonder, because of typings (the list etc.). Also kind of makes you think – with that extensive reserve + the low profile, what hasn‘t surfaced yet? I mean yeah sure that question applies to all people, but still...

  3. #3
    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    and Mateen's trifix....1w9-6w7-4w3 sp/sx

    same trifix as Absurd but a different order....Absurd was cp6w7-1w9-4w3 sx/sp

    1-6-2 triad I call the daddy triad for its authoritarian bent.

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    Terence Fletcher: There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job".

    Jesus Christ. Enneagram 1 is scary.

  5. #5
    Heaven and Hell Samson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    Terence Fletcher: There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job".

    Jesus Christ. Enneagram 1 is scary.
    The real scary part of it, to me, is that he actually has a point.
    But as the other guy asks: where's the line?

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