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Thread: Enneagram Type 1

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    Rosamund Pike possible EII 1w2


    She played Amy in Gone Girl. Now of course actors gonna act and you should be careful to tie the type of an character together with the type of the actual person/actor. But there are certain reasons, that made me think in this case the portrayal of the character was helpful in typing. So now let me try to make my case, just for fun.

    Rosamund Pike:
    Do you agree that this is a career-changing role?
    Rosamund Pike: That would be the idea. It felt like being seen for the first time, really. Fincher can do that. He looks and he sees and he doesn’t see what anyone wants him to see, or what anyone is trying to put forward. He X-rays someone, he goes beyond. I still find it slightly unfathomable that he should zone in on me for this part. I knew I had it in me. I knew there was greater range and depth and craziness than anyone has tapped before, or chosen to look for. But the fact that David Fincher—whose films I’ve seen all of—has seen beyond the carapace of these characters I’ve been offered in the past, seen there’s something wilder in there, was so extraordinary.
    Speaking to Fincher:
    I suddenly realize that you know I have this role in me. I’m not sure how you know that. But I do. I do get it. I’m not Amy Dunne. But I can understand where her heart beats, her character build, however dark and troubled it is, I can decode somehow. I can understand.
    David Fincher:
    I needed something from Rosamund that she couldn’t play. No matter how much I wanted to be able to talk about this quality, it had to be there at the 18th hour of the day, when everybody is completely exhausted and you can’t beat it out of them with a stick.
    Ok first: Note how she says I have that character in me, then how she says, she is not Amy and then note the decoding comment. So it’s in her, but at the same time, she says she is not Amy. How to reconcile these two things? She understands where her character is coming from. She can work through the tangle of thoughts etc. and uncovers interesting new angles to work that character. She has the understanding/cognition to decode. She is working from an inner source, an inner understanding. She is not merely mimicking/playing what's already out there.

    Note what Fincher says about his reason to cast her. He was searching for a quality, that you could not beat out of her with a stick. You can only mimick characteristics and control your mimicking so much a day. In the end the real personality is going to slip through. That’s what I think, Fincher is getting at, as soon as you are exhausted and control slips, the real personality shines through. Only if sth is so organically ingrained inside of you, it doesn’t slip away. Because it gets drawn from the inside.

    Here an example of Rosamund thoughts on Amy:
    Because Amy is not someone who is overpowered by rage. She is driven by the rage she’s had since she was a little girl. When you’re playing Amy it’s not like you’re unleashing something really animal. Everything is worked out in advance. So when you’re playing it, it gives you a buffer, because she’s so clinical.
    Note how she speaks of controlled Rage. That‘s anger. Contrast this with Wrath. Wrath unlike anger is not that controlled. All gut triaders have their special relationship with anger, so now let’s see:

    Anger is not an accepted thing for women. And, you know, I do get angry. I feel it's a very honest emotion.
    Anger is not accepted for women (1s rejection of anger). 1s don’t like anger/emotions getting the better of them. Hence the control. It‘s not just oh yeah sometimes I’m angry. Everybody can get angry, but with 1s and other gut triaders a lot of characteristics build up on anger/wrath. Ex: 1s might start to really feel like themselves when the energy (anger) gets amped up and they start to channel it (anger is a very honest emotion).

    So an example of the interplay of the energy and real life. Sports. With 1s it can have a quality of channelling/working off, of pent up energy. They might be drawn to long distance sports, to work of the edginess gradually. Another clue for E1 is a going to exhaustion quality (at times). This quality can be seen in some workaholic tendencies of this type. With workaholism, it can be tied to their overactive super ego. See it this way: when you have done everything you can, nobody can demand more from you.

    The demanding/critical voice is usually their super ego. And only when they feel they they have exhausted themselves, all energy is worked out so to speak, they can enter in a more relaxed, less egdy and charged up state. Their motivation is more energy centric. They can’t sit still or have to get their mind (nervous energy) free etc.

    From an article:
    She’d often leave the “Gone Girl” set and play a game of ping-pong in the middle of the night or go for a swim. “Your adrenaline is surging, and it’s not making you rest,” Pike says. (high charged state, working off of pent up energy)
    1w2 the 2 wing adds more a moving towards others quality to the core type.
    1w9 the 9 wing adds more of a withdrawn (moving away from people) quality to the core type.

    Not to take it too literal, like one is nicer towards people etc. It's more in the mind. Sth. like human positive (or involving yourself) vs. 'oh god' humans (and moving away),

    Ex: for contrast, the portrayal of an 1w9 in Fincher universe would be Dt. Somerset in Se7en. Morgan Freeman may be an EII 1w9. He also plays an 1w9 in Million Dollar Baby.

    Police Captain: I don't think you're leaving. You can't leave all this.
    William Somerset: Guy is out walking his dog, get's attached. His watch is taken, his wallet. While he's lying there on the sidewalk, his attacker stabbs him in both eyes. That's happened just last night, about four blocks from here.
    Police Captain: Yeah. I read about it
    William Somerset: I don't understand this place any longer.
    Police Captain: It's the way it's always been
    William Somerset: Maybe you're right.
    Police Captain: You do this work. You were made for and I don't think you can deny that. Maybe I'm wrong.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 10-10-2015 at 03:03 PM.

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