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Thread: Enneagram Type 1

  1. #1

    Default Enneagram Type 1

    Nina Sayers in Black Swan. Maybe not the healthiest example.

    Edit: sp - first (sp/sx)
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 07-29-2015 at 04:51 PM.

  2. #2
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    George Washington - 1w9 so/sp (Delta)

    Katie Hopkins - 1w9 so/sx (Alpha)

    Michael Barnes - 1w9 sx/so (Delta)

    Abby Lee Miller - 1w2 sp/so (Beta)

    Last edited by silke; 12-22-2017 at 06:50 AM.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Food Network seems loaded with potential E1s

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Ross Kemp - 1w9 (Delta?)

    Stefan Molyneux - 1w9 so/sp (Alpha)

    Alan Watts - 1w9 so/sp (Gamma)

    Marilyn vos Savant - 1w2 sp/so (Delta)

    Last edited by silke; 04-13-2017 at 11:46 PM.

  8. #8


    Fictional example: Amy Elliott Dunne - Gone Girl***

    ‚the perfectionist‘

    - list writing, research, everything is in place (2:58) etc.
    - but at the core it’s not about the superficial perfectionism, being orderly, neat etc.
    - the obsessive bent here is important, compulsive - she can't help being like that
    - that means that it's a constant quality about her, sth, ingrained in her, how she really is
    - her true colours that emerged during the marriage, not the various images she can project
    - how she works out her plan is also infused with that quality, her signature, her design so to speak

    - ...the clock is ticking, meticulously stage your crime scene...
    - fake a convincing murder you have to have discipline...
    - ...if I get everything right, the world will hate Nick...
    - ...and because you are you, you don’t stop there...

    - gut triad: anger/emotions are controlled – held back in the body, more rigid body posture -> energy/anger is felt in the body
    - anger and resentment local idiot, pregnant idiot, my lying cheating, oblivious husband, as if it's so hard to spread your legs, etc
    - critical, demanding ...but I made him smarter, sharper... I inspired him to rise to my level.

    1w2 sx first (sx/so). Maybe 3 fix.

    sx - first: focus on intimate issues, embodying/changing into whatever quality/energy is sexual attractive (...when I met Nick I knew he wanted cool girl...), also "Sexual Ones focus their perfectionism on their intimate relationships, holding an ideal image of what a relationship should be like and measuring their intimates against this standard" (what's the point of being together if you are not the happiest, .. he became someone I did not agree to marry). wing 2, because there is some sort of pleasing others, awareness of others needs (manipulation them basing on this awareness) quality in her, also they are "Far more likely to be a jealous*** intimate subtype than Ones with a 9 wing." 3 fix, because there is some sort of image pragmatism with her (you need to package yourself, so that people truly mourn your loss, and America loves pregnant women) she knows what works. sx first -> wing 2 -> 3 fix -> moves her more into the seducer (sx 2) area, more awareness/picking up/occupying your mind with masculinity/feminity role ideas (sx 3, cool girl).

    David Fincher:

    Ultimately, it was the self-absorbed characters that furthered Fincher’s interest in the project. As Fincher explained, "What I was most interested in was the idea of narcissism as a way to hold two people together, and the notion of how we project the best version of ourselves not only to seduce someone we imagine to be perfect for us, but also to have it fit into our own perfect narcissistic projection." He later referred to marriage as a "contract" and confessed to loving the “wrath" that is inspired when you can no longer endure the person you once thought was your better half. "I loved that in the book. It’s this thing where you look over at your wife or girlfriend and you see them holding their tongue, and then five years later the retribution starts. It’s funny." Most interesting to me was the idea of our collective narcissism as it relates to coupling, or who we show to our would-be mates and who they show to us.
    But, look, it’s not healthy to have an idea in your head of who your mate should be. Who your mate is should be revealed to you through interaction, the quality of the person’s character, the behavior they exhibit. But I certainly know that early on in my life, I had ideas that I could fix someone. But then the thing you realize, if you’re remotely sane, is that I can’t fix anything about anybody else, and I need to look at that part of myself that thinks this is who I need to see myself with, and also, what length did I go to, how much did I betray who I really am in order to seduce that person and lead them to believe that I was a suitable mate for them. Forget how much I was lying to you, how much was I lying to me? There are all kinds of narcissism that a modern cultural intersection needs to address, but this book was on a frequency or a channel that I hadn’t seen before.
    I hadn’t seen that. Yes, they partake of each other’s flesh, but that wasn’t the primary reason for them to have met. And it's not codependent love, which I really like about it.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 03-28-2016 at 10:20 PM. Reason: changed the stacking

  9. #9
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    This judgmental mothafucka. Sp/So probably

  10. #10


    Re. Whiplash. [x] This is a interesting analysis of the film, with interesting thoughts on the ending and on the idea of 'true greatness comes from true hardship'.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 07-31-2015 at 08:34 PM.

  11. #11


    Rosamund Pike possible EII 1w2


    She played Amy in Gone Girl. Now of course actors gonna act and you should be careful to tie the type of an character together with the type of the actual person/actor. But there are certain reasons, that made me think in this case the portrayal of the character was helpful in typing. So now let me try to make my case, just for fun.

    Rosamund Pike:
    Do you agree that this is a career-changing role?
    Rosamund Pike: That would be the idea. It felt like being seen for the first time, really. Fincher can do that. He looks and he sees and he doesn’t see what anyone wants him to see, or what anyone is trying to put forward. He X-rays someone, he goes beyond. I still find it slightly unfathomable that he should zone in on me for this part. I knew I had it in me. I knew there was greater range and depth and craziness than anyone has tapped before, or chosen to look for. But the fact that David Fincher—whose films I’ve seen all of—has seen beyond the carapace of these characters I’ve been offered in the past, seen there’s something wilder in there, was so extraordinary.
    Speaking to Fincher:
    I suddenly realize that you know I have this role in me. I’m not sure how you know that. But I do. I do get it. I’m not Amy Dunne. But I can understand where her heart beats, her character build, however dark and troubled it is, I can decode somehow. I can understand.
    David Fincher:
    I needed something from Rosamund that she couldn’t play. No matter how much I wanted to be able to talk about this quality, it had to be there at the 18th hour of the day, when everybody is completely exhausted and you can’t beat it out of them with a stick.
    Ok first: Note how she says I have that character in me, then how she says, she is not Amy and then note the decoding comment. So it’s in her, but at the same time, she says she is not Amy. How to reconcile these two things? She understands where her character is coming from. She can work through the tangle of thoughts etc. and uncovers interesting new angles to work that character. She has the understanding/cognition to decode. She is working from an inner source, an inner understanding. She is not merely mimicking/playing what's already out there.

    Note what Fincher says about his reason to cast her. He was searching for a quality, that you could not beat out of her with a stick. You can only mimick characteristics and control your mimicking so much a day. In the end the real personality is going to slip through. That’s what I think, Fincher is getting at, as soon as you are exhausted and control slips, the real personality shines through. Only if sth is so organically ingrained inside of you, it doesn’t slip away. Because it gets drawn from the inside.

    Here an example of Rosamund thoughts on Amy:
    Because Amy is not someone who is overpowered by rage. She is driven by the rage she’s had since she was a little girl. When you’re playing Amy it’s not like you’re unleashing something really animal. Everything is worked out in advance. So when you’re playing it, it gives you a buffer, because she’s so clinical.
    Note how she speaks of controlled Rage. That‘s anger. Contrast this with Wrath. Wrath unlike anger is not that controlled. All gut triaders have their special relationship with anger, so now let’s see:

    Anger is not an accepted thing for women. And, you know, I do get angry. I feel it's a very honest emotion.
    Anger is not accepted for women (1s rejection of anger). 1s don’t like anger/emotions getting the better of them. Hence the control. It‘s not just oh yeah sometimes I’m angry. Everybody can get angry, but with 1s and other gut triaders a lot of characteristics build up on anger/wrath. Ex: 1s might start to really feel like themselves when the energy (anger) gets amped up and they start to channel it (anger is a very honest emotion).

    So an example of the interplay of the energy and real life. Sports. With 1s it can have a quality of channelling/working off, of pent up energy. They might be drawn to long distance sports, to work of the edginess gradually. Another clue for E1 is a going to exhaustion quality (at times). This quality can be seen in some workaholic tendencies of this type. With workaholism, it can be tied to their overactive super ego. See it this way: when you have done everything you can, nobody can demand more from you.

    The demanding/critical voice is usually their super ego. And only when they feel they they have exhausted themselves, all energy is worked out so to speak, they can enter in a more relaxed, less egdy and charged up state. Their motivation is more energy centric. They can’t sit still or have to get their mind (nervous energy) free etc.

    From an article:
    She’d often leave the “Gone Girl” set and play a game of ping-pong in the middle of the night or go for a swim. “Your adrenaline is surging, and it’s not making you rest,” Pike says. (high charged state, working off of pent up energy)
    1w2 the 2 wing adds more a moving towards others quality to the core type.
    1w9 the 9 wing adds more of a withdrawn (moving away from people) quality to the core type.

    Not to take it too literal, like one is nicer towards people etc. It's more in the mind. Sth. like human positive (or involving yourself) vs. 'oh god' humans (and moving away),

    Ex: for contrast, the portrayal of an 1w9 in Fincher universe would be Dt. Somerset in Se7en. Morgan Freeman may be an EII 1w9. He also plays an 1w9 in Million Dollar Baby.

    Police Captain: I don't think you're leaving. You can't leave all this.
    William Somerset: Guy is out walking his dog, get's attached. His watch is taken, his wallet. While he's lying there on the sidewalk, his attacker stabbs him in both eyes. That's happened just last night, about four blocks from here.
    Police Captain: Yeah. I read about it
    William Somerset: I don't understand this place any longer.
    Police Captain: It's the way it's always been
    William Somerset: Maybe you're right.
    Police Captain: You do this work. You were made for and I don't think you can deny that. Maybe I'm wrong.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 10-10-2015 at 03:03 PM.

  12. #12
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    I watched the movie The Remains of the Day recently (probably not for the first time) after reading that the character James Stephens (the one played by Anthony Hopkins was e1 (1w9?) (this site has a list of such typings, although I think @silke has cited it on the16types also:
    It seemed like a good example; the female lead played by Emma Thompson may well be one as well, although I'm nowhere near confident with the enneagram.

    (movie examples seem like a very good way to get a flavour of the various etypes)

  13. #13


    I only watched a few episodes. Saul from Homeland. Social E1. Carrie could be a E6.

  14. #14
    Honorary Ballsack
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    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  15. #15
    Honorary Ballsack
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    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  16. #16
    Honorary Ballsack
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    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  17. #17
    Honorary Ballsack
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    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  18. #18
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  19. #19
    Honorary Ballsack
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    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

  20. #20


    Fictional Example: O-Ren Ishii (Kill Bill) 1w9 sx/so

    Didn‘t watch the whole film. Just read her up, because I stumbled upon an interview where Lucy talks about her character and it caught my interest.

    O-Ren Ishii was a member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad known by her code-name Cottonmouth. She was born on an American military base in Tokyo, Japan. She is a half Chinese-Japanese American who was the daughter of a military man and a housewife. O-Ren eventually became the leader of a crime organization in Tokyo, where she led the Crazy 88 and Gogo Yubari. After a duel in the snow, O-Ren was defeated by Beatrix (the Bride).
    "This particular movie was different because I was doing something I'd never done before ever, and working on the Samurai sword is very different because your body position has to be very still. It's a much quieter way of fighting. Not particularly in the House of Blue Leaves scene with Uma, but the scene that I have with her in the end, you notice that it's actually much quieter. There's a lot of movements, but they're really cool and it's very stylized. That's a really neat way of doing something that's different."
    "There's a whole ceremony too, when you fight or when you do anything," Liu says. "I thought that would be really important to sort of incorporate that. Because they know that they're going to, in the end, O-Ren knows that she's going to be fighting The Bride in the Snow Garden. And so, there's a whole ceremony to getting that point, where she takes off her shoes. That's when the music comes on, and you're like, 'Oh my God, what's gonna happen?' Well, you know what's gonna happen, but you don't know how it's gonna happen. And she takes off her shoes. It's such a cool moment because it's such a quiet moment, and then she bows. There's one point, when [O-Ren] slashes her back, where she doesn't want to just kill her like that. There's gotta be some sort of ceremony involved, and that's what happens in the end, and that's what makes that scene to me so important.
    To die by that sword is really the only way that she could have died with respect. I think the Bride knew that. So they sort of allow each other the respect that they deserved [...] One struggle Liu had to endure in Bill was learning to fight in a rather restrictive traditional kimono.
    You could think E8 for her. Naranjo noted in his sexual One description, that they can resemble E8 energetically. Ceremonial, ritualistic – that is more a domain of perfectionism. Formalities (she bows before the fight) are ceremonial, ritualistic qualities in social behaviour and she infuses this quality into the fight (makes me think of japanese tea ceremony). She makes a condescending remark at the beginning of the fight („silly caucasian girl likes to play with swords“), but she is later correcting herself. E8 are not big on correcting themselves in the sense of admitting mistake, admitting fault. It is akin to admitting weakness for them, something they try to avoid at all cost. They wouldn’t do that during a fight. O-Ren is fighting in her kimono, that has more a body limiting quality – rigidness. E8 are more body expanding. Respect for Craftmanship („It really was an Hattori Honzo sword“) – E8 would focus more on practical qualities of the tool ‚this will do‘, what they can gain through using it, what it will bring them (aim is dominance). O-Rens respect has a different quality, it’s respect for something, that is ‚perfect‘, it’s a reckognition for the work – craftsmanship is about the layering of process, the repetition of steps, until whatever is created reaches utmost perfection and with sb who has a understanding of that mindset (E1 aim is perfection), there is the respect for sth. that has the status of perfection, of absolute precision etc. (makes me think of swiss watches) Stillness, quiet, calm – that points to wing 9.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 10-13-2015 at 09:11 PM.

  21. #21


    Clementine Churchill self preservational 1

    'A thundering bore,” said the ageing Prime Minister Asquith of the youthful Clementine Churchill. “A very hard, insolent young woman with little or no sense of humour,” added Asquith’s notoriously opinionated wife. “An amiable fool,” sneered Admiral Beatty, one of Winston Churchill’s naval colleagues.
    Clementine [...] was tormented by a perfectionist streak. According to her daughter, she had a ‚most sensitive conscience and suffered untold miseries if the immaculate white of her lace edged piano was marred by a spot or stain. She also took endless pains over forming the the neatest handwriting , a trait that led the adult Clementine to describe her younger self as a ‚detestable little prig‘.
    While Nelly was relaxed about her studies – preferring to devote her energies to capatining the girls cricket team – Clementine was highly competitive.
    She was also a woman who worried. With Winston, there were always financial concerns, despite his high earnings from writing.
    In fact, their rows were often epic, and her flashing-eyed temper was legendary within Downing Street and their entourage.
    Her laugh – a full-throated cackle said to be very infectious – was also much louder than his quiet chuckle.
    Note the ingrained quality of the perfectionism. The moving against streak (competitive) and the worry about self-preservational matters (recurring theme in her life).

  22. #22


    Stannis Baratheon ISTj E1w9 so/sp (PA)

    Quotes from books and show:

    "Have you ever seen the Iron Throne? The barbs along the back, the ribbons of twisted steel, the jagged ends of swords and knives all tangled up and melted? It is not a comfortable seat, ser. Aerys cut himself so often men took to calling him King Scab, and Maegor the Cruel was murdered in that chair. By that chair, to hear some tell it. It is not a seat where a man can rest at ease. Oftentimes I wonder why my brothers wanted it so desperately.” “Why would you want it, then?” Davos asked him. “It’s not a question of wanting. The throne is mine, as Robert’s heir. That is law. After me, it must pass to my daughter, unless Selyse should finally give me a son. (…) I am king. Wants do not enter it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little, I know, yet he was my brother. The Lannister woman gave him horns and made a motley fool of him. She may have murdered him as well, as she murdered Jon Arryn and Ned Stark. For such crimes there must be justice. Starting with Cersei and her abominations. But only starting. I mean to scour that court clean. As Robert should have done after the Trident."
    "Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne." Stannis pointed north. "There is where I'll find the enemy I was born to fight." Stannis to Jon snow about why he came to the Wall.
    "Robert could piss in a cup and men would call it wine, but I offer them pure cold water and they squint in suspicion and mutter to each other about how queer it tastes." Stannis ground his teeth. "If someone said I had magicked myself into a boar to kill Robert, likely they would believe that as well."
    "Robert was the true steel. Stannis is pure iron, black and hard and strong, yes, but brittle, the way iron gets. He’ll break before he bends. And Renly, that one, he’s copper, bright and shiny, pretty to look at but not worth all that much at the end of the day." Donal Noye, on the brothers Baratheon.
    "His mouth would have given despair to even the drollest of fools; it was a mouth made for frowns and scowls and sharply worded commands, all thin pale lips and clenched muscles, a mouth that had forgotten how to smile and had never known how to laugh."
    "Ned found it hard to imagine what could frighten Stannis Baratheon, who had once held Storm’s End through a year of siege, surviving on rats & boot leather while the Lords Tyrell & Redwyne sat outside with their hosts, banqueting in sight of his walls."
    "His eyes were sunk in deep pits, his close-cropped beard no more than a shadow across his hollow cheeks and bony jawbone. Yet there was power in his stare, an iron ferocity that told Asha this man would never, ever turn back from his course."
    "Few of the birds that Aemon had sent off had returned as yet. One reached Stannis, though. One found Dragonstone, and a king who still cared."
    "He ground his teeth. “We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must . . . we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty."
    "They say Stannis never smiles. I'll give him a red smile from ear to ear. "
    "There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man."
    "This is Stannis Baratheon. The man will fight to the bitter end and then some."
    Stannis the Grammar Nazi]
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 03-18-2016 at 09:08 PM.

  23. #23
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    1w2 - Ivy Valentine getting seduced by a 6w5 (Algol) Soul Calibur IV

  24. #24
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    Omar Mateen...1w9 sp/sx

    Yusufiy said Mateen desperately wanted to be a policeman and hung out with a lot of cops, often going to the shooting range with them.

    But just a few weeks into the marriage, Yusufiy said, Mateen started showing another side, one of anger and control. She said Mateen made her get a job and then took the money she made.

    “It was just his personal form on control. He wanted to control me and do whatever he [could] to keep me hostage,” she said.
    Control is key to how ones allow themselves to express their anger. 1w9s express their anger through their control of things in the environment, by penalizing others through restricting their access to things that they enjoy doing. You will find many in positions of management, administration...the classic park ranger...anywhere that they can gain control over things that most people tend to enjoy doing. the trap of the 1 is not letting other people be themselves, but the 1 feeling entitled to penalize others for having values that conflict with their own. If you grew up with a type 1 for a parent, you may have been punished with no television because you got a C on a report card or because you didn't tell somebody thank you on Christmas for a particular gift. You might wonder, why is it such a big deal to get a C on a report card or not say thank you. Well, for 1s, the passion is wrath, and the surface definition of wrath means anger in the extreme, but in the context of type 1 wrath actually means a difficulty with expressing anger, that morphs into a fixation on control. They control the remote, let's say, by having control over the remote that gives them a way to express their anger at the child by saying "no television" when really the entire problem would be solved were the 1 able to express their anger at the child directly, but the 1 isn't fixated on dominance. They're fixated on control. In the case of Mateen, he was angry at the gay couple for kissing, but he could only express it punitively, in an extreme, twisted way....1w9s can be notoriously genocidal but nevertheless they don't enjoy confrontation....examples: Adolf ******, Osama Bin Laden (don't be fooled by adolf's explosive rants, those were all scripted, tirelessly rehearsed speeches).

    This isn't a 1:

    Ramsay is fixated on dominance, not control....he's much too comfortable expressing his anger directly. He enjoys fighting.

    This also isn't a 1:

    Abby Lee Miller is fixated on dominance, not control...she's much too comfortable expressing her anger directly and fighting.

    That's not to say 8s don't control. Say the 8 goes to a dinner party at somebody’s house, and dominate the discussion at the dinner table, but the 1 host is taking subtle punitive measures against them for violating the unspoken rules of the house....the 8 will assume control by having the dinner party at their own house where the 1 would no longer have the ability to restrict them in that way, and the 8 can hold court and dominate the room unimpeded. The eight is controlling in order to dominate. That's where control comes into play. For Ones, control is the end.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Control is key to how ones allow themselves to express their anger. 1w9s express their anger through their control of things in the environment, by penalizing others through restricting their access to things that they enjoy doing. You will find many in positions of management, administration...the classic park ranger...anywhere that they can gain control over things that most people tend to enjoy doing. the trap of the 1 is not letting other people be themselves, but the 1 feeling entitled to penalize others for having values that conflict with their own. If you grew up with a type 1 for a parent, you may have been punished with no television because you got a C on a report card or because you didn't tell somebody thank you on Christmas for a particular gift. You might wonder, why is it such a big deal to get a C on a report card or not say thank you. Well, for 1s, the passion is wrath, and the surface definition of wrath means anger in the extreme, but in the context of type 1 wrath actually means a difficulty with expressing anger, that morphs into a fixation on control. They control the remote, let's say, by having control over the remote that gives them a way to express their anger at the child by saying "no television" when really the entire problem would be solved were the 1 able to express their anger at the child directly, but the 1 isn't fixated on dominance. They're fixated on control. In the case of Mateen, he was angry at the gay couple for kissing, but he could only express it punitively, in an extreme, twisted way....1w9s can be notoriously genocidal but nevertheless they don't enjoy confrontation....examples: Adolf ******, Osama Bin Laden (don't be fooled by adolf's explosive rants, those were all scripted, tirelessly rehearsed speeches).
    You're mistaking 'counterphobic' Sixes for Ones. I could relate to some of what you said about the need for external control of my surroundings. When I used to babysit my younger cousins, meddling with their environment, taking away the remote control or disconnecting the internet was how I tried to make them listen and behave. It is Sixes and Eights who control the environment. Ones control themselves.
    Little mystery that most posters on this forum don't agree with your typings and take them for a joke. You have your enneagram basics mixed up.

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    another possible 1? @Nymeria

  27. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post
    another possible 1?
    It’s really unfortunate, because I’m not familiar with her, so I cannot really cut into more deeper aspects of her, like personality/campaign/biography. Surfacey aspects like her body language don‘t eliminate a 1 typing (or 1 fix) in my opinion, but I’m aware for a more nuanced answer, you should of course draw from more material, which unfortunately I cannot do... so somebody else might share their opinion. I mean I saw that you mentioned me specially, I mean yes I know, I have posted quite some things here, but it’s my subjective take on the type. I’m also not really extensively doing enneagram/typology, I’m just saying because it gets me to my next point...

    Re Kill4Me
    : Really the low profile makes you wonder at times. I don’t know if everybody is aware of this, but look... the pinterest socionics group basically offers you the connection to the ennegram stack me up group on a silver platter and the signature style between these 2 is uncanny. You have the VI for socionics and the VI for the enneagram here. Open any group in stack me up enneagram... look at the eyes (take 6w5 sx/sp) for example. I mean... cmon... and it’s like 1400 pins there. Now let‘s move further – the stack me up list: (go to 8w7 so/sp for example) honestly... the style... it’s just recognizable everywhere. You don‘t even have to dig that much... everything is nicely on display. Only thing I’m wondering, is it from different people contributing (and discussing things on another forum) or just 1 person. Yeah sure, could be also 1 person copying, but really... the signature... the style. Also how much typings, pins are there? Over thousand? I mean, it’s not really the big revelation here. I’m just saying... bc. I haven't really seen people mentioning it or me picking up, that they are aware of it? If somebody is not aware of this... it’s really easy to see/detect. I mean just in case you wonder, because of typings (the list etc.). Also kind of makes you think – with that extensive reserve + the low profile, what hasn‘t surfaced yet? I mean yeah sure that question applies to all people, but still...

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    and Mateen's trifix....1w9-6w7-4w3 sp/sx

    same trifix as Absurd but a different order....Absurd was cp6w7-1w9-4w3 sx/sp

    1-6-2 triad I call the daddy triad for its authoritarian bent.

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    Terence Fletcher: There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job".

    Jesus Christ. Enneagram 1 is scary.

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    could be equally ILI type 5

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    hahaha holy fuck. Probably 146

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    (how 1s never completely make it to type 7)

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    Bernie Marcus...1w2 sp/so

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    1w2 styles ... here are my hopes that one day @Chae will make a style thread for each of the enneagram types ; )

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    Enneagram style... sounds good. I'll come up with something.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Enneagram style... sounds good. I'll come up with something.
    Hard to make it even a little accurate just by core type. You would have to do one for every tritype for it to be, I think. so 27 different ones.. lol. Maybe it would be better just by stackings. 6 different ones.

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