I just went out to meet that INFj whom I had an affair with 3 years ago. Since we're living in the same city now... Well, she was not feeling well and she left me a message but it was too late I had already hit the road to get to her. When I got there our talk was good, and she told me she was feeling bad (stomach) so I indicated some meds for her which would work perfectly in that case. Then today she shows up in my cell messenger messanging me with those trippy things like "why did you go, why didn't you wait for me to call you", but we had previously arranged the meeting so for me it was set. She was all like "it could've been better, don't do that again, call me before you leave home" and she wanted to discuss our meeting yesterday so much I had to cut her (no patience for that, it's past, it's done). What does she want me to do or say, I wonder? I even apologized. Is she insane? Unfortunately most EIIs are so hard to deal with. They have such a strong emphasis on feeling and especially they think too much how things could've been, should've been. Should I just give her up? I'm tired of problems, but I really like this girl.