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Thread: What's Your Dosha Test

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    I'm a combo of Pitta (4) and Kapha (3).

  3. #3
    Infinity Persephone's Avatar
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    Vata/Pitta (4/4)

    Ayurveda, which translates as “knowledge of life,” dates back 5,000 years to the ancient Sanskrit texts, the Vedas. It’s a system of healing that examines physical constitution, emotional nature, and spiritual outlook in the context of the universe. According to the philosophy, universal life force manifests as three different energies, or doshas, known as vata, pitta, and kapha. We’re all made up of a unique combination of these three forces. Though everyone has some of each, most people tend to have an abundance of one or two of the doshas. This unique combination is determined at the moment of conception, and is your own personal blueprint, or prakriti (nature). As you move through life, the proportion of each of the three doshas constantly fluctuates according to your environment, your diet, the seasons, the climate, your age, and many other factors. As they move into and out of balance, the doshas can affect your health, energy level, and general mood.

    Kapha types have strong frames and are naturally athletic as long they are exercising regularly to manage their tendency to gain weight. The influence of the earth and water elements makes them innately stable, compassionate, and loyal. They appreciate doing things in a methodical, step-by-step manner, and prefer a regular routine in their personal and professional lives. When imbalanced they can become unmotivated, stubborn, and complacent even when change is necessary. Their metabolism tends to be slow and their appetite for both food and stimulation is less intense than vata or pitta types. They benefit from exposing themselves to new environments, people, and occasionally fasting.

    Pitta types are dominated by the fire element, which makes them innately strong, intense, and irritable. They tend to have a medium build and endurance with powerful musculature. They often have freckled skin that easily reddens in the sun, during exercise, massage, and when blushing. They are strong willed and good at doing what they think is right. They approach work and play with the same intensity and competitiveness. They are natural leaders and quick learners whose ability to easily comprehend and master new skills and concepts can make them judgmental or impatient toward people they feel are slower or less focused than themselves. They have strong digestion and intense appetites, both for food and challenges. If they miss a meal they are likely to become grumpy and may take a “bite” out of somebody instead. It is common for them to suffer from health conditions such as inflammation, rashes, acne, and loose stool. For balance, pittas need to manage their “fiery” tendencies, channeling them in productive ways and learning to recognize their destructive power.

    Vata types tend to be thin and lanky. They are very mentally and physically active and enjoy creative endeavors, meeting new people, and traveling to new places. When they are balanced, vatas are flexible, have lively imaginations, and are original thinkers. When imbalanced they can get anxious, ungrounded, and can seem “flaky” about fulfilling commitments, sticking to a routine, and completing projects. They tend to run cold and dry and enjoy warm, humid weather. It’s common for vata types to experience cold hands and feet, constipation, dry skin, and cracking joints. The influence of the air element in their constitution causes their energy, mood, and appetite to fluctuate dramatically. For this reason vata types often fail to eat and sleep regularly, swinging from eating heavy foods to ground and sedate themselves, or ingesting stimulants like coffee and sugar to sustain intense physical or mental activity. Insomnia and low immunity are very common problem for the sensitive vata person.

    Bi-doshic indicates that you share qualities strongly with two doshic types, and is actually how most of us are. People with dual constitutions (vata-pitta, pitta-kapha, and vata-kapha) are, in a sense, “split.” Under certain conditions, one dosha will predominate and under other circumstances the other dosha will. The best way to manage bi-doshic prakriti is by the season. For example, if you have a vata-pitta or vata-kapha prakriti, during autumn, which is a vata season, you’d follow a vata-decreasing regimen. During warm weather, you’d follow a pitta-decreasing regimen. During the cold and wet season, you’d follow kapha.

    Tri-doshic means having equal amounts of each doshic influence. The tri-doshic person can be very strong, stable, and adaptable when in balance. When they are out of balance, however, they can experience poor health. The key is to preserving your personal balance is to hone your sensitivity for noticing potential imbalances that may arise from your environment or from dietary or emotional imbalances, and to adopt practices that will counter-balance these influences. For example, in autumn, a tri-doshic person would act if they were a person with a vata constitution and follow a vata-balancing lifestyle and diet. The same is true for the other seasons: Employ a pitta-balancing regimen when the weather is hot and a kapha-balancing regimen when the weather is cold and damp.

  4. #4
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    i qualify for tridoshic in that quiz, but knowing about the ayurvedic doshas i'd say i tend towards pitta-kapha.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  5. #5
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Vata/Pitta was equal.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-03-2015 at 10:40 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  6. #6
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Vatta 3 out of 6
    Pitta 3 out of 7
    Kapha 5 out of 7

    I feel as if i am constantly trying to find a balance.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  7. #7
    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    I believe this french couple on enneagram monthly like to use these things for correlations too. If I recall correctly, Pitta is sx, Kapha is sp and Vatta is soc for them.

  8. #8
    darya's Avatar
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    Vatta: 1 of 6

    Pitta: 6 of 7

    Kapha: 2 of 7

  9. #9
    squark's Avatar
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    vata: 2
    pitta: 6

    And the descriptions in basically the same ratio too. (I don't like the cold, which is vata, everything else is pitta.)

  10. #10
    ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ Birdie's Avatar
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    Tri-doshic means having equal amounts of each doshic influence. The tri-doshic person can be very strong, stable, and adaptable when in balance. When they are out of balance, however, they can experience poor health. The key is to preserving your personal balance is to hone your sensitivity for noticing potential imbalances that may arise from your environment or from dietary or emotional imbalances, and to adopt practices that will counter-balance these influences. For example, in autumn, a tri-doshic person would act if they were a person with a vata constitution and follow a vata-balancing lifestyle and diet. The same is true for the other seasons: Employ a pitta-balancing regimen when the weather is hot and a kapha-balancing regimen when the weather is cold and damp.
    Everything interests me but nothing holds me.

  11. #11
    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    I've taken some of these tests, usually score Pitta/Vata-ish. Either one of those two.
    6/7 Pitta
    3-4/6 Vata
    3/6 Kappa

  12. #12

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    Vatta: 0/7
    Pitta: 7/7
    Kapha: 2/7

  13. #13
    Haikus Pink's Avatar
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    Vatta: 3/6
    Pitta: 3/7
    Kapha: 1/7

  14. #14
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    4 for each. Perfectly balanced. Yippee!
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  15. #15
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I did another test. It is longer.

    The Prakriti diagnosis test given below is a simple test to determine your body composition. Before starting the test please read the following instructions carefully

    This test determines your Ayurvedic dosha based on the answers you supply. So answer all questions honestly.

    Some questions can have more than one answer. Please select the answer which best suits you.

    You can end the test any time after completing 10 questions. Answering maximum number of questions will help you get an accurate result

    This is only a self diagnosis test and it is not meant to substitute the advice provided by a qualified physician or other medical professionals

    Your Body Type / Prakriti is VATA-PITTA
    Since you display qualities of two doshas - vata and pitta, Prakriti test identifies you as VATA-PITTA Prakriti. This means that in your Prakriti no dosha is dominant and yours is a two-dosha type Prakriti. Most people are two-dosha types.

    Vata-Pitta Body Type Characteristics • What to Avoid • Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations

    The following are the characteristics of Vata-Pitta Prakriti

    Of your Vata-Pitta prakriti, Vata predominates your physical traits and Pitta controls your mental traits. This means that you will be thin in build, quick-moving, friendly, and talkative and tend to be more enterprising and sharper of intellect.

    You can perform best in works with intelligence but less hard work like Philosophy, Research & Development, Lawyer, Architecture, Sculpture, Designing etc.

    You many suffer from early fatigue, hypertension & recurrent skin infection, migraine, motion sickness etc...

    Even though you have a good flair for leadership, you may not be able to deliver an effective leadership. You should pay more attention to your anxiety levels. At times your drive for success is very powerful and this often leads to increased stress levels.

    The qualities of vata are dry, cool, mobile, light, subtle and rough whereas the qualities of pitta are hot, sharp, acidic, intense and oily. Although you should not completely avoid foods with similar qualities, make sure you do not consume such foods in large quantities.

    What you should avoid

    Avoid extreme chilled and extreme hot items
    Avoid also fasting & overeating
    Avoid exposing to chilled climate and sunny days
    Avoid frozen, deep fried, greasy, highly spiced, salty, acidic and fast foods
    Avoid stimulating beverages at night.
    Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations

    Eat fresh Veg. food in moderate quantity
    Always eat warm and freshly cooked food
    Make it a habit to have a fruit or a dessert after your dinner
    For exercise choose lighter games like badminton or table-tennis, preferably in doubles
    A slow stroll in a peaceful environment will fetch good health results


    Vata is the foremost of the three Ayurvedic Principles in the body. It governs all movement in the mind and body. It controls blood flow, elimination of wastes, breathing and the movement of thoughts across the mind. It's very important to keep Vata in good balance. The related elements are Air and Ether.

    Common characteristics of people having predominantly Vata constitution

    • Creativity, mental quickness
    • Highly imaginative
    • Quick to learn and grasp new knowledge, but also quick to forget
    • Sexually easily excitable and satiable
    • Slenderness; lightest of the three body types
    • Talk and walk quickly
    • Tendency toward cold hands and feet, discomfort in cold climates
    • Lively, fun-loving personality
    • High energy in short bursts; tendency to tire easily and to overexert
    • Respond to stress with fear, worry, and anxiety, especially when out of balance
    • Tendency to act on impulse
    • Generally have dry skin and dry hair and don't perspire much

    Typical health problems include headaches, hypertension, dry coughs, sore throats, earaches, anxiety, irregular heart rhythms, muscle spasms, lower back pain, constipation, abdominal gas, diarrhea, nervous stomach, menstrual cramps, premature ejaculation and other sexual dys-functions, arthritis. Most neurological disorders are related to Vata imbalance.


    Pitta is a force created by the dynamic interplay of water and fire. These forces represent transformation. It governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature, skin coloration, the luster of the eyes, intelligence, and understanding. Psychologically, pitta arouses anger, hate, and jealousy. The small intestine, stomach, sweat glands, blood, fat, eyes, and skin are the seats of Pitta.

    Common characteristics of people having predominantly Pitta constitution

    • Medium physique, strong, well-built
    • Sharp mind, good concentration powers
    • Orderly, focused
    • Assertive, self-confident, and entrepreneurial at their best; aggressive, demanding, pushy when out of balance
    • Passionate and romantic; sexually have more vigor and endurance than Vatas, but less than Kaphas
    • When under stress, Pittas become irritated and angry
    • Skin fair or reddish, often with freckles; sunburns easily
    • Uncomfortable in sun or hot weather; heat makes them very tired
    • Perspire a lot
    • Good public speakers; also capable of sharp, sarcastic, cutting speech
    • Like to spend money, surround themselves with beautiful objects
    • Subject to temper tantrums, impatience and anger
    • Hair usually fine and straight, tending toward blond or red, typically turns gray early; tendency toward baldness or thinning hair

    Typical physical problems include rashes or inflammations of the skin, acne, boils, skin cancer, ulcers, heartburn, acid stomach, hot sensations in the stomach or intestines, insomnia, bloodshot or burning eyes and other vision problems, anemia, jaundice.


    Kapha is the conceptual equilibrium of water and earth. It maintains body resistance. Water is the main constituent of kapha, and this bodily water is responsible physiologically for biological strength and natural tissue resistance in the body. Kapha is present in the chest, throat, head, sinuses, nose, mouth, stomach, joints, cytoplasm, plasma, and in the liquid secretions of the body such as mucus. Psychologically, kapha is responsible for the emotions of attachment, greed, and long-standing envy. It is also expressed in tendencies toward calmness, forgiveness, and love. The chest is the seat of kapha.

    Common characteristics of people having predominantly Kapha constitution

    • Easygoing, relaxed, slow-paced
    • Affectionate and loving
    • Forgiving, compassionate, nonjudgmental nature, stable and reliable; faithful
    • Physically strong and with a sturdy, heavier build
    • Slow moving and graceful
    • Slower to learn, but never forgets; outstanding long-term memory
    • Slow speech, reflecting a deliberate thought process
    • Soft hair and skin; tendency to have large eyes and a low, soft voice
    • Tend toward being overweight; may also suffer from sluggish digestion
    • Prone to heavy, oppressive depressions
    • Sexually Kaphas are the slowest to be aroused, but they also have the most endurance
    • Slow to anger; strive to maintain harmony and peace in their surroundings
    • Tend to be possessive and hold on to things, people, money

    Physical problems include colds and congestion, sinus headaches, respiratory problems including asthma and wheezing, hay fever, allergies, and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

    Ayurveda has eight specialized branches :
    • Internal medicine
    • Surgery
    • Management of diseases of Eye & ENT
    • Pediatrics
    • Psycho-therapy including Seizures by evil spirits
    • Toxicology
    • Geriatrics
    • Science of aphrodisiacs

    Last edited by Aylen; 03-12-2015 at 07:09 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Ja, it's good. I tend to think I'm a Pitta-Kapha combo, but this test obviously focused lots on physical (and physiological characteristics) - body, skin type, eyes, hair, appetite, food that makes you swoon, weather you dislike etc. And that probably shipped me into Pitta. I'm not always that choleric.

    Pitta is made up of the two elements fire and water. Pitta governs bodily functions concerned with heat, metabolism, and energy production.

    Characteristics of Pitta Body Type

    As an energetic Pitta Prakriti, your personality can be characterized by all or many of these:
    • You are intensely energetic and you thoroughly enjoy every challenge posed by life.
    • You are very courageous and very assertive while expressing your views.
    • You are a sharp and bright intellectual with a sharp tongue, who vehemently opposes anyone standing against your views
    • You love politics and you are willing to debate just about anything with anyone at anytime
    • You are a hot tempered person and possess an exceptionally low tolerance for pain.
    • You are very confident and aggressive, and that helps you remain very competitive
    • Your self-confidence and an entrepreneurial spirit make you a natural leader.
    • You are extremely perceptive and it is almost impossible for anyone to cheat you easily

    Physical Features of Pitta Prakriti

    People with Pitta Prakriti are usually of medium physique but are strong and well-built. They have oily skin prone to rashes and have a rosy, ruddy complexion. They will have fine, light colored hair.

    When you need to balance your Pitta

    • You become irritable, angry, impatient or frustrated very easily, you find yourself in heated arguments several times a day and you are intolerant of mistakes
    • You feel so obsessed with your work that you don't even feel like taking a break
    • You wake up in the very early hours of the day and then find it difficult to get back to sleep
    • Your skin feels irritated or more sensitive than usual causes a burning sensations
    • Your hair falls when you shampoo or comb it
    • You develop problems like heartburn or stomach ulcers
    • You have hunger and thirst
    • You feel hot even when you are indoors


    Dietary Recommendation and some favorable Food Items for Pitta

    Keeping cool is very important for Pitta's fiery energy. Avoid excess oils, fried foods, caffeine and hot spices. Take lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Emphasize sweet, bitter and astringent tastes in your food. Cooling whole grains like barley, wheat and basmati rice are good for pitta.
    Pittas need good amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium and Vitamins. Most oils, salt, alchohol, red meat and hot spices are warming foods and hence harmful for pitta. Most dairy products are cooling in nature but cheeses, sour cream. buttermilk and yogurt are best avoided as their fat can aggravate Pitta.(...)


    Common characteristics of people having predominantly Pitta constitution

    • Medium physique, strong, well-built
    • Sharp mind, good concentration powers
    • Orderly, focused
    • Assertive, self-confident, and entrepreneurial at their best; aggressive, demanding, pushy when out of balance
    • Passionate and romantic; sexually have more vigor and endurance than Vatas, but less than Kaphas
    • When under stress, Pittas become irritated and angry
    • Skin fair or reddish, often with freckles; sunburns easily
    • Uncomfortable in sun or hot weather; heat makes them very tired
    • Perspire a lot
    • Good public speakers; also capable of sharp, sarcastic, cutting speech
    • Like to spend money, surround themselves with beautiful objects
    • Subject to temper tantrums, impatience and anger
    • Hair usually fine and straight, tending toward blond or red, typically turns gray early; tendency toward baldness or thinning hair

    Typical physical problems include rashes or inflammations of the skin, acne, boils, skin cancer, ulcers, heartburn, acid stomach, hot sensations in the stomach or intestines, insomnia, bloodshot or burning eyes and other vision problems, anemia, jaundice.


    Kapha is the conceptual equilibrium of water and earth. It maintains body resistance. Water is the main constituent of kapha, and this bodily water is responsible physiologically for biological strength and natural tissue resistance in the body. Kapha is present in the chest, throat, head, sinuses, nose, mouth, stomach, joints, cytoplasm, plasma, and in the liquid secretions of the body such as mucus. Psychologically, kapha is responsible for the emotions of attachment, greed, and long-standing envy. It is also expressed in tendencies toward calmness, forgiveness, and love. The chest is the seat of kapha.

    Common characteristics of people having predominantly Kapha constitution

    • Easygoing, relaxed, slow-paced
    • Affectionate and loving
    • Forgiving, compassionate, nonjudgmental nature, stable and reliable; faithful
    • Physically strong and with a sturdy, heavier build
    • Slow moving and graceful
    • Slower to learn, but never forgets; outstanding long-term memory
    • Slow speech, reflecting a deliberate thought process
    • Soft hair and skin; tendency to have large eyes and a low, soft voice
    • Tend toward being overweight; may also suffer from sluggish digestion
    • Prone to heavy, oppressive depressions
    • Sexually Kaphas are the slowest to be aroused, but they also have the most endurance
    • Slow to anger; strive to maintain harmony and peace in their surroundings
    • Tend to be possessive and hold on to things, people, money

    Physical problems include colds and congestion, sinus headaches, respiratory problems including asthma and wheezing, hay fever, allergies, and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

    Last edited by Amber; 03-13-2015 at 12:27 AM.

  17. #17


    Your Body Type / Prakriti is PITTA-VATA
    Since you display qualities of two doshas - Pitta and Vata, Prakriti test identifies you as PITTA - VATA Prakriti. This means that in your Prakriti no dosha is predominant and yours is a two-dosha type Prakriti. Most people are two-dosha types. There were points in the VATA - PITTA description, that I also could relate to.

    The following are the characteristics of Pitta-Vata Prakriti
    Of your Pitta-Vata prakriti, Pitta predominates your physical traits and Vata controls your mental traits. People with this body type tend to have a medium build; they are stronger and muscular. They are quick in their movements, have good stamina, and are often assertive. They have stronger digestion and more regular elimination. They have excellent calculation skills, organizational abilities and depth of conviction coupled with imagination, sensibility and adaptability. They may experience a tendency towards both fear and anger, and under stress, they become tense, hard-driven, and insecure. They welcome challenges and tackle problems enthusiastically and often aggressively. However, a low kapha score will reduce the level of their emotional stability and stress tolerance. They can do well in professions that involve calculating abilities and poses enough challenges but little competition like teaching and academics, research and development career, production planning and management, creative marketing (not sales) like product management and computer programming. People with this prakriti are good at developing purposeful relations quickly.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 04-05-2015 at 07:34 AM.

  18. #18
    ouronis's Avatar
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    5 vata 3 pitta 1 kapha

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    Your Body Type / Prakriti is PITTA

    Pitta is made up of the two elements fire and water. Pitta governs bodily functions concerned with heat, metabolism, and energy production.

  20. #20
    Infinity Persephone's Avatar
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    Tried the longer test:

    Your Body Type / Prakriti is PITTA-VATA

    Since you display qualities of two doshas - Pitta and Vata, Prakriti test identifies you as PITTA - VATA Prakriti. This means that in your Prakriti no dosha is predominant and yours is a two-dosha type Prakriti. Most people are two-dosha types.
    The following are the characteristics of Pitta-Vata Prakriti

    Of your Pitta-Vata prakriti, Pitta predominates your physical traits and Vata controls your mental traits. People with this body type tend to have a medium build; they are stronger and muscular.
    They are quick in their movements, have good stamina, and are often assertive.
    They have stronger digestion and more regular elimination.
    They have excellent calculation skills, organizational abilities and depth of conviction coupled with imagination, sensibility and adaptability.
    They may experience a tendency towards both fear and anger, and under stress, they become tense, hard-driven, and insecure.
    They welcome challenges and tackle problems enthusiastically and often aggressively. However, a low kapha score will reduce the level of their emotional stability and stress tolerance.
    They can do well in professions that involve calculating abilities and poses enough challenges but little competition like teaching and academics, research and development career, production planning and management, creative marketing (not sales) like product management and computer programming.
    People with this prakriti are good at developing purposeful relations quickly.

    Lifestyle recommendations for Pitta-Vata Prakriti

    • Drink enough water during the day
    • Make it a habit to have a fruit or dessert immediately after dinner
    • Try to avoid loud music, and energetic dance performances
    • Oil treatments, especially coconut oil, is recommended for your hair and body
    • Try to have a regulated and moderate approach towards every sphere of life
    • Try to get some good rest and quality sleep

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