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    Default Video Type Me!

    I've already answered to the socionics questionnaire questions, but I thought I would make a video too, thought that would be more helpful. What do you think my type is?

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    Quote Originally Posted by McBain View Post
    The three types so far from watching seconds of your video are IEI, ILI and ESI. Those are my initial impressions and not firm conclusions. I can't hear you very well and I don't have headphones to give you more depth.
    Thank you. Sound is crappy and my english too, so I'll post my answers to the questions below.

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    I'll post the approximate answers below, also the link to the thread where I answered to them and talked more about myself - here​.

    Member Questionnaire (Solitude)

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is a trait or set of traits that are desirable or ideal and/or simply awake admiration within us.
    Love is the place where loyalty, devotion, trust and sincerity meet.

    What are your most important values?

    Loyalty, independence, professionalism, trustworthiness, dignity, competence, creativity, knowledge, perfectionism, meticulousness, seriousness.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

    I'd say I'm more of a spiritual than religious person. I only remember of my beliefs when I'm in a difficult situation mostly, but I hold my beliefs because sometimes it reminds me of who I am or what I want to achieve, and it helps me to put things in perspective.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

    I don't like the idea of innocent people being killed. Militaries save people by killing people, but they're a necessity.
    To me, power is a tool that allows the changing of the world in accordance to the desires or visions one has.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

    I've had long philosophical conversations, spiritual and sometimes on morality.
    I'm interested in art, philosophy, psychology, science, innovative ideas, design, games. Most of theese things keep my mind interested and busy, they challenge me to think in more depth, that's why I like them.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    I'm quite curios about health and medicine as a conversation topic. Sometimes I try to set healthy habits for myself, but I cease being consistent after awhile which can be frustrating when I remember or think about it.
    I'm probably less focused on my body than most people around me, I most of the time forget about or ignore my bodily needs.

    What do you think of daily chores?

    I'm perfectly capable of taking care of them, but for the most part I end up procrastinating them in favour of activitites that are more appealing to me. However there are also times when I take care of them right away so I can return to something more important.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

    I read alot, but rarely books lately. I usually read articles on particular subjects that interest me.
    I like books or movies that present a novel perspective on things, horror and psychological movies . I also like fantasy as long as it's not too absurd and it makes one dream without making the ideas presented clash with reality too fast(if they can make one indulge in absurdity just for the sake of dreaming, that's just as good).
    Some of my favourite movies: the Saw series, Inception, V for Vendetta, Insidious, Black Swan, Excision, The Unborn, The Jacket, Transcendence.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Helpless animals, particular people who are helpless in a way and don't deserve what is hapening to them, extreme proof of loyalty, stoicism, trustworthiness, love of someone(not necessarily towards me, it may be a character in a movie or book) really move me.
    Extreme anger can make me cry too.
    Good jokes, idiocy, and some animals like hamsters, mice or dogs can make me smile.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    At home I think.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I don't know, I've been told that I'm arrogant, I take everything too seriously, I should loosen up and have fun, be more sociable, talkative etc. I don't think theese are weaknesses though, they're just negative ways others perceive me.
    I dislike that I find it kind of hard to stand for myself and what I think more and that makes me feel a bit cowardish. I dislike that despite the fact I'm quiet and contained most of the time, I'm quite temperamental and I get angry very fast, and extreme anger makes me cry, violent, shaky, lose control etc., wish I was more self-controled. I wish I was more aware of what and how people are, than go by the mental image I build of them and focus so much on how or what they can be.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    Seriousness, responsability perhaps.
    I like that I'm independent, deep about things, stoic and can be objective.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I'm quite self-reliant.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Sometimes I guess. Usually when I can't manage to get through something easily or as easy as I expect, it makes me feel bad about myself. It's discouraging and sometimes I need some time to reinforce and motivate myself.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

    I like self-sufficient, trustworthy, creative, stoic, kind, ambitios, serious and determined people.
    I dislike superficiality, incompetence, stupidity.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

    Romance is beautiful if you meet someone who truly understands you and loves you deeply. Sex is great, but I can't feel sexually atracted to someone if there are no feelings or at least mutual mental understanding.
    In a partner I want loyalty, trustworthiness, seriousness, stoicism, competence, sincerity.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    I'd make sure the child is knowledgeable, independent, serious and kind. I wouldn't want the child to depend on others, see or act on things in superficial ways.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

    Depends how close/important that person is to me and what beliefs we're talking about.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

    I never had more than 1 or 2 friends at a time, I'm unable to connect to most people. I choose to be friends with like-minded people or at least people who have some things in common with me. My friends say I should talk more and be more outgoing, sociable, I'm usually quieter than them unless we have a conversation I'm very interested in, and then I talk very much. As soon as the conversation is over, my enthusiasm is over too and I go back to my usual self. I'm usually very serious but there are times when I get very silly, not for long though. I like jokes and games alot too, but I think I enjoy talking the most, exchanging information, opinions etc.

    How do you behave around strangers?

    I'm reserved, quiet and have a distant, formal attitude around strangers.
    Last edited by Solitude; 02-28-2015 at 03:10 PM.

  4. #4


    I dislike that despite the fact I'm quiet and contained most of the time, I'm quite temperamental and I get angry very fast, and extreme anger makes me cry, violent, shaky, lose control etc., wish I was more self-controlled.

    What could make you so angry that you lose control?

    I usually read articles on particular subjects that interest me.

    Would you mind to post any examples?

    I like [...] trustworthy [...] people.

    What makes someone trustworthy?

    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 07-12-2015 at 10:49 AM.

  5. #5
    boom boom boom blackburry's Avatar
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    You remind me of perse. (maybe because you look exotic and French).

    Value Ni/Se.
    Beta or gamma introvert feeler.

    I say IEI-Ni or ESI.

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    So different from the way you came across before ....

    Gamma introvert is my first choice, ESI>ILI>IEI.

    The way you defined power as a tool that allows one to change the world in accordance with one's will&vision made me prioritize ESI...but I totally dig how you used both.

    Sx/sp at first sight. E6/5 peak rather than E4-5 imo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mayr View Post
    [1] I dislike that despite the fact I'm quiet and contained most of the time, I'm quite temperamental and I get angry very fast, and extreme anger makes me cry, violent, shaky, lose control etc., wish I was more self-controlled.

    What could make you so angry that you lose control?

    [2] I usually read articles on particular subjects that interest me.

    Would you mind to post any examples?

    [3] I like [...] trustworthy [...] people.

    What makes someone trustworthy?

    1. There aren't many situations when that hapens, but probably they stand out to me because that's about the only time I show what I feel because I lose control. Unfairness, subjectivity, stupid people who hold on their argument without backup etc.
    2. What I meant by 'I usually read articles on particular subjects that interest me.' was: I 'll just research stuff that pick my interest on internet, articles on games, health, psychology, computers and read about them. Sometimes I think about things and ask myself questions, then first thing I do when I have some free time I will search for answers. That's how I spend most of my time.
    3. 'trustworthy' was indeed a bad word for what I wanted to say(I'm bad to articulate things I think, especially things I feel). What I wanted to say was some sort of 'capability' and 'reliability', someone who you can trust that can do the job.

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    For the moment it is still Ni/Se and Fi/Te for me. I still think weak Sensing.

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    Thank you. ESI is nice, I don't know about IEI. Oh, I just saw it below your avatar pic, so you're ESI. ESI's have extrovert sensing, and I don't feel Se Creative at all. Do you feel you can identify with what/how I talk or act?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Solitude View Post
    Thank you. ESI is nice, I don't know about IEI. Oh, I just saw it below your avatar pic, so you're ESI. ESI's have extrovert sensing, and I don't feel Se Creative at all. Do you feel you can identify with what/how I talk or act?
    I think you were referring to Sienna with this question, but I will go ahead and answer as well. Since I'm leaning more towards ESI than IEI.

    I can't actually hear what you're saying in the video as another user pointed out ..

    You might be ESI-Fi (subtype) which would put less emphasis on Se and more on Fi.

    Which type do you find more attractive as dual, SLE (Se/Ti) or LIE (Te/Ni)?

  11. #11
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    I get a Gamma introvert vibe.
    And your English is good if you are French

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    SLE- The idea of a Fe valuing partner doesn't seem very appealing to me(and I don't think I have any Fe to offer to an SLE lol), been there, just no. Plus the Fi PoLR...
    LIE- I was considering LIE for myself in the beginning. My both Si and Fe are very weak(or so I think).
    ---But if I were to choose from the two, I think with a LIE the mutual understanding would be greater and we could have nice conversations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kore View Post
    I get a Gamma introvert vibe.
    And your English is good if you are French
    Thank you! I'm not French though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Solitude View Post
    Thank you! I'm not French though.
    I know you are not.
    It's all @blackburry's fault, she compared me to you

    I go with ESI>ILI for the moment, maybe will change my mind later.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kore View Post
    I know you are not.
    It's all @blackburry's fault, she compared me to you

    I go with ESI>ILI for the moment, maybe will change my mind later.
    Thank you!

  16. #16
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    You're so pretty *_*

    Looks aside, my impression of you based on this video is ESI or IEI.

    Looking Forward to seeing more posts from you.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by McBain View Post
    The three types so far from watching seconds of your video are IEI, ILI and ESI. Those are my initial impressions and not firm conclusions. I can't hear you very well and I don't have headphones to give you more depth.

    Update: @Solitude I think you're Fi-ESI based on your answers to your questions and VI -- you have Fi eyes imo.
    Thanx, looks like everyone agrees(although I'm wondering what's so Se about me lol).

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    @Solitude Something struck me as a little too forceful for IEI, gamma and ESI is possible, although I am not 100% sure, I did not watch your whole video, but what I saw was some variance in that energy I observed, hmmm do you have lots of what's stereotypically referred to as N interests?

    Time will tell, nice vid

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pink View Post
    You're so pretty *_*

    Looks aside, my impression of you based on this video is ESI or IEI.

    Looking Forward to seeing more posts from you.
    Thank you, other people mentioned IEI as well, I'm curious what exactly makes me look like an IEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    @Solitude Something struck me as a little too forceful for IEI, gamma and ESI is possible, although I am not 100% sure, I did not watch your whole video, but what I saw was some variance in that energy I observed, hmmm do you have lots of what's stereotypically referred to as N interests?

    Time will tell, nice vid
    'variance in that energy I observed'- what do you mean by that?
    I'm not very familiar with 'what's stereotypically referred to as N interests' or 'what's stereotypically referred to as S interests', I like adrenaline, danger, adventure but I don't go for it by myself. I find it hard to engage in the external world if it's out of routine or smth that needs to be done. As a kid I was very energetic and stuff(always ran away from trouble though), but also very quiet and analytical. Now I find myself less energetic, but just as 'inside my head'. I like solving puzzels, problems, assessing potential. Se Ego is supposed to be very receptive of what's happening around them, I'm not like that at all. I used to play cards with a Se Ego friend and he would exchange cards right in front of me, yet I never realized until a 3rd person watched us playing LOL. I think I've always been an air-head in that respect.
    Curious if all ESI's are that way(considering I'm an ESI).

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    Quote Originally Posted by McBain View Post
    What about Se doesn't resonate with you?
    The fact that Se pays attention to what's happening around and act on what they want. 'Se is about achieving an object of desire. It gives one the ability to influence, bend, and push situations and people in order to achieve such an object, rather than to enjoy the situation one is in. - See more at:'

    I'm very competitive and sometimes I might know what to do to get what I want, but I find myself unable to do so, as if I'd lack the power to do so. I can't even stand for myself or what I think unless it's something very important to me(which is why I said in the video I feel cowardish).

  22. #22
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    I'm ESI- Se and I fluctuate between being very oblivious and being very observant. ...I'm rarely aggressive and only when I'm extremely anger over something.
    I think between Fi and Se subtypes you seem more Fi than Se. so you'd fit very well with LIE-Te. the more pragmatic less airy version of LIEs (Ni subtypes are lovely but from those I've met are extremely frustrating and rarely reach their goals or potential).

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    Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
    I'm ESI- Se and I fluctuate between being very oblivious and being very observant. ...I'm rarely aggressive and only when I'm extremely anger over something.
    I think between Fi and Se subtypes you seem more Fi than Se. so you'd fit very well with LIE-Te. the more pragmatic less airy version of LIEs (Ni subtypes are lovely but from those I've met are extremely frustrating and rarely reach their goals or potential).
    I see, thank you for sharing that. I was wondering what kind of relationship do you have with Si and Fe as an ESI? Having strong Se and Fi comes with fairly strong Si and Fe, even if unvalued, do you feel socially awkward, anxious when you have to meet people you never met before, forget to take meals and remember about them only when you feel sick etc.?
    I've been severely anxious most of my life and just recently realized it(I also have bruxism), I'm anxious about new or important things, and sometimes I start shaking and sweating when talking with someone important, or when many people are listening to me, paying attention or scrutinising me(after the first half of the video I started to feel very weird, and started to sweat and shake too). I usually detach from myself to get over theese things, but when I try to be honest with what I say or even worse, feel, I'm getting extremely weird.
    Would any of theese things be usual to an ESI?

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    Or we could examine PoLR. Between Ne PoLR and Fe PoLR, which one do you feel makes more sense? Alternatively, would you say you perceive Ne better than you do Fe and vice-versa? Taking the socionics jargon, out, what do you feel your real weaknesses are based on what you know of yourself as well as based on outside feedback? What are your real strengths? The questionnaire is okay but doesn't really tell me much about your mental strengths, weaknesses, and capability.

    And I still hold to the ILI typing, but since you are wavering between ESI and ILI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Solitude View Post
    I see, thank you for sharing that. I was wondering what kind of relationship do you have with Si and Fe as an ESI? Having strong Se and Fi comes with fairly strong Si and Fe, even if unvalued, do you feel socially awkward, anxious when you have to meet people you never met before, forget to take meals and remember about them only when you feel sick etc.?
    I've been severely anxious most of my life and just recently realized it(I also have bruxism), I'm anxious about new or important things, and sometimes I start shaking and sweating when talking with someone important, or when many people are listening to me, paying attention or scrutinising me(after the first half of the video I started to feel very weird, and started to sweat and shake too). I usually detach from myself to get over theese things, but when I try to be honest with what I say or even worse, feel, I'm getting extremely weird.
    Would any of theese things be usual to an ESI?
    I can't speak for any ESIs, but simply sounds like social anxiety which is NTR (not type related). Granted, my ESI mom experienced similar things as a child. I know an ILI who deals with the same thing. Again, I'd say it's social anxiety and isn't relevant to type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by McBain View Post
    @Solitude Have you read this?

    Which of the four do you identify with the most?

    (My take is that it's between IJ and IP)
    I have read that before, I find it a bit ambiguous tbh and I don't trust it, but I'll answer anyway.

    I think I'm Dynamic, not very sure if Rational or Irrational.
    I don't think I'm an IJ, I may appear calm and inert but I don't think inside I am that way. My gait is mobile(IP) and very fast, faster than over 80% of the people I saw in my whole life, my mood isn't very stable, it can change for little reasons, I'm quite introverted, yet I find myself fidgeting, playing with pens, paper and other things, especially when I'm talking or thinking deeply(E), I'm unable to both, initiate and maintain relationships(Not EP, not IJ?).
    'IP temperament [...]
    As introverts, IPs tend to be relaxed and somewhat passive about initiating relationships with other people, mostly assuming that others will take the initiative.' <- THIS

    I think EJ traits fit me better than IJ, except I'm not an extrovert.
    EP is just too much for me
    EJ and IP are closer, but I doubt I'm an extrovert.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    Or we could examine PoLR. Between Ne PoLR and Fe PoLR, which one do you feel makes more sense? Alternatively, would you say you perceive Ne better than you do Fe and vice-versa? Taking the socionics jargon, out, what do you feel your real weaknesses are based on what you know of yourself as well as based on outside feedback? What are your real strengths? The questionnaire is okay but doesn't really tell me much about your mental strengths, weaknesses, and capability.

    And I still hold to the ILI typing, but since you are wavering between ESI and ILI.
    I have no problem with Ne, but at some point it may be boring and even irritating to me. My sister is Ne seeking and she likes challenging people into Ne questions and conversations, she's always curious about the things I say because she says she could never come up with my conclusions or ideas, and I can see her so energized, but I can't do this for long, boredom and irritation strike fast. I usually easily recognize the potential of people, situations and outcomes, but I only use it in order to asssess the probablities, I don't care so much about the whole bunch of possibilities, and I'm very not interested in talking about them either.don't think

    As for Fe, although I'm quite sure I don't value it, I still wonder about it sometimes, and then I tend to verify again, read about it again, make sure again lol. It's probably because I try to fit in and not offend people, I try to be polite, avoid conflict and behave as usual as possible, because I don't like to stand out, especially in a bad way. So because of this sometimes I might think I value Fe, or have a strong Fe. (or maybe I do? I never understood Fe well)
    'Fe is generally associated with the ability to recognize and convey (i.e. make others experience) passions, moods, and emotional states, generate excitement, liveliness, and feelings, get emotionally involved in activities and emotionally involve others, recognize and describe emotional interaction between people and groups, and build a sense of community and emotional unity.'<- I've never felt any emotional unity with people or groups, I always liked to be by myself, don't like to get involved with others

    'Types that value Fe like creating a visible atmosphere of camaraderie with other people. They enjoy a loose atmosphere where anything goes, where people don't have to watch too carefully what they say for fear of offending others. This means these types try not to be too thin-skinned, taking jokes with a grain of salt.'<- I can't create such amosphere with other people

    'they believe that the silent treatment is one of the worst things you can do to a person, and only aggravates the underlying problem.' <- I prefer the silent treatment rather than being engaged by stupid people. Sometimes I wish people would just ignore me.

    One more thing that makes me think I'm rather a Te than Fe valuer is that as a kid, in school I hated when teachers adopted a friendly attitude, I always saw that as unprofessional
    and saw them as immature, even if I was just a kid. I very much preferred teachers and people with a more formal attitude, in general they seemed more reliable to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by McBain View Post
    That's fine -- most of this stuff is ambiguous anyway and not absolute, thus any typings made by other forum members ought not to be taken all that seriously either. It's just to get you talking about yourself in the context of Socionics. It's all tenuous pieces to a puzzle.

    Have you ever looked into Reinin dichotomies? If so, which ones resonate with you the most?

    Calculator that helps keep track and narrows down potential typings:

    Further literature on the subject and each dichotomy:

    I'm familiar with those. I'll go with the first link, the traits I'm more positive about are: Introvert, Declaring, Objective and Democratic- I usually end up as ILI using the Reinin Dichotomies.

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    Ok, another angle - working backwards does anything sound off in this typing to you @Solitude? ILI-Ni 5w4

    You seem to value Ni&Se - > Beta or Gamma
    and devalue Fe - > Gamma
    consider yourself an introvert, video (if it's your natural state) doesn't contradict this - > ILI or ESI
    you describe lack of Fe in yourself and difficulty expressing feelings (could indicate Fe PoLR), mention trouble standing up for yourself (could indicate weak Se), mention detachement from bodily needs (weak sensing), mention detachement under stress (could be indicative of e5 detachement depending on other factors), trouble controlling emotions when they do come out (again could indicate Fe PoLR & weak Se), need of external push to do the things you find exciting (could be Se-seeking or just Ip temperament in general) - > ILI

    Does SEE-Se sound like smn you could get on with? Would provide some excitement and action without pushing for Fe displays, values Fi so the Se has different flavour than that of SLEs'...

    Some of this stuff could be NTR, but for the sake of this excercise let's assume it is type related...

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    Your language is close to LII, but something maybe out of place in you to be Alpha quadra is a complete focus on seriousness. You don't have to relate with the IJ temperament. I didn't for a long time. I think of myself as more exciting than that. However people in themselves don't stimulate me, so I imagine most of what I do and say around others is boring. I only "come alive" when I'm around others who like what I like, value being reasonable and conscientious over being selfish, and don't see being silly as being superficial necessarily(however, there are exceptions to this and I can see an LII like you and an ILI like me).

    To differentiate between ILI and LII, it would help to look at both your very strongest functions and your weakest ones. ILI and LII are both strong in the same things, but devalue what the other values. For example, LII values Ti as its base function, and ILI has it demonstratively, while LII has ILI's ego as demonstrative(both 4D, but demonstrative is unvalued while base is valued). ILI's suggestive function(Se)-the thing that they are bad at but the thing that LII's are bad at and hate with a passion. LII's suggestive(Fe) is ILI's PoLR as well.

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    The hate for people and social niceties sounds like suedehead. another user who I type as ESI-Fi (he also has a hard type seeing himself as a certain type and swiches back and forth between how he views types regarding his beliefs/behaviors etc).

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    eh...... LIIs are very silly when in the company of Fe/Si. I'm pretty good friends with about 4 LIIs and although we have great conversations sometimes, they are giddy for Fe. literally.

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    You remind me of scapegrace.

    [seen scape on cam]

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by aisa View Post
    Ok, another angle - working backwards does anything sound off in this typing to you @Solitude? ILI-Ni 5w4

    You seem to value Ni&Se - > Beta or Gamma
    and devalue Fe - > Gamma
    consider yourself an introvert, video (if it's your natural state) doesn't contradict this - > ILI or ESI
    you describe lack of Fe in yourself and difficulty expressing feelings (could indicate Fe PoLR), mention trouble standing up for yourself (could indicate weak Se), mention detachement from bodily needs (weak sensing, could be indicative of e5 detachement depending on other factors), trouble controlling emotions when they do come out (again could indicate Fe PoLR & weak Se), need of external push to do the things you find exciting (could be Se-seeking or just Ip temperament in general) - > ILI

    Does SEE-Se sound like smn you could get on with? Would provide some excitement and action without pushing for Fe displays, values Fi so the Se has different flavour than that of SLEs'...

    Some of this stuff could be NTR, but for the sake of this excercise let's assume it is type related...

    I'm suspecting ILI, yes, but it might also be my introversion or other factors that are not type related that could hide something else. I find ILI as the closest of how I am, and I relate to alot of things of ILI - Reinin Dichotomines, Romantic attitude etc. (but still, you never know, I considered that I might be seeing myself different than how other people would see me, hence the video and need for your opinion).

    As for SEE's- I always liked the way I think and stuff, but I have a SEE coworker whom I really appreciate. If I were to change my way of thinking or acting I would consider SEE among the first ones. I find her way of thinking and acting very refreshing, I love how she manages to be so bold in such a refined manner.

    Anyway, I think I might be ILI and there are some things that point to that direction, but I try not to shut down other possibilities just yet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    Your language is close to LII, but something maybe out of place in you to be Alpha quadra is a complete focus on seriousness. You don't have to relate with the IJ temperament. I didn't for a long time. I think of myself as more exciting than that. However people in themselves don't stimulate me, so I imagine most of what I do and say around others is boring. I only "come alive" when I'm around others who like what I like, value being reasonable and conscientious over being selfish, and don't see being silly as being superficial necessarily(however, there are exceptions to this and I can see an LII like you and an ILI like me).

    To differentiate between ILI and LII, it would help to look at both your very strongest functions and your weakest ones. ILI and LII are both strong in the same things, but devalue what the other values. For example, LII values Ti as its base function, and ILI has it demonstratively, while LII has ILI's ego as demonstrative(both 4D, but demonstrative is unvalued while base is valued). ILI's suggestive function(Se)-the thing that they are bad at but the thing that LII's are bad at and hate with a passion. LII's suggestive(Fe) is ILI's PoLR as well.

    I used to get LII alot on tests, but I ignored that because I can't get along with Alphas(or perhaps I met the wrong Alphas, who knows), plus I appreciate Te atitude better, but who knows.

    Just curious: what about my language looks like LII?

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    Looked briefly and ILI seems alright. Gamma vibes and seem like an introverted / valuing type. I'll probably see if I can come to a firmer conclusion or help with the process after my nap.

    P.S. Lady Si admittedly thinks her type is the hottest so you, along with many celebrities, get typed as ESI by her on that basis, lol. (Ok, exaggerating to push her buttons).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    You remind me of scapegrace.

    [seen scape on cam]

    Who, me?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Solitude View Post
    Who, me?
    Yes. There are pics around. Not sure if she has a video though. I think she is typed ILI usually.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I watched the video a bit and my thought process was, I, IP, Ni, anti-Fe, could she be ILI, could I be misreading the Ni and so she's Delta, but no she's not Delta, must be Gamma, Sx, Sp . . . and so on. My mom is ILI, I could definitely see this as your type.

    ESI is usually a typing I overlook until someone points it out, though.

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    You're exactly the same as @Kore in her first video (NOT saying you're the same type).

    From your answers, Gamma introvert for sure, let's go with ILI 5w4. You definitely seem like you'd be allergic to Fe.

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