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Thread: Function Clarifier Test

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    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Default Function Clarifier Test

    Got this in an email and thought I'd share.

    Instructions: To identify your preferred functions, rank the following eight descriptions from 1-8, with 1 being the most descriptive of your historical personality and 8 being the least. Use each number only once.

    a.___I am a take-charge, no-nonsense type of person. I’m not afraid to take the lead or issue directives or correctives to others. My mind seems to work quite efficiently and decisively. It is typically easy for me to make decisions, give advice or instructions, and get things done without getting bogged down with emotional concerns. Others see me as firm and forthright, perhaps even blunt. I enjoy staying busy and using my time effectively. On the whole, I take a rational approach to life and can feel uncomfortable or inadequate in emotional situations. I’m more inclined to offer advice than to spend time commiserating. Consequently, I’m most comfortable in work-related situations, especially when analyzing problems, completing tasks, or issuing directives. I also enjoy thinking about strategies and logistics, or ways of making systems or processes more efficient and productive.

    b.___ In some respects, I feel like an alien in the world. I am more of an observer and analyzer of life than a participant. This can make it scary for me to act or make big changes in my life. Typically, my mind is fairly zen-like, characterized by a state of relaxed awareness that straddles the conscious and unconscious mind. In this state, my mind is not restless or flooded with random ideas, but is generally calm and synchronized. When presented with a problem, my mind works in a unified way to simultaneously see different perspectives and “realize” answers. At times, these answers or insights can come suddenly and all at once, like a tidal wave of knowing; for me, there is a real difference between believing something and knowing something. I can get discouraged, however, when others don’t seem to understand or respond to my insights with a similar sense of conviction. In many cases, people seem to disregard my insights, suggest I’m being too negative or pessimistic, or think I’m blowing things out of proportion. But I’m simply being honest, calling things as I see them, and in most cases, I’m eventually proven right. Indeed, I see it as my primary role to perceive things accurately and correct false perceptions—to bring the truth to light. Despite seeming opinionated and strong-minded, it is not unusual for others to turn to me for answers, insights, or advice.

    c.___I spend a fair amount of time surveying and weighing my personal feelings and values. Since it is important that I live a moral and authentic life, I see it as important to consider exactly what that means and might look like for me. I need time to listen to what my heart and conscience tell me is right. I think the world would be a better place if everyone learned to tune into his or her inner moral compass. Part of my moral code involves “fighting for the underdogs”—those who are poor, sick, disabled, victims of injustice, or otherwise find themselves in unfortunate circumstances. I also enjoy caring for children, plants, animals, or whatever personally affects or moves me. I have the ability to deeply empathize with others. When I imagine myself in others’ shoes, I feel for them and it inspires me to respond. Others typically see me as a good listener—empathetic and non-judgmental. At times, I can feel emotionally over-burdened, having internalized others’ pain and struggles. When it comes to emotions, I tend to be more of a receiver than an a expresser. I manage my feelings on my own rather than unloading them onto others. I therefore feel that most people don’t really know me or see what is most important to me.

    d.___I am a “people person.” I’m generally warm and personable, with a knack for making quick connections with people. I like to talk and routinely enjoy conversation with friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers. Generally speaking, I am firm and forthright in expressing my views and opinions. While typically tactful, I am reluctant to let my voice go unheard. I enjoy teaching, managing, and directing people, helping them to be and achieve their very best. In many ways, I feel responsible for the emotional well-being and success of others. I want them to excel, both individually and interpersonally. I enjoy finding ways of bringing people together, helping them communicate and get on the same emotional page. If I’m being honest, I’m really not as good at listening to others as I am at advising or teaching them. On more than one occasion, I have been guilty of giving unsolicited advice or opening my mouth when I probably shouldn’t have. Nevertheless, people often turn to me for support and guidance regarding their lives and relationships.

    e.___I am generally a person of routine. I see no problem with continuing to do things the way they have been done in the past, with sticking to the “tried and true.” Doing so makes life simpler and keeps things consistent. I tend to agree with the old saying, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” I don’t understand why so many people think it’s a good idea to modify or abandon time-tested methods or traditions (i.e., The Constitution, religious traditions, etc.). I personally believe that if something has been resilient enough to stand the test of time, it’s probably worth preserving and protecting. I enjoy reflecting on my personal past, as well as various traditions—familial, religious, historical, political, etc.—that are important to me. I feel safe, secure, nostalgic, and reassured when I reflect on these things. When it comes to money and material goods, I tend to be fairly conservative. I am typically careful not to be wasteful or extravagant in my expenditures. When it comes to work, I like to know exactly what the rules and procedures are so I can do my job properly. I feel the details of a job are important and should not be ignored or overlooked. Others see me as a loyal, reliable, dutiful, and responsible.

    f.___I am a fun-loving person who relishes spontaneous action. I don’t waste time over-thinking things. I usually perform better and enjoy myself more when I just do what comes naturally. I love taking in new experiences and sensations—new sights, sounds, tastes, and so on. I enjoy using my hands and losing myself in activities such as sports, sex, cooking, driving, dancing, shopping, exercising, and the like. If given a choice, I prefer to be up and moving around rather than sitting. I tend to get restless fairly quickly and am happier when I’m being active. I’m not a terribly abstract person and have never been a huge fan of book learning. I’d rather learn from experience than from books or lectures. In my view, experience is probably life’s best teacher. I’m also a highly observant person. I tend to notice and recall details that others may overlook. Keeping pace with current styles and fashions is also fun for me, including things like trendy cars, phones, fashions, hairstyles, decor, etc.

    g.___Independence, autonomy, and personal freedom are among my highest values; some people might even call me a loner. While I have little interest or aptitude in leading or managing others, I also don’t want people controlling me or telling me what to do. When working within a system or organization, I often find myself at odds with it and end up looking for ways to circumvent what I see as unnecessary rules or inefficient methods. This of course can be anxiety-producing, so working for myself is probably my best option. Perhaps more than anything, I want to find work that I enjoy; my work is of utmost importance to me. Unfortunately, finding my ideal work has been difficult due to my strong need for autonomy, as well recurrent indecisiveness about what I should be doing. Efficiency is another of my top priorities. Thinking of time as a currency for accomplishment, I can be rather impatient when it comes to navigating unexpected hurdles or obstacles. Outwardly, I present as easygoing and affable, readily adapting and meshing to the social context. Inwardly, I am far more serious and resolute, constantly thinking about my work or projects and what my next step should be.

    h.___I have a restless and active (some might even say hyperactive) mind. It is constantly generating new ideas and seeing new connections, associations, and possibilities (“the possibilities are endless!”). I often see random connections or parallels between things that others fail to see or appreciate. I love playing with words, ideas, associations, and quips. Compelled to explore and exhaust all the options and possibilities, I struggle to make decisions or draw firm conclusions. When a promising new idea or possibility comes to me, I tend to get really excited and want to share it with others. Unfortunately, the excitement often wanes once the novelty wears off or the idea proves less tenable. These ups and downs can make it hard for me to stick with one thing or to finish what I start. Since I tend to bounce from one idea and interest to the next, I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever accomplish anything important. I know I have a lot of creative potential, but I often struggle to harness and focus it. Others may see me as quirky, chatty, distractible, inquisitive, creative, unconventional, and open-minded.

    ScoringRecord your rankings below:___ a. = Te ***___ b. = Ni___ c. = Fi___ d. = Fe___ e. = Si___ f. = Se___ g. = Ti___ h. = Ne

  2. #2
    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    My score.
    1- Ni (Undoubtedly and great description too, true in real life and even true for my interactions on this forum).
    2- Fe
    3- Fi
    4- Ne (close with Fi)
    5- Ti
    6- Se (these last three are close)
    7- Te
    8- Si

  3. #3
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I didn't score myself but by these descriptions.

    Te and Fe polr (today)

    So what type am I?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  4. #4

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    High Ni & Ne.
    Then some Fi, Fe, Ti & Te.
    Then the remainder.

  5. #5
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    My Fe is back in check today.

    I was just having an E4 meltdown yesterday.

    I got the same email, btw.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  6. #6
    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I didn't score myself but by these descriptions.

    Te and Fe polr (today)

    So what type am I?
    This is kinda Jungian from an MBTI take probably so a bit different from Socionics. In MBTI, NiFe or INFJ would be Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si. I scored lowest on Te and Si. Intuition and Feeling should still be the easiest to use but Ne and Fi are unconscious like it is in Socionics. Like I notice how I ignore or oppose with the coworker I told you about. He says shit like "the possibilities are endless" and points out all the opportunities I've just missed and says I have trouble thinking on my feet (not sure how true that is). He once had to grab my head and move me in every direction of the possibilities since I didn't see them, it was funny. He says in his own words that I get so focused that I get tunnel vision and miss out on the opportunities around me as well as being unaware of my surroundings. He kinda looks at it as being lost in thought or overthinking (which, in comparison to an extravert, is an understandable perspective). I think Ne kinda turns on when he brings my attention to it but yeah, he put light to my Ne ignoring or opposing (Beebe).

    With you, functions could still be INFJ. A stronger Fi than Fe seems unsurprising though (maybe fits 4D Fi used often in private use). With Ni, what sticks out the most about you from the description is the alien feeling, observing more than participating and possibly it being scary for you to make big changes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    I got the same email, btw.
    I figured you would.

  7. #7
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    I think my order goes something like this:

    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  8. #8
    ■■■■■■ Radio's Avatar
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    Fi > Ni > Ti > Si > Fe > Ne > Se > Te

  9. #9
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    B -> G -> C

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    Te > Se > Fi > Ni > Ti > Si > Fe > Ne

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    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post
    Check first post in this thread for answer.

  12. #12
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    The easiest placement choices were Ti, Fe, and Se.

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