Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird View Post
Marista, would you say SLI(especially the Te subtype) with E8 could be like this too, or perhaps LSI, which I've also considered for my husband? Because he doesn't like me to be around certain people either (like my SEE sister who he hates) who he thinks is a bad influence, and can be kind of controlling, sharp and straight forward as well. Activity relationship does sound right for us, so I would think if he was LSI, I would be IEI, If LSE I'd be IEE, SLI and I'd be EII... He's definitely either of the three. What's the best way to discern between these three types (He looks EJ, much like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it could be similar height and build, but they move similarly). What's the most noticeable differences between the three in your opinion? He's definitely E8 and I don't think that's common for SLI? Does anyone know if that's common?

Edit: If anyone has any ideas, just quote me, and the answers can be moved here so I'm not getting the thread way off topic:
My best guess is that he's E8 sli. They look and act like the ideal lse without the judgemental and harshness or rather the angerness of an lse. Sli try to tease and lighten moods and they are not as concerned about surrounding esthetics as an lse would be since that is external.