How does something form, something that is important to you, that you value?

I think there is a part that can be happening in stillness and silence, where you might instinctually feel resonance with something you are engaging with and a part in living/feeling and evaluating. It just happens for everyone by just living and what someone can carry within them, is not always easy to put into words. Maybe instinctually it is sometimes easier to put into action.

When the end is all that matters, why do we need to think about internal things and about intention. Because it can show us where we want to steer something or where something might be heading.
Why do we look at candidates in an election regarding their ‘standpoints’- their base points. Because we want to know where something might be going. So internal is one thing. Execution the other.

So we established the look from both sides of the medal.

Inside yourself you feel your basis and your compass. I believe that the process is about developing the sense for it, the thinking/logic, the feeling by being there.
I feel it as an inner fundament and compass and it can give you sense/intelligence for dealing with others and yourself and other things in life, I think.

And an inner compass might give you strength and inner stability. What you have inside flow into your actions and influence the dynamics outside.
Like and an internal anchor point where outside dynamics move about. Every decision on the way, might need a new hearing inside, to determine if you are grounded with sth. happening outside.

Otherwise you might steer around but you might not like, where you have ended.
So the process-in real time? Developing, not ‘ready made’.

From inner to connection to sth outside.

From a sense of inner working and a sense of interpersonal working you feel that people also have a sense for the bigger picture. Your inner connection to it. Or your view of yourself in the whole of all people.
Now at this point I don’t get your ‘higher instance’. I can believe in the sense of a bigger picture of your internal strength in trying to get a good outcome, but here it is:

With goals that cannot be accomplished by one person alone, you have a lot of people with different thoughts and values and experiences who now have to get together, to accomplish something.
I don’t think of it like big daddy in the sky watching you like how it is often when it goes with morals and good and bad. Like thumbs up, thumbs down, me likey, or you better not.

How does a higher instance come to ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in the bigger context.*** If you view it as a personal dominance (moral authority) thing you are actually back at the personal.
Death, destruction and hunger is the bad outcome. Then I think it’s back at execution dynamics and skills to prevent or to get a better outcome.

Honestly no idea on ‘moral authority’ ‘übermensch’ for me.

*** This also with Karma. I mean when Karma is, like how it often is, the feeling of my extended ‘spiritual’ arm. Me not likey with something and ‘Karma’ will manage for me. Karma as the ‘higher instance’. Then you are back at the personal again and with the bigger picture, you should actually be at the complete opposite. Like it is not looking at the personal, it’s looking at everything, when you think about it as this benevolent ‘good’ force. lmao may the force be with you.