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Thread: Member Questionnaire (Mayr)

  1. #1

    Default Member Questionnaire (Nevra)

    Member Questionnaire

    What is beauty? What is love?

    Something is beautiful when it has impact. It should hit me in the gut and move me. Like when I think back about it after a long time and still feel the connection, that it stayed with me. Love is subjective.

    What are your most important values?
    I need a goal in life, something I can strive for.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don’t believe in God.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War is violence. I abhor violence.
    Power is Power. No clue how to describe it further.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Dunno not much of a talker most of the time irl. I pursue my interests in private.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I don’t discuss my bodily functions with people.
    I’m neglectful of my body. Sometimes people have to remind me to eat.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    I don’t think about them. I just do, what I think needs to be done that day.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    Recently watched:
    The Philadelphia Story - funny dialogue
    L’Eclisse - very subtle despiction of two people who might be in love, but it leads nowhere, it was not enough*
    La Notte - the ending kinda moved me, subtle despiction of the death of a relationship and the resulting feeling of emptiness and ‚what now?‘*
    * just my personal ramble

    Reading material: I don’t know. I like to read, but I wouldn’t consider me to be very well read (compared to other people). I like crime novels (lol) and books that really go deep into peoples psyches, like when they reflect about their life. I also like books with a set of characters and the analysis of the the relationship each character has with each other.

    Last thing that really left a deep impression was a book about a women who was locked up/held captured by her rapist and the ongoing psychological battle she had with him. Yeah that's morbid but idk...

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I cry when I’m very stressed and pissed (seldom though).
    I smile at people, I like and dogs. My smile can sometimes be more of the internal kind.
    Sometimes it's nice to keep things inside, where other people cannot see them.
    Oscar Wilde and funny animal videos always make me lol.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Anywhere I can be alone and feel at one with myself.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Real ‚character flaws‘: bottling up of /repression of anger, it’s boiling beneath the surface for some time and then I might explode (seldom) or implode and regret it. I dislike that very much about me.

    I also think, that I’m not very aware of my emotions most of the time. Like the real emotions, not thinking or rationalizations. Like I just do my things and then stuff happens and it‘s very hard for me to feel out what’s going on, like there is idk... and then I just shrug it off and move on and then like some time later it, (out of the blue) it might catch up with me and I start to feel overwhelmed. I hate that surfacing of raw emotion. I like to feel calm and collected.

    I thinks that's also one of the reasons why I can’t stand being around highly charged emotional environments. Like they disrupt my inner calm world and I just can‘t deal with that. I think some people might pick that up about me and think of me as cold, not caring and that I should work on it and be open to people and their stuff, let the emotion happen and yeah... idk.

    I can also be nervous about minor things. I can get touchy then and might overreact about stuff. I'm trying to be more relaxed about that.
    There are probably more things. But that’s enough for today.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Perseverance, Optimism

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I don’t want help dealing with my life.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes, and then I get over myself.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Going with the people that I know longest and feel at ease with:
    People who can forgive. I find that really admirable.
    People who are kind. Kind people always make me calmer and I feel more at ease.

    I dislike: Violence, Getting at me with an overbearing, demanding and pressuring attitude.
    I can get extremely mulish and irrationally stubborn when that happens

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I think above all I want to feel connected. Like the other person feels real to me.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would be really afraid that I couldn’t love/stand my child.
    No idea what ‚measures‘ one would take then.
    Like practical matters, sooner or later I will be able to manage.
    But resenting my child, that would scare me.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Actions before Words.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I have no clue how I would ‚choose‘ it’s more like there is something (intuitive decision?)
    I behave, how I behave.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Reserved, calm, contained. Sometimes nervous and high strung.

    Sorry about punctuation and grammar. I always have been crappy about that.
    Tbh this Questionnaire kinda sucks, the questions are so... idk abstract?
    General thoughts I have: I‘m not a logical type. I’m not a p.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 10-10-2015 at 07:02 AM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Not sure if I said it already but welcome to the forum. I love Oscar Wilde.
    Last edited by Aylen; 01-10-2015 at 05:09 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  3. #3
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    Why are you sure you're not logical?

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    From the very beginning I've had the impression Mayr is a Sensing type ...this Q-nnaire kinda confirms it.

    Rational seems to work -- possibly LSI or my Identical.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    Why are you sure you're not logical?
    Logical Type - Te, Ti in Ego Block. Flexibility (fraiming, refraiming of data), logical ad hoc assessment of my surroundings and a certain self confidence in presenting data, should be a deep ingrained part of myself. But looking at my general modus operandi, I am somebody who prepares, who needs time, who mulls over stuff, who seems to be more rigid (going one path) etc. That just shows me that It's not a deep ingrained part of myself, of my Ego - so to speak. I have to develop strength there.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 04-05-2015 at 07:48 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mayr View Post
    Logical Type - Te, Ti in Ego Block and 4D .
    Flexibility (fraiming, refraiming of data), Logical Ad hoc assessment of my surroundings and a certain self confidence in presenting data, should be a deep ingrained part of myself. But looking at my general modus operandi, I am somebody who prepares, who needs time, who mulls over stuff, who seems to be more rigid (going one path) etc. That just shows me that It's not a deep ingrained part of myself, of my Ego - so to speak. I have to develop strength there.
    I would look at the root of all that stuff. Are you rigid because you think you have the best way or because you can't see the other ways? Needing time doesn't indicate weak just means you want to have a good answer(possibly).

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    I would look at the root of all that stuff. Are you rigid because you think you have the best way or because you can't see the other ways? Needing time doesn't indicate weak just means you want to have a good answer(possibly).
    I think the root of this is - and that's why I'm not going with logical type for myself - fear. That's why -- one path. New path -- unknown.
    So it's more, no confidence in your logical capacity and therefore a weakness to defend it against probing and tests (e.g. testing it against the unknown).
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 04-05-2015 at 10:18 AM. Reason: spelling

  8. #8


    So. I have decided on Ij for myself. Regarding the rest -- I'm not so sure about my intuition and sensing functions. I think I may lack the idk abstractness of Ne. But my tendency to not grab Se and go with it shows that I have my doubts there too. Well... I think it's time to stop at that point for now.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 04-05-2015 at 10:18 AM.

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    Hi, It's possible to feel you don't use a creative function much more , particularly if you're accepting subtype (Fi or Ti in your case ).

    It just crossed my mind that you are like a Fi after reading your "Weakness and Strengths" fragments . It's not Fe seeking I see there. More something like a Fi sea of calm that doesn't want to be disturbed.
    Last edited by Amber; 01-13-2015 at 03:04 PM.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by morningthaw View Post
    It's not Fe seeking I see there. More something like a Fi sea of calm that doesn't want to be disturbed.
    ... sea of calm, yeah just don't want people to get on my nerves unnecessarily. I have to think about it. I mean Fi is often described in socionic profiles as being able to judge the emotional bond or distance between people accurately. I feel like I'm kind of a person who is a little bit more careful in this area, because I might be not that good with Fi?

    I may refrain from making conclusions or guesses about peoples emotions. I just think, that such things can be complex (and I just can't grasp it quickly enough...) and maybe you can never really know what's really going on inside a person. I suck at putting my own emotional state into words at times. I'm feeling stressed when I'm forced to do it.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 04-05-2015 at 07:48 PM. Reason: grammar

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mayr View Post
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I cry when I’m very stressed and pissed (seldom though).
    I smile at people, I like and dogs. My smile can sometimes be more of the internal kind.
    Oscar Wilde and funny animal videos always make me lol.
    Describe two instances that have made you cry and what moved you? And two instances of what made you stressed or pisses and what was responsible for that?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post
    Describe two instances that have made you cry and what moved you? And two instances of what made you stressed or pissed and what was responsible for that?
    What moved me: In November 2014 there was a video going around, which showed Chris Picco singing for his dying son. His wife died a few days prior and his son was delivered via an emergency caesarean section. His son died later, too. There was a comment on facebook from a woman who said that this video should have more clicks than Kim Kardashian's ass (Kim published her photos around the same time or so). Somebody answered: This video is just pity porn. What can you possibly know about the things that this person is going through. Feeling sorry will change nothing. We are not there. We cannot do anything. He would rather like to look at Kim K's ass than indulge and wallow in the pain of another person like that.

    (I have paraphrased this out of my memory -- searched for the post*** but oh well...) I think what I want to say is that there is a part of me that reacts (empathic impulse? wants to get moved?) but the other part just detests this kind of cheap sentiment. I mean I dislike superficial pity that just gets thrown around. I find it patronizing. But on the other hand, it's not like there is nothing. Things move me, but then idk.... how much do you really care. You know jack shit about what's going on. It's hard for me to put it into words. Being all like -- so this happened and it moved me because... I don't feel this way. It's like something happened and in that moment I just feel nothing and then some time later it might hit me. Like it stayed in the back of my mind and it needed time to take shape. That's why I think I wrote in my Questionnaire that I find things which really can leave an impact over time beautiful. They are just raw idk... (how do you say -- touch me on a deep level).

    What made me cry/stressed/pissed: Well lets just say that I can get really fed up with myself. There are just some days where I might loose it out of frustration. When people get on my nerves, push and prod me emotionally, I can get stressed. This makes me angry and resentful and I get pissed.

    ***EDIT: I found the post.

    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 08-05-2015 at 08:13 AM.

  13. #13
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    I feel like you write really well yet that's not much to contribute to your type question.

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    Fi type ...

    ...and really the idea of resistance of a feeling over time reminds me of some things I know ... I saw Ni HA manifest itself like this and not only in one person, though of course it wasn't necessarily articulated the same way. It looks a bit like some incomplete confidence in potentiality or potential development. I think Ne creative has a more 'sudden' (as in all at once) sense of the value / validity of a feeling or of a form of beauty (that is not purely physical).

    Ij over Ip because Ip usually 'kneels' to absolute subjectivity ('beauty is subjective, you can never know what is really beautiful, only depends on the subject's consciousness or how you look at smth etc.'). Relating beauty to an impression of being hit in the gut and (durably) moved rings more Fi than _iFe to me.
    Last edited by Amber; 02-01-2015 at 11:42 AM.

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    I think what I want to say is that there is a part of me that reacts (empathic impulse? wants to get moved?) but the other part just detests this kind of cheap sentiment. I mean I dislike superficial pity that just gets thrown around. I find it patronizing.

    the authenticity of a feeling and the purity of its means of expression are also considered here really Fi>Fe and Fi>Ti.

  16. #16
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    How do people push and prod you emotionally that would make them get on your nerves? Why do you think you find it difficult to asses what other people are feeling? What does a "sea of calm" entail for you? I think there is some important factors there.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    How do people push and prod you emotionally that would make them get on your nerves? Why do you think you find it difficult to asses what other people are feeling? What does a "sea of calm" entail for you? I think there is some important factors there.

    [1] When they start to overstep boundaries. Like I wrote, I get stressed, I feel irritated. I’m also not a sucker for people, who are big on the projection thing.
    They say I feel this or that. I tell them no and explain why. They continue. Big no from me.

    [2] Please don’t misunderstand what I wrote. I wrote that I refrain from making conclusions or guesses on peoples emotions. I wrote that I‘m more careful in this area. I think the reasons are obvious. Think about all the people you meet all day. How much do you really know about them? And even more interesting how much do they know about you? Even with the people who are closest to you, do you really tell them everything? Don’t you have parts that are hidden? I think there might be people who are open. But there are people, who feel more like themselves when they keep things hidden. A space within yourself that other people can’t intrude, that is not open to them. So now, is it really that easy to make conclusions about people and their emotions? With people you don’t know, what do you know about the things that are going on in their lives? How can you be sure that you are right in your assessment of them? With people you know, how are you so sure that your own projections/your own image of that persons does not cloud your judgement? Like I wrote, I find these things to be very complex.

    [3] ‚A calm heart is the secret for a calm hand.‘ What I mean is that after some struggles, after some wrangling with yourself you reach the point where something has developed that is stable and unmovable in yourself. You can keep a cool head because you feel rooted in yourself. You operate with a clear mind and you have a reason for your actions, you are not messing around. Another thing that a sea of calm entails for me is ‚being in the zone‘. Absolute concentration on what you are doing. Blending out whats going on around you. That’s what I understand under a sea of calm. Morningthaw addressed the part in my weaknesses. I stated that I don’t like that surfacing of raw emotion. What I meant was, that I think that this happens when sth. is struggling within you, that needs to be addressed. And going to the root of this was always difficult for me.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 07-12-2015 at 09:07 AM. Reason: layout

  18. #18
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Cool, good answers, very concise.

  19. #19
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    Pretty strong Fi + devaluated Se points towards Delta. You don't seem to be Si Ego, and your Fi looks stronger than Te. My guess is EII(IEE would be a second choice).

    Edit: Forgot to mention I'm new to socionics, so don't take what I say too seriously.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Solitude View Post
    Pretty strong Fi + devaluated Se points towards Delta. You don't seem to be Si Ego, and your Fi looks stronger than Te. My guess is EII(IEE would be a second choice). Edit: Forgot to mention I'm new to socionics, so don't take what I say too seriously.
    I have my doubts regarding EII. I think, that I don't value Ne/Si. Si is sometimes hard for me to grasp as a function. I connect with Se/Ni more, which would point to ESI, but I don't think that I have strong Se - trying to get a clearer understanding.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 07-11-2015 at 11:55 AM.

  21. #21
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    That can be Ni HA... that's why often IEIs think they are logical (Ti agenda) and ESIs that they are intuitives...

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
    That can be Ni HA... that's why often IEIs think they are logical (Ti agenda) and ESIs that they are intuitives...
    Yes it's sometimes explained with Subtypes. Accepting subtypes are supposed to have a stronger focus on their Hidden Agenda. But what I meant, (also in light of Solitude's post) is that I see how I understand Se/Ni more, but I think that I have weak Se. I can relate to points in Se-Polr descriptions/threads.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 07-11-2015 at 11:55 AM.

  23. #23


    Ok. I’m done. You know, you honestly cannot send yourself anonymous messages on tumblr acting like someone who undergoes domestic violence in order to make yourself look good. I stopped posting in November 2016. I fail to see how any drama from certain people acting up now is connected to me. It’s not my responsibility to shoulder. There is just no time. To put it into relation. Someone stops posting on an internet forum. The resulting reaction is in no way in relation to what is happening.

    Life is not a pony farm. You cannot shriek and expect anyone just handling things over to you, just because you shriek/demand the loudest. Take measures into your own hands. You honestly just can’t walk around and start acting up so hard, trying to instrumentalize people (with absolutely no link to me or to 2015-2016) to put the pressure on someone. Cut the bullshit. I’m not here 24/7 to take care of everything. We share ideas, discuss theories here. Everyone with a working brain knows where the limits are. It should be clear, that I’m not someone who tries to run this place to the ground. The opposite, actually. But I think it shouldn’t be hard to continue on with everything here.

    Regarding people here. I wouldn’t have started posting if I found this place or the people in it to be unbearable (I think differently about it... but whatever). I’m mostly thick skinned, but when you had a problem with something back then you just took your measures on the forum. This place has seen a lot of drama and it has always moved on, because as grown-ups everyone has learned/knows how to manage. But nowadays it’s just… it just sucks. There is a line for everyone and you have crossed mine.

    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 04-15-2018 at 08:03 AM.

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    It's a pity to see someone smart, as you look to me, go... anyway thanks for putting your thoughts down on here, it's the same to what I feel about this all. It's even weird how I've been here for less than a year yet things just got dramatically worse and worse...

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    Another innocent soul claimed by the forum. When will the tragedy end?

    Goodbye Nymeria, wish I could've known you better. You seem like the kind of person that I would enjoy starting #deepshit with.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

  26. #26


    Life is not even happening inside a theory.

    Let’s say you read about ‘ethics of relation’, or introverted feeling or or or…

    I mean you can read all kinda things. My question is. Knowing what, makes what difference?

    I mean in life. Have you felt this experience? Do you understand it in yourself? Can you build an understanding/use that to have a sense/relation with something in your life. Does something ‘core’ inside of you (because you have understood/build up something in yourself) give you resolve in decisions. Does it give you meaning and a connection (a relation) to something. Does it evoke something and makes you feel the experience of all this life-stuff deeper and more meaningful to you? Do you think you think in knowing your own things and understanding the ‘mechanics’, do you have a sense for something ‘inner’ in another person, that you relate to, despite surface changing things. Like the ‘core’ of someone else? Can this ‘understanding’ help you to relate to someone? And let’s reach further, do you believe in expression of these inner things, that you build relations of yourself to others and in expression in writing, art etc. you make other people understand more in themselves and also build ‘bridges’?

    • borders of relation: do you believe that there are borders/end points for in this? (I haven’t had this experience in life. I honestly might not know how it is.)

    You might also have read about types and ITR.

    But do you really know a person now. I know their type, their enneagram I know their soul, or what? Do you really know, that person now?

    • one size fits all: do you believe you can understand it now. That everything, with everyone is going linearly the same? Or do you think you might have cut away things, that are important here.


    I think this whole socio stuff is just one drop in the whole ocean and if you have kicked around in life enough, you know it.
    You mostly live and you can go about things without even reading all this stuff. That brings me back to - does it really make a difference?
    You can read all kinda concept in socio. But in the end you are out there and have to live your life forwards. Isn’t it more important then, how you deal/use certain knowledge?
    Even if you look back and read theory, you might go like yeah… that might fit, but often enough you will also have, yeah that doesn’t fit. Socio is socio and probably will remain like this.

    In my opinion the concepts will and cannot replace important things, that actually are your life and you experiences.
    When you have made your experiences, have your knowledge, your abilities and so on and so on, I think you have a certain groundedness a certain sense for your life.
    Against the whole background of this, does any reduction of it even get to you? Do you really want a reductionistic, kinda wooby understanding of life like this.
    This also re. finger pointing at people re. socio.
    Yeah but the theory…
    Yeah what with it?

  27. #27


    It’s not like this is linear. It’s not like this is rocket science. Socio is merely a drop in the ocean.
    Like just because we might not be aware or haven’t worked out everything, that is out there, doesn’t mean doesn’t it doesn’t exist and plays a part in how things work.
    (Like cmon… just look at what people knew/thought they knew back then and what’s going on right here right now).

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    Gotta remember to go through all your posts one day, the next day that I smoke up that is
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

  29. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    Gotta remember to go through all your posts one day, the next day that I smoke up that is
    Have fun.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymeria View Post

    What moved me: In November 2014 there was a video going around, which showed Chris Picco singing for his dying son. His wife died a few days prior and his son was delivered via an emergency caesarean section. His son died later, too. There was a comment on facebook from a woman who said that this video should have more clicks than Kim Kardashian's ass (Kim published her photos around the same time or so). Somebody answered: This video is just pity porn. What can you possibly know about the things that this person is going through. Feeling sorry will change nothing. We are not there. We cannot do anything. He would rather like to look at Kim K's ass than indulge and wallow in the pain of another person like that.

    (I have paraphrased this out of my memory -- searched for the post*** but oh well...) I think what I want to say is that there is a part of me that reacts (empathic impulse? wants to get moved?) but the other part just detests this kind of cheap sentiment. I mean I dislike superficial pity that just gets thrown around. I find it patronizing. But on the other hand, it's not like there is nothing. Things move me, but then idk.... how much do you really care. You know jack shit about what's going on. It's hard for me to put it into words. Being all like -- so this happened and it moved me because... I don't feel this way. It's like something happened and in that moment I just feel nothing and then some time later it might hit me. Like it stayed in the back of my mind and it needed time to take shape. That's why I think I wrote in my Questionnaire that I find things which really can leave an impact over time beautiful. They are just raw idk... (how do you say -- touch me on a deep level).

    What made me cry/stressed/pissed: Well lets just say that I can get really fed up with myself. There are just some days where I might loose it out of frustration. When people get on my nerves, push and prod me emotionally, I can get stressed. This makes me angry and resentful and I get pissed.

    ***EDIT: I found the post.

    It’s very interesting I feel very much the same way as you, but my reasoning might be a tiny bit different. I loled at “sorrow porn”. I dislike it when my autonomy to figure out and decide how I feel about something genuinely is usurped. It makes me want to act out in retaliation, by telling people how to toss fetuses and emaciated newborns in marinara pasta and eat them or something. I feel DEAD inside when my expression is stifled or when I see some enforcement of everybody having to feel or show a certain feeling for appropriateness’ sake when they are obviously only manufacturing it since they can’t possibly have any personal involvement. It’s disrespectful to life. Things that are taboo a lot of the time make me feel more alive and real for this reason.
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

    It's hard to find a love through every shade of grey.

  31. #31


    There was this article about ‘There Will Be Blood’ and one part was about self made men and a certain wistful nostalgia they have, when talking about how they developed.
    They had of course a larger than life development, achievement – in this cases on the material plane.
    But I think it’s not always about the resources in the material plane only.
    I think in that nostalgia, you get a certain sense, that in looking back, the get aware of all the internal development and resources. How they started out, how they are now.
    Like when they get asked often enough, how they dealt with different life situations.
    In their dealings, I think they have build up their capacities.
    Energetically also like this deeply internally felt comfort within yourself.
    Yeah the environment might influence you importantly.
    But then on the other hand, not everything is always about the environment.
    I think, certain things you have worked out ‘internally’, can’t be in essence taken from you.
    It’s like not always things from the outside getting to you, but you having sth. that operates independently and is not ‘depended’ on environment/anybody/anything (minimizing dependency).
    Like how some people lost all their money and then kind of still gave it another shot.
    I think this is also not necessarily something, that someone can 100%ly ‘impart’ or ‘give’ to you, because I do think in the end it’s comes from certain dealings you have with yourself/your life/etc.

  32. #32


    I don't know ILE-Ti 3w4 so/sp.

  33. #33


    @Kill4Me If you wanna say stuff. Say that here.

  34. #34


    Dunno, in a certain sense it's time to move on.

  35. #35


    I'm here when I really want to put down sth. Other than that, I actually wanna be elsewhere and look at other things.

  36. #36


    You know this cluster of everything... it's really stiffling and sometimes I look in here and I just kinda have this resistance coming up.

  37. #37
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    just to bring the light for some hope on the correct typing

    in case 3 years of doubts in own type you do not wish to expand on say.. 10 or more years

  38. #38

    Default ‘Deep Thoughts’ with Nymeria … reloaded.

    How does something form, something that is important to you, that you value?

    I think there is a part that can be happening in stillness and silence, where you might instinctually feel resonance with something you are engaging with and a part in living/feeling and evaluating. It just happens for everyone by just living and what someone can carry within them, is not always easy to put into words. Maybe instinctually it is sometimes easier to put into action.

    When the end is all that matters, why do we need to think about internal things and about intention. Because it can show us where we want to steer something or where something might be heading.
    Why do we look at candidates in an election regarding their ‘standpoints’- their base points. Because we want to know where something might be going. So internal is one thing. Execution the other.

    So we established the look from both sides of the medal.

    Inside yourself you feel your basis and your compass. I believe that the process is about developing the sense for it, the thinking/logic, the feeling by being there.
    I feel it as an inner fundament and compass and it can give you sense/intelligence for dealing with others and yourself and other things in life, I think.

    And an inner compass might give you strength and inner stability. What you have inside flow into your actions and influence the dynamics outside.
    Like and an internal anchor point where outside dynamics move about. Every decision on the way, might need a new hearing inside, to determine if you are grounded with sth. happening outside.

    Otherwise you might steer around but you might not like, where you have ended.
    So the process-in real time? Developing, not ‘ready made’.

    From inner to connection to sth outside.

    From a sense of inner working and a sense of interpersonal working you feel that people also have a sense for the bigger picture. Your inner connection to it. Or your view of yourself in the whole of all people.
    Now at this point I don’t get your ‘higher instance’. I can believe in the sense of a bigger picture of your internal strength in trying to get a good outcome, but here it is:

    With goals that cannot be accomplished by one person alone, you have a lot of people with different thoughts and values and experiences who now have to get together, to accomplish something.
    I don’t think of it like big daddy in the sky watching you like how it is often when it goes with morals and good and bad. Like thumbs up, thumbs down, me likey, or you better not.

    How does a higher instance come to ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in the bigger context.*** If you view it as a personal dominance (moral authority) thing you are actually back at the personal.
    Death, destruction and hunger is the bad outcome. Then I think it’s back at execution dynamics and skills to prevent or to get a better outcome.

    Honestly no idea on ‘moral authority’ ‘übermensch’ for me.

    *** This also with Karma. I mean when Karma is, like how it often is, the feeling of my extended ‘spiritual’ arm. Me not likey with something and ‘Karma’ will manage for me. Karma as the ‘higher instance’. Then you are back at the personal again and with the bigger picture, you should actually be at the complete opposite. Like it is not looking at the personal, it’s looking at everything, when you think about it as this benevolent ‘good’ force. lmao may the force be with you.

  39. #39


    The truth is. I don’t get the haggling.
    I won’t take it.
    I mean, just get on with it.

  40. #40


    I’m laughing, because I knew it would come.

    Addendum: my problems regarding higher instance.

    When we see god as the highest instance regarding good and bad. His word is law. Like during the times of absolutism, when the King declared himself as gods representative on earth, hence the king as the highest instance.

    But that’s where I don’t get it. When you do this, can you actually say you believe in god. If you say you do, he is the highest instance. By saying what you do is law, then you put yourself above him. It’s not about belief in something higher then.

    Like let’s say somebody believes in god - also as in believing in goodness and he dedicates himself to it and works with e.g. the bible or the koran and I mean reading it, working with it, implementing it, finding resonance in it with yourself and living life according to it and they wish to do no harm with it.

    But one day they get blown up, because somebody else thought, that this is what god wants. Isn’t this where the infamous, if god exist why does he let all this bad happen in the world - thought comes from. Like when god is there and he is the highest and he decides about good and bad.

    Then he is the highest regarding to no harm, why do these terrible things happen then. What is the sense behind that. Why is that good to happen? So you see I don’t run around, believing I know ‘gods will’. If you would want to know my standpoint:

    I'm not high. I'm no all knowing entity, but I would understand that a person tries to see beyond himself and live according to do no harm. As a human being. The process, judgment, execution and sense behind it, is the other story, but generally that is the way how I see it.

    Like I think this is life and everybody is in it.

    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 07-01-2018 at 03:35 PM.

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