Quote Originally Posted by Sorc
And ... its not like INFp , quiet Ni-ENFj is different and you can recognize him by well-hidden but still noticable hi inner pressure and extreme intence, and move-after-move perfectionality ("Each word and and actions whould be at its own time") and strict following theese timing rules.
very very true for me. I could be INFp is I wasn't so tense about rules of how and when and why things should happen.

Another way to separate an Ni-ENFj from an INFp is the ENFj's tendency to change everything/everyone else when something isn't going by plan. INFps would accept what's going on in the world, but ENFj just keeps trying to change the world to fit his vision of it. I still often argue with my ESTj dad, trying to change his views so that we could agree (he does the same thing), but my INFp sister just says, "we have different opinions." and almost never argues with dad.