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Thread: ENFj/EIE Subtypes

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    Default ENFj/EIE Subtypes

    I've recently come across an ENFj Ni subtype, and you wouldn't really spot the Fe dominance at first: they look much more introverted than an INFp Fe, for example.

    What's your experience with them?


    Ethical subtype Fe-ENFj (Fe-EIE)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Fe-EIE Appearance:
    The ethical subtype is internally very emotional, but usually modest and restrained in expression of his feelings. Unobtrusive in conversation, tries to behave according to the rules of good tone and manners. Vulnerable and easily takes offense. In his heart and soul he often experiences dramatic emotions, but around strangers hides and tries to control them. It is difficult for him to truly relax, inside he is tense and high-strung, vulnerable and quite self-loving. Has a lot of insecurities, from which he usually suffers but tries not to show this. Outwardly can be proud and unapproachable. Usually secretive and careful, exercises foresight and thinks things over in advance. Somewhat unsure in himself, but has patience and perseverance, and knows how to attain his goals. Very demanding in requiring others to observe ethical norms of behavior, and often cannot hold himself back from making remarks or giving advice when he sees that someone, from his point of view, is not behaving correctly. Characterized by swings of mood. Can be coldly haughty, stubborn, and demanding, then soft, heartfelt, considerate, and even vulnerable and defenseless. Holds himself with dignity. His movements are precise, but smooth, sometimes demonstrative. Dresses modestly and with taste, but if he wishes can look very effective.

    Fe-EIE Character:
    Inclined to constant analysis of people and events. Thinks a lot about moral and ethical issues. Tries to instill in others his own understanding of various phenomena or his worldview, to help avoid mistakes in life in general or in specific activities.

    Exercises foresight and caution. Senses impending dangers, knows how to take the necessary steps to avoid it. Inclined to dramatize events and to warn others about possible trouble. Tries to caution and safeguard people close to him from making wrong steps. Can show excessive initiative, even seem somewhat imposing. With strangers he is charming and helpful, usually tries to make a good impression. Warm and welcoming, has a wide circle of friends, open and sincere with them, but to a limit.

    While he foresees further development of events, he doesn't like to rush them, hesitates making a decision, wavers, weighting out all the "pros" and "cons". Doesn't like when he is hurried. Ignores the attempts of others to impose any other pace. In conversation, gives a lot of attention to details.

    Often takes the initiative in making acquaintances and contacts. Oriented at correct, appropriate, polite attitude towards himself. Needs sensitive, attentive, careful relation to his person, intolerant of familiarity in communication. Self-loving, sensitive and vulnerable, for a long remembers offenses and insults. Respects people not only for their personal qualities and achievements, but also for their position in society. Tries to understand the motives and predict future actions of people around him, to give them timely advice.

    A romantic in his soul, put feelings above reason. Emotional, with difficulty hides his sufferings and emotions, but in deeds usually demonstrates caution. Only after carefully weighting everything out can make a radical decision. After that, not inclined to make compromises. He would rather suffer a defeat than renounce his beliefs, as he has a tendency for self-suggestion. Distrustful by nature, skeptically oriented, critical towards the actions of others. Appreciates words, but prefers concrete evidence of affections and practical services. Nitpicking when it comes to his outward appearance, takes care of his looks and his manners of behavior.

    Values ​​his authority and reputation of a serious person. Distrustful of unverified information. Afraid to make a mistake, prefers to share responsibility for some assignment or task with someone else. Proactive, operative, diligent, seriously considers work that was assigned to him. Does not like doing several things at once, but when he feels that he cannot delay any longer, can with much energy and vigor complete a significant bulk of work within a short period of time.

    Usually focused on important problems, from which it's difficult to distract him. In the interests of his project or business, turns to other people to fulfill small requests and assignments, fearing that he might lose sight of something important. Accurate with details in his work, brings everything to its finish. Strives toward order and aesthetics in everyday life. Meticulously about his appearance, following the appearance and behavior.

    Has difficulty attaining an inner balance. Due to this, is often in suppressed mood. Overly suspicious, prone to seeing dangers, proud. Doesn't like when he is being observed and watch, inclined to do his household tasks when nobody can witness him. Sufficiently self-critical, mistrustful of compliments in his address. Painfully endures criticism of his appearance and behavior.

    Fe-EIE Description by Victor Gulenko: Very emotionally excitable, can be sharp. Shows high intensity of emotions. Decisive and artistic. Easily given to ecstasy, high affect, exaltation. Has aristocratic manners. Frequently a good speaker, or a political leader with patriotic inclinations. Internally dramatic and spontaneous, likes to demonstrate his opinion. Outwardly he can shock people around him by extremes in how he dresses: may looks like a homeless person with soiled sleeves, or, to the contrary, dress very brightly, vividly, or aristocratically extravagantly.

    Sexual behavior of subtypes:

    Intuitive subtype Ni-ENFj (Ni-EIE)

    Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov

    Ni-EIE Appearance:
    The intuitive subtypes makes an impression of a serious, active, sociable person. An original, unpredictable, creative personality. Sociable, inquisitive and communicable. Quite emotional, vulnerable, and impressionable. Internally tense, experiences frequent doubts and oscillations, due to which can be unpredictable in his actions. At times can be hot tempered and sharp in his statements. Very artistic, emotionally uninhibited, easily and freely expresses how he feels. Well perceptive of the moods of others and skillfully directs them. Knows how to speak with emotion and inspiration, sometimes even pathos. Very ironic and critical, can be stinging and arrogant. When in good spirits he can become the center of attention of any group. Sufficiently practical, but doesn't have enough self-assurance and confidence. At times he dresses somewhat unusually and extravagantly, other times simply and modestly. His movements and gusty, impulsive, but not unconstrained, and seem somewhat inhibited.

    Ni-EIE Character:
    A good strategist, who has a real sense of his chances, capable of selecting the right moment for making certain actions. Able to properly distribute events over time. Likes striking up useful business contacts, has organizational abilities. Not afraid of taking up major projects and work, which he can't always handle due to overestimation of his capabilities. Evaluating general patterns, selects the important aspects, but getting distracted by new problems can postpone doing main work.

    Eloquent, a good speaker, who can speak with inspiration, expressing various shades of emotions - from admiration and excitement, to subtle irony and sarcasm. While at this, he may be unconsciously fantasizing, imparting tones of sensationalism or dramaticism to his narrative. Has a developed sense of humor, knows how to copy voices or mannerisms of behavior of other people. Being quite demonstrative in his behavior, he's often in the center of attention. Knows how to win over an audience. Makes a vivid impression on others. Has the talent of persuasion. Knows how to captivate people with his idea and become their leader.

    His unending interest in people contributes to him expanding his social circle. In connection to this, may spend a lot of time interacting with people who will later disappoint him. When he is in a good mood, he is amiable, lively, gives compliments, admires abilities of others, is the soul of the company and readily helps people in solving their problems. In a bad mood, he is pensive, gloomy, pessimistic, and seeks solitude. Distrustful by nature, skeptical, critical of the actions of others. Appreciates words, but prefers concrete evidence of feelings and practical services.

    Feels constant inner emotional tension. Needs to periodically spill out accumulated emotions. In routine, his vitality wanes. To come out of this state, can commit reckless actions that he later regrets. Can be inconsistent and unpredictable in his actions. Courageous and decisive in extreme situations.

    Often idealizes a loved person and for him/her is capable of making various sacrifices. Knows how to beautifully express his feelings. Very sensitively feels his failures and disappointments. Independent in his judgment and not seldom tries to justify those who are condemned by everyone else. Quite categorical in his statements: considers that liberalism won't help to bring order to society. Does not tolerate evil. In defending those who were wronged or his ideas is not considerate of authority.

    Impatient, doesn't like waiting. Feels weighed down by uncertainty. Discipline and tight control are oppressive to him. He prefers to have creative freedom. Believes in unlimited human abilities and loves to demonstrate his own. Interested in the mythological and occult, in unusual mysterious phenomena, may be superstitious. A bit hypochondriac, afraid of getting sick, but cannot systematically take care of his health. Reluctantly talks about the topics of his own health and appearance. Tries to dress with good taste, some times strictly and elegantly, other times spectacularly and extravagantly, and at times even casually and carelessly. Does not like extraneous things.

    Ni-EIE Description by Victor Gulenko: Predisposed to reflect, to experience internal doubts and oscillations. Thinks figuratively, has an inclination towards philosophy. Not very critical towards external appearances, undemanding in food. Reserved, vulnerable, can seem internally broken. Speaks his opinions unobtrusively. Responsible and punctual. He is a good teacher, mentor, educator, who can interest his listeners. Outwardly seems calm. Consistent in presenting his material.
    Last edited by silke; 08-26-2017 at 07:09 PM. Reason: updated with translations
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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