I am legitimately unsure of my own type, it is slightly ambiguous, and that gnawing doubt causes me to question it. I am in a room of beta introverts though, and it is interesting. We're all off to our corners. Also, being fairly young in comparison to most people, I must say that yeah. But I am nowhere near infantile. I hate being called childish, as that implies you think my ideas are worthless. Same with being ignored. A simple thing, but if subjected to an insensitive group for long enough, it gets aggravating. Has to do with my narcissism, along with the amount of effort I put into my thoughts. How would you feel if days of work that culminated into one sentence was simply ignored.

Also, fairly certain that any 4w5 INFps are wrong. I haven't put in the research effort yet to confirm this though. And if you want an X-Ray, find me in person and ask. Anything for science. Anything.

Edit: actually, my friend is a 4 INFp, now that you think of it. Unless he's an ENFj. Still no idea.