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Thread: Dinner Party with the types

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    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Default Dinner Party with the types

    Saw this in Daryl Sharp's Personality Types ebook and used google to find pictures matching the types.

    A Dinner Party with the Types

    [The following scenario, freely adapted from the original, illustrates in a light vein how Jung's model of typology might look in everyday life.]

    The Extraverted Feeling Type

    Our hostess is a feeling type. Who else would go to the trouble of bringing this group together? Even the invitations— elegantly handwritten on beautiful stationery—express her joy at gathering together these dear friends.

    She is a charming woman, warm and voluptuous as a Renoir painting, a marvelous housekeeper, open minded, obliging, worldly. She is very attractive and hospitable, offering fine food beautifully prepared and presented. Her home shows great taste.

    Since she tends to repeat the opinions of her husband and father, her conversation is not particularly exciting. Sometimes her views are those of religious leaders or other wellknown personalities in her community. In all cases she expresses them with the greatest conviction, as if they originated with her. She does not realize that her only real contribution to the evening—other than the food—is the emotional tone associated with what she says.

    She married a connoisseur—an aesthete—who puts great value on living a life of unobtrusive luxury. Here he is:

    [Obviously an ESE, don't be upset EIEs]
    The Introverted Sensation Type

    Our host is an art historian and collector. But thinking is for him an inferior function, so although he collects books and owns an impressive collection, he does not delve deeply into their content.

    He is tall, dark and lean, as silent as his wife is talkative. He seems to barricade himself behind his wife's chatter. He cannot fathom her dedication to these dinner parties which force him to abandon his beautiful, quiet study. However, they have agreed that she will organize the social side of their life and he knows from long experience that she is a master at the art of entertaining. She is the one who brings needed extraversion to their marriage and connects them to the outside world.

    He greets his guests in an elegant way, a bit restrained, and offers his slender hand to the wellknown lawyer just coming in. In actual fact, he despises this woman, who is an extraverted thinking type. In greeting her, he mistakenly says, "Goodbye." The hostess, who observes this gaffe with horror, tries to make up for it with a double dose of friendliness.

    The Extraverted Thinking Type

    The lawyer is the first guest to arrive. Being very concerned with her social position, she would never forgive herself if she were late.

    Having recently graduated with honors, she is at the beginning of a promising career as a defense lawyer. Already she has achieved some status as a speaker. Her judgment is accurate and her logic indisputable. Her arguments are based on accepted, concrete facts, speculative ideas being alien to her. As with most extraverted thinking types, she is conservative and places great importance on objective data. Since her auxiliary function is sensation, she is also practical and well organized in both her personal and professional life.

    Of her true feelings we know very little. It is said that eventually she will marry the boss's son.

    The Extraverted Sensation Type

    Two new guests arrive—a leading industrialist and his wife. He is an extraverted sensation type with auxiliary thinking. His wife is an introverted feeling type with intuition as an auxiliary function. This couple illustrates how individuals with opposite dominant functions often attract and complement each other. [Mmmmmm, conflictors <3]
    The industrialist has good common sense, a positive work ethic and a practical, enterprising nature. He knows how to handle himself in any situation. An intelligent and authoritative executive, he leads a whole army of employees and yet finds time to oversee every detail. It is rather astonishing to observe what he accomplishes professionally and socially in the course of a single day.

    Nevertheless, at times he lacks a broad viewpoint. He lives so entirely in the moment that he cannot predict the results of his actions. Because his intuition remains undeveloped, he comprehends only what has already occurred and cannot foresee possible future dangers.

    He is well dressed but lacks refinement, being loud and tact less. He seems warmhearted but is overwhelming as well. At dinner he is greedy.

    None of their acquaintances understands what keeps him and his wife together. Nor does he; he only knows that from the moment he met her he was entranced, and that he could not live without her. [Enjoy the peace while it lasts bcuz Socionics]

    The Introverted Feeling Type

    This woman, the industrialist's wife, is quiet and impenetrable. Her eyes have a mysterious depth. An inexhaustible topic of conversation for the hostess, who loves to analyze the relationships of others, is the powerful influence this young woman has over her husband.

    This small and fragile woman seemingly does nothing to excite the amazing dependency of this heavy and insensitive man. Yet he follows her everywhere with his eyes and tries to catch hers. He asks her opinion constantly.

    The explanation lies in the complementary nature of these opposite types. For this man, his wife is the bearer of those introverted depths which he has no access to within himself. For this reason she personifies the image he carries of the ideal feminine—his anima.

    Introverted feeling types do not express their emotions often, but when they do it is with great power. These individuals accumulate an enormous amount of inner affect and this compressed intensity lends them a special aura, often perceived as an inviolate and mysterious strength.Such types are often artistically gifted. This young woman has one real passion in her life—music. For her, music expresses the world of her feeling in a pure and uninterrupted form. Here she finds complete harmony uncontaminated by the worldly reality she finds so jarring.

    Without her husband, however, she would have little contact with the outside world. He personifies her inner image of the ideal man—her animus.

    The Introverted Thinking Type

    In the meantime, a new visitor has come in. He is a professor of medicine, specializing in sleeping sickness. He is as well known for his boring lectures as for his new discoveries in his field. He has no contact with his students and dislikes sharing his ideas. Even his patients do not interest him, being nothing more than "cases" which he needs in order to pursue his research.

    His handwriting is very small with a peculiar way of connecting the letters, readable only by himself and his assistant. It gives the impression of an impenetrable weaving. A despairing student once said, "This is not writing, this is knitting!"

    One never sees the professor with his wife (who incidentally is an extraverted feeling type, his typological opposite). They never go out together and rumor has it that she is totally uneducated and was once his cleaning lady.
    The Extraverted Intuitive Type

    The last guest comes rushing in from the airport. He is an engineer, bubbling over with new ideas and drunk with their future possibilities. He is unlikely to put these ideas into action; more likely, he will inspire others to do so. At table, he talks enthusiastically about new travel plans, which seem overadventurous to the host, and gobbles down his food without stopping to notice it.

    The other guests are noticeably uncomfortable around this charismatic young man. He seems to be unrelated to the reality of the world they live in, but at the same time his ideas are intriguing and seductive.
    The Introverted Intuitive Type

    One placesetting at the table is empty—the space for the poor young poet. He neither came nor offered an explanation; he simply forgot all about it. He is a skinny young man with a fine oval face and wide, dreamy eyes.
    That evening he was absorbed totally in his manuscript. Stimulated finally by hunger pangs, he went to his usual cheap restaurant. Since he has no feeling for time and space, he arrived late. (It had taken him half an hour to find his glasses before leaving.) It did not bother him that the food was mediocre. He ate his meal in an abstracted way, glancing now and then at the newspaper beside his plate.
    After dinner, he went for a long walk under the starry sky, not realizing till too late that he had left his overcoat at the restaurant. Strolling along he was unaccountably inspired to create a poem—a sonnet filled with metaphysical wonders. And he was overwhelmed with joy.
    All of a sudden he remembered that he had been invited to the dinner party. But it was now too late. This error, or lapse, reflected his unacknowledged feelings exactly. Though the introvert fears life's demands, there is also a touch of secret haughtiness mixed in with the shyness.
    He thinks, "I shall send the lady my poem, the best I have to give." But will he really do so, or just think about it? And if he does, will the hostess understand? This poor poet, comical and grotesque in his shortsightedness and constant mishaps— this fool, who runs away from society with its joy and conflicts—may have given birth to a poem of universal meaning.
    The Group

    The conversation over dinner becomes quite animated. Politics, theater, sensational court cases, books and films are all discussed. The two extraverts, the lawyer and the industrialist, are involved in a heated debate.
    The professor is silent. Large parties make him feel slow and awkward, and he does not enjoy these sophisticated surroundings. At the end of the meal, against his own good judgment, he suddenly breaks his silence. What does he talk about? His hobby—sleeping sickness! But since his feeling function is undeveloped and childlike, he does not realize the reactions of the other guests, nor does he sense his own inappropriateness.

    The other guests respond in various ways to the professor's discourse, each for a different reason. The lawyer is always curious about noteworthy or educational ideas; the industrialist is most interested in what the professor says about the practical implementation of his work; the refined host is nauseated by the description of the illness and his digestion is upset.
    But the most profound reaction is experienced by the hostess. She had tried at the beginning, unsuccessfully, to channel the professor's long monologue into a different direction. Eventually, unable to follow the conversation, she gave up. She cannot comprehend such conversation and finds it vaguely offensive. Her happy face has fallen, her eyelids are heavy and she is bored to death. Only at the end of the party, showing off her home and children to the industrialist's wife, does she regain her lively nature and happy disposition.
    Last edited by woofwoofl; 01-06-2015 at 09:41 AM. Reason: HTML problem after "this is not writing, this is knitting" which made it impossible to scroll down past a small red square that abruptly ended the post

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    post too big, broke da forum

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    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    post too big, broke da forum
    lol, I didn't even know it worked. After I posted it, I couldn't see the last two types but I can see the whole thing now.

  4. #4
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    You can tell this is Myers Brigg
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    You can tell this is Myers Brigg
    I don't think it's MBTI but likely closer to it than Socionics.

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    Both the Se and Te leading people sounding half like LSEs and Half like SLEs, which tells me the divide in that system is hotdogs and hamburgers compared to socionics. The groups are defined by different criteria. Also the use of Auxiliary as the term is a hint that this derived from Myers.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    Both the Se and Te leading people sounding half like LSEs and Half like SLEs, which tells me the divide in that system is hotdogs and hamburgers compared to socionics. The groups are defined by different criteria. Also the use of Auxiliary as the term is a hint that this derived from Myers.
    Quasi-identicals with the same dimensionality of functions though. Actually, I was surprised with how close the Se dom sounded to Socionics's base. I'm kinda curious which speaks to you as them sounding half LSE and SLE though, aside from SLE dating EII. And Jung also speaks of 'Auxiliary' functions in his 'psychological types' book at the end, albeit briefly. MBTI adopted it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olly From Wally World View Post
    Quasi-identicals with the same dimensionality of functions though. Actually, I was surprised with how close the Se dom sounded to Socionics's base. I'm kinda curious which speaks to you as them sounding half LSE and SLE though, aside from SLE dating EII. And Jung also speaks of 'Auxiliary' functions in his 'psychological types' book at the end, albeit briefly. MBTI adopted it.
    The following are under Se base, when i feel it's a bit more accurate that a Te base would be more likely to embody the traits:
    a leading industrialist
    authoritative executive
    he leads a whole army of employees and yet finds time to oversee every detail.
    astonishing to observe what he accomplishes professionally and socially in the course of a single day.
    lacks a broad viewpoint
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    The following are under Se base, when i feel it's a bit more accurate that a Te base would be more likely to embody the traits:
    a leading industrialist
    authoritative executive
    he leads a whole army of employees and yet finds time to oversee every detail.
    astonishing to observe what he accomplishes professionally and socially in the course of a single day.
    lacks a broad viewpoint
    Yeah, I thought that's what you meant. Jung emphasizes on sensation and being attuned to details though, saying bases very much live in the details of external reality whereas bases, in comparison, are very vague in regards to them. base ideally catching every observable detail with the five senses hence overseeing every detail with ease and accomplishing a lot but also being less in tune to the intangible dynamics going on in the background hence the lack of broad perspective which could also fit LSE. The base description, in comparison, doesn't really seem base though.

    There are some aspects about and that can seem similar though or even words attributed to them such as 'practicality', 'facts', etc. With facts, for example, in regards to it's more the definition of 'something that truly exists or happens: something that has an actual existence' so that's anything you can perceive with your five senses, something tangible, whereas with , it's more like 'a true piece of information'.
    Last edited by Olly From Wally World; 01-06-2015 at 04:46 PM.

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    Oh yeah, thanks for fixing it @woofwoofl, lol.

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    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    The extraverted sensing type really does read like an LSE mostly.

    His introverted feeler wife, " He asks her opinion constantly". Yes, because they are duals, with tinges of SEI.

    The extroverted thinker reads like an LSI, "being very concerned with her social position".

    The extroverted feeler like a caricature ESE (I almost feel sorry for her, but what other type could she be I supposed?)

    The introverted sensing type reads like a SLI man; but where is the "sensing" in this sensing exemplar?

    the refined host is nauseated by the description of the illness and his digestion is upse
    Ahh, there it is.

    The introverted thinker sounds like an anti-social, yet dedicated IEE/Te-LSE because of his subject matter Unsociability because of why? I wonder. Doesn't sound like the Fe-polr of ILI/SLI because there are no other clues pointing to these types. I would be inclined to say negativism of a Delta extrovert is at fault. I'm avoiding an LII typing because it just doesn't feel right. #socionics.

    The extroverted intuitive can be IEE (on coke), I guess? I'm inclined to say something like ILE/LII if translated into socionics.

    The introverted intuitive is Tupac Shakur, and everyone knows what sociotype that guy was.

    "the lawyer and the industrialist, are involved in a heated debate". Not surprising given that LSE/LSI are extinguishing each other.

    Relations of extinguishment are characterized by an interest in the same kinds of things, but partners approach it in a fundamentally different and often incomprehensible way.
    The introverted thinker (MBTI) peaks the Si creative (socionics) interest of his Si-LSE activity partner regarding a health related sleeping matter.

    the industrialist is most interested in what the professor says about the practical implementation of his work
    You've got alphas (ESE/LII/ILE and a SEI/EII di-hybrid) trying to bring the groups energy upwards, a beta (LSI) playing along possibly jockeying for position and a couple deltas (IEE/SLI/IEE) trying to split the group off into more focused discussion.

    Those are some thoughts, anyway. Kind of fun, do more of this stuff if it pleases you.
    Last edited by wacey; 01-06-2015 at 04:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    The extraverted sensing type really does read like an LSE mostly.

    His introverted feeler wife, " He asks her opinion constantly". Yes, because they are duals, with tinges of SEI.

    The extroverted thinker reads like an LSI, "being very concerned with her social position".

    The extroverted feeler like a caricature ESE (I almost feel sorry for her, but what other type could she be I supposed?)

    The introverted sensing type reads like a SLI man; but where is the "sensing" in this sensing exemplar?

    Ahh, there it is.

    The introverted thinker sounds like an anti-social, yet dedicated IEE/Te-LSE because of his subject matter Unsociability because of why? I wonder. Doesn't sound like the Fe-polr of ILI/SLI because there are no other clues pointing to these types. I would be inclined to say negativism of a Delta extrovert is at fault. I'm avoiding an LII typing because it just doesn't feel right. #socionics.

    The extroverted intuitive can be IEE (on coke), I guess? I'm inclined to say something like ILE/LII if translated into socionics.

    The introverted intuitive is Tupac Shakur, and everyone knows what sociotype that guy was.

    "the lawyer and the industrialist, are involved in a heated debate". Not surprising given that LSE/LSI are extinguishing each other.

    The introverted thinker (MBTI) peaks the Si creative (socionics) interest of his Si-LSE activity partner regarding a health related sleeping matter.

    You've got alphas (ESE/LII/ILE and a SEI/EII di-hybrid) trying to bring the groups energy upwards, a beta (LSI) playing along possibly jockeying for position and a couple deltas (IEE/SLI/IEE) trying to split the group off into more focused discussion.

    Those are some thoughts, anyway. Kind of fun, do more of this stuff if it pleases you.
    In regards to the LSI being the one concerned with their social position (I guess that being more of an thing in socionics?), in Jungian, external values and demands such as that are more in the line with extroversion. Pure introverts are more in line with their inner, subjective demands, not so much external position but I guess being not as strong into your base could make that work (LSI-, for example) in Socionics and this may also be the result of social instinct ( air is also attributed to both social and thinking).

    Lol, yeah, the introverted sensing aspects were the least obvious to me.

    The author was probably depicting the introverted thinker in the stereotypical way a pure introverted thinker can seem, like they have avoidant personality disorder, due to inferior extroverted feeling and being introverted and logical, hence the detachment from his students and clients, mainly using the latter as a source of research for his theories. I don't think I could see him as IEE though.

    Extroverted intuitive sounds ILE, perhaps more or less a purely extroverted one, and he's making everyone uncomfortable with his alpha-tinged .

    Yo, what does everyone (or you) think Tupac was? I see him as a good example of introverted intuitive, perhaps with some strong social instinct whether primary or secondary, and he's also listed as IEI in the type exemplar article which is cool since I rarely agree with typings from people here.

    I added the pictures by the way, makes it prettier.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    these are bad and dumb

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    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    these are bad and dumb
    No you.

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    no these are dumb and bad

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olly From Wally World View Post
    I don't think it's MBTI but likely closer to it than Socionics.
    I wonder if you know what MBTI stands for...
    [] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)

    You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life.
    - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.

  17. #17
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olly From Wally World View Post
    In regards to the LSI being the one concerned with their social position (I guess that being more of an thing in socionics?), in Jungian, external values and demands such as that are more in the line with extroversion. Pure introverts are more in line with their inner, subjective demands, not so much external position but I guess being not as strong into your base could make that work (LSI-, for example) in Socionics and this may also be the result of social instinct ( air is also attributed to both social and thinking).

    Lol, yeah, the introverted sensing aspects were the least obvious to me.

    The author was probably depicting the introverted thinker in the stereotypical way a pure introverted thinker can seem, like they have avoidant personality disorder, due to inferior extroverted feeling and being introverted and logical, hence the detachment from his students and clients, mainly using the latter as a source of research for his theories. I don't think I could see him as IEE though.

    Extroverted intuitive sounds ILE, perhaps more or less a purely extroverted one, and he's making everyone uncomfortable with his alpha-tinged .

    Yo, what does everyone (or you) think Tupac was? I see him as a good example of introverted intuitive, perhaps with some strong social instinct whether primary or secondary, and he's also listed as IEI in the type exemplar article which is cool since I rarely agree with typings from people here.

    I added the pictures by the way, makes it prettier.
    Yes, he has been typed IEI. Actually the following video when he was a young man, 17, at least to me, brought to light what Ni/Fe as a young man looks like, just because I trust the consensus on Tupac.

    Whole video is great. Some highlights occur from 22:00 onward. Does his words not sum up the whole INFp worldview here?

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Yes, he has been typed IEI. Actually the following video when he was a young man, 17, at least to me, brought to light what Ni/Fe as a young man looks like, just because I trust the consensus on Tupac.

    Whole video is great. Some highlights occur from 22:00 onward. Does his words not sum up the whole INFp worldview here?

    Haha, I did watch that video again a bit when looking for a picture to post for the introverted intuitive type, actually. And yeah, pretty much.

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    This is Jung. Thank god for Jung. And I don't even go to church.

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