Quote Originally Posted by lynn View Post

i remember watching this video at some point and the way she presents herself & her life story seemed sx/so & sp-blindspot to me back then, but i haven't looked to deeply into it. i still think sx/so is the most likely stacking at this point, especially since she seems to be so comfortable with connecting to the audience/public (in the ted talk video).
Heads-up: I've expanded a bit my comment on Claudio. I've seen her rapping here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nO7ynbc90wQ and don't think she's sx/so. But I'm not ruling out 4w3... either that or her 7 preceding the 4 gives her a sparkly powa! that we know as the cheesiness of the ENFPs. There's actually a most-probably ENFP member on PerC who also does a lot of DJish music mixing (along with heavy social media publicization). My ex-short-term friend, retrospectively an ENFP, was also doing his hip-hop on computer and most of it was set up for live performance. Hence, I criticized him for overfocusing on the lyrics, instead of going "the classical" way about the song structure. On the other hand, Eva Green might be an Sx/So 9, as well as an ENTP. Thinking of the type of nudism she did in the Dreamers (2000), I think that's more... intimate (for a sexual fantasy) than a template a screenwriter would use to spice up an otherwise foreign movie.