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Thread: Enneagram type 4

  1. #641
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lunacik View Post
    It sounds like E4 on the surface, but it isn't. That's something you have to be careful about with Enneagram, it can cause you to make unfounded leaps in gathering information. "What" can be similar without "why" being the same.
    the why here would be about why somoene's misunderstood.
    it doesnt matter that ur specific experience was with a manipulator that u werent believed about.
    its the same for any 4, in my case it would be other various issues that i wasnt believed about, be that tooth paste being bad, about the pain, about the consequences others have on the social environment and how they hurt each other for no reason by being selfish incosniderate manipulative and stupid, that all means im always the victim or think i know better than what the norm is, which is all me trying to manipulate others down to be a burden and to exploit them.
    what differnece does it make in the particular case? or any case at all. i dont insist u are a 4, but that doesnt seem to be indicative.
    braingel is a 4, she's also not believed by some pp about her family, her family dont believe her about the bs they do to her, she's not believed about larger things like me and accused of being a manipulative narcissist.
    do you mean something else?
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  2. #642


    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    the why here would be about why somoene's misunderstood.
    it doesnt matter that ur specific experience was with a manipulator that u werent believed about.
    If that was true, we'd all be 4s. Lol. Everyone experiences being misunderstood about something at some point, it's inevitable and it's really not that big of a deal in most cases...but there is a certain human element involved. By that, I mean...anyone who loses their whole family because they were a narc's scapegoat, falsely accused/misunderstood for 16 years, because their own mother formed a family smear campaign, is going to be bothered by it. Type is irrelevant to that. Being trapped beneath that kind of reputation damage for 16 years would make just about anyone a bit sensitive to being misunderstood.

    And by sensitive, in my case, all I mean is that when things come up that could spread false rumors, I feel a bit cautious...I want to clear up the lies/misunderstandings before they catch and spread. I don't underestimate the levels of stupidity people can have about believing what they hear when they're told rumors. The average person is naive and will believe just about anything. Paradoxically, people are untrusting of others, which gives them a negative bias often that they are more vulnerable to being gullible when it comes to believing something negative about someone.

    Enneagram is not about "what" someone does, it's all about the defense mechanisms, the way they navigate a core fear they have. In the case of 4's, they fear losing their identities, which I've never in my life experienced before and that entire concept is weird to me. I don't really understand how someone could lose their identity unless they are trying to maintain a fake identity. I could go on, but I don't feel like breaking the type down and spoon-feeding it. I'll leave you with this, you should research the type more thoroughly, because you don't seem to understand that it is about more than what is on the surface.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 01-27-2022 at 03:51 PM.

  3. #643


    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lunacik View Post
    ...all I mean is that when things come up that could spread false rumors, I feel a bit cautious...I want to clear up the lies/misunderstandings before they catch and spread. I don't underestimate the levels of stupidity people can have about believing what they hear when they're told rumors. The average person is naive and will believe just about anything. Paradoxically, people are untrusting of others, which gives them a negative bias often that they are more vulnerable to being gullible when it comes to believing something negative about someone.
    In this instance, I was overly cautious, though. I don't think the average person would take any of this conversation seriously when it's obviously...well, pretty out there. I honestly regret getting this far into the conversation.

  4. #644
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Lunacik View Post
    If that was true, we'd all be 4s. Lol.

    Enneagram is not about "what" someone does, it's all about the defense mechanisms, the way they navigate a core fear they have. In the case of 4's, they fear losing their identities, which I've never in my life experienced before and that entire concept is weird to me. I don't really understand how someone could lose their identity unless they are trying to maintain a fake identity. I could go on, but I don't feel like breaking the type down and spoon-feeding it. I'll leave you with this, you should research the type more thoroughly, because you don't seem to understand that it is about more than what is on the surface.
    what does the defense mechanism or ur enneagram in particular matter here? im trying to explain E4
    if u want clarification im not insiting ur a 4. identity is fluid bc it changes with what ur presented with, and u have to adapt to circumstances so u dont get hurt die hurt someone else. who u are is not accepted, and it may be wrong By ur own accord. questioning urself and changing is not hypocrisy or fakery. theres identity crysis and existential crysis about ur whole percpetion of the world being wrong and thus ur biasesi/the way u are. there;s also either u be as others want u to be or suffer the consequences. i was relating E4's experience with yours as a way to get u to udnerstand.
    if u have no identity u have nothing to lose. people dont tend to identify with their cognition. ur cognitin loses properties depending on what u, external reallity morphing u. if it doesnt morph u to a point, then it shows theres nothing inside that u value to be morphed to that point. maybe it can be perception of future and possibilities that someone else may not be aware they are losing of themselves by digging into something they're forced to, and they may not perceive they are forced to into it so they dont alter themselves in the present to influence the future. or may not have rigid principles they have to adhere to as their identity.
    e4 is what happens when u go insane with pain and have principles.
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  5. #645


    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    what does the defense mechanism or ur enneagram in particular matter here? im trying to explain E4
    if u want clarification im not insiting ur a 4. identity is fluid bc it changes with what ur presented with, and u have to adapt to circumstances so u dont get hurt die hurt someone else.

    i was relating E4's experience with yours as a way to get u to udnerstand.
    if u have no identity u have nothing to lose. people dont tend to identify with their cognition. ur cognitin loses properties depending on what u, external reallity morphing u. if it doesnt morph u to a point, then it shows theres nothing inside that u value to be morphed to that point. maybe it can be perception of future and possibilities that someone else may not be aware they are losing of themselves by digging into something they're forced to, and they may not perceive they are forced to into it so they dont alter themselves in the present to influence the future. or may not have rigid principles they have to adhere to as their identity.
    e4 is what happens when u go insane with pain and have principles.
    The defense mechanisms matter because Enneagram is all about defense mechanisms. That is the core of the entire system.

    According to official theory, types cannot change. I disagree with that, though, as I disagree that Enneagram should even be considered a personality theory at all. I think it should have just been a list of defense mechanisms some people may sometimes use.

    I seemed as though you were trying to type me as E4.

    I'm not sure what that is supposed to help me understand, if I'm honest.

    One of the problems with your comparison is that assuming the process based on seeing only the outcome is erroneous. For example, being different is not the same as wanting to be. I desire neither to stand apart, nor blend in. I simply desire to be my authentic self without caring where I stand in relation to others. 4s feel a need to be special because they fear being worthless. I share this not in defense, but to explain how type theories can cause people to misunderstand others in general.

  6. #646
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    4s know what it liek to hit rock bottom and we have a hard time leaving our suffering to see the light. Very unhealthy 4s or 4s who have been know what happens, and it worsened by environment/parents/whoever the state our life is in. How many times how many times until things are truly better but it can't just be "ok" it has to be perfect. In some ways I'd rather things be bad than just ok since the feeling of being ok feels insufficent.
    Ig to use to feel happy feels fake but it's more deeply rooted 7s won't really be misunderstood for running from sadness people won't riducle them as much to be negative and in a bad state that is noticed. It is feeling shame I've always had deep feeling of melacholy but it didn't open up until I became a teenager than everything went to shit. this why 4s when doing normal things like everyone else it feels wrong even though we should. it is like there's a big lump on your side and it won't go away and you obsess over it looking at it 24/7, but nothing is changing and that makes everything worse.

  7. #647
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    Self-Development Strategies: Attaining Higher Personality Qualities and Reuniting with Essence
    The Central Theme for Type 4’s Healing and Development
    Ironically, healing and development for Type 4s involves turning away from the outward search for the ultimate, ideal, deep, heart connection and the complete fulfillment when nothing of substance is missing. This pursuit only serves to perpetuate their current dilemma as all of the well-intentioned searching in the wrong place will not give your desired result. Instead, the search just creates more intense feelings of deficiency and longing. Type 4s are blind to having abandoned their own heart and need to love themselves as they are. So, the primary task for Romantics is to realize that wholeness and completeness come from their acceptance and appreciation of what the present moment offers – in other words, from the inside out, not from the outside in. Disappointments and deficiencies are part of the fabric of life, and not a signal of a deficiency of being.

    How You Can Self-Develop and Fulfill Your Relationships
    Accept that wholeness and realness exist now in the present moment
    Practice equanimity by stabilizing attention on what is positive and present, rather than what is missing
    Resist domination by your strong and sometimes fluctuating feelings while still acknowledging their authenticity
    Sustain a steady course of action even in the presence of intense feelings
    “Fill in the middle” by your appreciating the ordinary
    Separate your self-esteem from being special or extraordinary
    In meditation, noticing how feelings come up and attention goes to what is missing and longed for
    Observing the intense feelings and resisting acting on them, which can create more suffering and crises
    Realizing that sarcasm, suffering, specialness, and self-absorption are the addictive substitutes for loss and feelings of abandonment
    Developing a balance of feelings, thoughts, and actions
    Building appropriate action plans to keep from absorption in your feelings
    Staying consistent when you “lose it”
    Appreciating idealism while separating your identification from it
    How You Can Help a Type 4 Self-Develop and Fulfill Their Relationships
    Encourage your Type 4 to not be overrun by feelings, and to appreciate what is positive in the present moment
    Encourage your Type 4 to stabilize their attention and to “fill in the middle” by valuing the ordinary
    Show them that you understand by showing empathy first before offering help
    Stay steady when their feelings are intense, and reveal your own feelings and reactions
    Appreciate their ultimate idealism
    Let your Type 4 know that they are lovable, regardless of their identification with specialness, a flawed self, or unworthiness

  8. #648
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    Is SLEs bad Ne they can walk over others abuse them?

  9. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by youfloweryourfeast View Post
    Is SLEs bad Ne they can walk over others abuse them?
    I think that SLEs can appear to be forceful (high Se) and unaware of how they feel (low Fi) and how their actions are affecting others (low Fe). I don't think the way that you see them is the way that they want to be seen, but they are at the mercy of their function stack.

    As are we all.

  10. #650
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy Princess Unicorn View Post
    The defense mechanisms matter because Enneagram is all about defense mechanisms. That is the core of the entire system.

    According to official theory, types cannot change. I disagree with that, though, as I disagree that Enneagram should even be considered a personality theory at all. I think it should have just been a list of defense mechanisms some people may sometimes use.

    I seemed as though you were trying to type me as E4.

    I'm not sure what that is supposed to help me understand, if I'm honest.

    One of the problems with your comparison is that assuming the process based on seeing only the outcome is erroneous. For example, being different is not the same as wanting to be. I desire neither to stand apart, nor blend in. I simply desire to be my authentic self without caring where I stand in relation to others. 4s feel a need to be special because they fear being worthless. I share this not in defense, but to explain how type theories can cause people to misunderstand others in general.
    I mean you could be sx4, but again sx4 is the most rebellious and cocky e4, and a very volatile/competitive type, but has a strong sense of hatred/love. However it's also so close to sx8, and you seem more sx8 than sp8, that sp8 is the most awkward and stale e8. A well known sx4 is Mike Tyson.

  11. #651
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    With SLEs you are forced to adapt to their behavior so if they dislike someone it's because of what your doing, they like people to follow what they go by and they will like this
    You can't expect them to change for you due to fit polr

  12. #652
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muira View Post
    I mean you could be sx4, but again sx4 is the most rebellious and cocky e4, and a very volatile/competitive type, but has a strong sense of hatred/love. However it's also so close to sx8, and you seem more sx8 than sp8, that sp8 is the most awkward and stale e8. A well known sx4 is Mike Tyson.
    I think she was a 6w7, but she left and is no longer here to defend herself. Mike Tyson is not a four, lol.

    Some famous 4w3s from my list:

    Amelie Nothomb
    Jean-Michel Basquiat
    Aranea Peel
    Alain Pacadis
    William Shakespeare
    Michael Jackson
    Anaïs Nin
    Martha Graham
    Lilith Aquino
    Oscar Wilde
    Winona Ryder
    Ciscandra Nostalghia
    And 4w5s :

    Anne Rice
    Marilyn Manson
    Ingmar Bergman
    Leonard Cohen
    Bob Dylan
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Pamela Colman-Smith
    Jeff Buckley
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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  13. #653
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    Sx 4 is kinda rare imo, and while I like Naranjo's descriptions of the instinctual varinats of each type, not every person who is volatile and insufferable is going to be a sx 4.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy Princess Unicorn View Post
    The defense mechanisms matter because Enneagram is all about defense mechanisms. That is the core of the entire system.

    According to official theory, types cannot change. I disagree with that, though, as I disagree that Enneagram should even be considered a personality theory at all. I think it should have just been a list of defense mechanisms some people may sometimes use.

    I seemed as though you were trying to type me as E4.

    I'm not sure what that is supposed to help me understand, if I'm honest.

    One of the problems with your comparison is that assuming the process based on seeing only the outcome is erroneous. For example, being different is not the same as wanting to be. I desire neither to stand apart, nor blend in. I simply desire to be my authentic self without caring where I stand in relation to others. 4s feel a need to be special because they fear being worthless. I share this not in defense, but to explain how type theories can cause people to misunderstand others in general.
    Yes, there is a difference between feeling different and being different. Fours differentiate when it comes to their self-image as a way to feel superior to others (to deal with feelings of shame), they aeren't necessarily different.
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    Quote Originally Posted by InterPrizeWes View Post
    I guess Braingel is this type
    I really don't think so. Maybe a 4 fix.
    Last edited by Ave; 04-21-2024 at 10:45 AM.
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  16. #656
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    I really don't think so. Maybe a 4 fix.
    why? Fits 4 a little too well in my eyes

  17. #657
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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    why? Fits 4 a little too well in my eyes
    Because she seems like a 6 more than a 4 to me. The drama she causes (even if not on purpose) is the kind of thing you see 6s do in groups, lol (and usally, 6s don't this to stir drama but because they want "justice" for some real or perceived wrong). The openness about trauma doesn't seem befitting for a withdrawn type (it's a common misconception that 4s are open about trauma, I think it's rare that they are, they are withdrawn and are afraid of being exposed). Fours are generally not open people, they want to be "found" but are engimatic about it (especially 4w5). Usually, fours are inaccessible, and she is not.

    Note this isn't to say fours don't have trauma, of course, but different types will deal with it differently. 4s and 5s usually are afraid of exposure, which for them would add to the trauma they already have. For a 6 it is different, they look for support from the outside, and Braingel seems to do that: while she has some haters, she also seems to have (or have had) alot of people who supported her. This is more typical of So 6 imo than 4w5.

    I think her full typing is probably So/? 694 (137). 7 wing because she seems more open towards people and novelty than 6w5. 6w5 I see as either an ideologist or a technically-minded troubleshooter. 6w7 usually fills the role of a friendly guy/girl, or a colorful and creative persona (a bit like 7w6 but more negative than positive).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    Because she seems like a 6 more than a 4 to me. The drama she causes (even if not on purpose) is the kind of thing you see 6s do in groups, lol (and usally, 6s don't this to stir drama but because they want "justice" for some real or perceived wrong). The openness about trauma doesn't seem befitting for a withdrawn type (it's a common misconception that 4s are open about trauma, I think it's rare that they are, they are withdrawn and are afraid of being exposed). Fours are generally not open people, they want to be "found" but are engimatic about it (especially 4w5). Usually, fours are inaccessible, and she is not.

    Note this isn't to say fours don't have trauma, of course, but different types will deal with it differently. 4s and 5s usually are afraid of exposure, which for them would add to the trauma they already have. For a 6 it is different, they look for support from the outside, and Braingel seems to do that: while she has some haters, she also seems to have (or have had) alot of people who supported her. This is more typical of So 6 imo than 4w5.

    I think her full typing is probably So/? 694 (137). 7 wing because she seems more open towards people and novelty than 6w5. 6w5 I see as either an ideologist or a technically-minded troubleshooter. 6w7 usually fills the role of a friendly guy/girl, or a colorful and creative persona (a bit like 7w6 but more negative than positive).
    I think a 4 can be “open” about trauma, I see the personality style as potentially being both withdrawn and emotionally “aggressive” if that’s even the right word. Forward. It’s a spectrum off ppl are not their personality type etc. but I think the key being that someone with a personality style of 4 doesn’t want to see how they connect with the fabric of being, with others, a core fear as they call it of losing their special identity. That’s her, 100%.

    and yes I see 6 influence too, possibly counterphobic

  19. #659
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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    I think a 4 can be “open” about trauma, I see the personality style as potentially being both withdrawn and emotionally “aggressive” if that’s even the right word. Forward. It’s a spectrum off ppl are not their personality type etc. but I think the key being that someone with a personality style of 4 doesn’t want to see how they connect with the fabric of being, with others, a core fear as they call it of losing their special identity. That’s her, 100%.

    and yes I see 6 influence too, possibly counterphobic
    I think a a four can be open about trauma, but it's also not that common (note that by open I mean more publically, in groups, than with a close confidant). They can be emotionally aggressive, sure, but in certain ways and from certain angles. Edit: Actually I don't think the 4 type is "aggressive", unless they have fixes that make them so (8 possibly). It isn't a type who's fixations manifest through forcefullness. Braingel seems somewhat forceful about getting others to see the image she creates, which on one hand, leads me to think she has some image type influence and on the other, makes me think that this image influence is secondary to a core atatchment type (6, in this case).

    Also no offense, but it's somewhat contradictory that you say that "it's a spectrum, people are not their personality types" when it comes to traits of four that don't apply to her, and yet when a trait does apply to her, you say "that's her 100%". This isn't to be nitpicky, but it bugs me a little, ngl.

    I don't know what you mean by this:

    I think the key being that someone with a personality style of 4 doesn’t want to see how they connect with the fabric of being, with others, a core fear as they call it of losing their special identity
    What does the bolded mean?

    I see her as a core 6 and not 4, though I'm not denying there is 4 influence in her personality.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    I think a a four can be open about trauma, but it's also not that common (note that by open I mean more publically, in groups, than with a close confidant). They can be emotionally aggressive, sure, but in certain ways and from certain angles. Edit: Actually I don't think the 4 type is "aggressive", unless they have fixes that make them so (8 possibly). It isn't a type who's fixations manifest through forcefullness. Braingel seems somewhat forceful about getting others to see the image she creates, which on one hand, leads me to think she has some image type influence and on the other, makes me think that this image influence is secondary to a core atatchment type (6, in this case).

    Also no offense, but it's somewhat contradictory that you say that "it's a spectrum, people are not their personality types" when it comes to traits of four that don't apply to her, and yet when a trait does apply to her, you say "that's her 100%". This isn't to be nitpicky, but it bugs me a little, ngl.

    I don't know what you mean by this:

    What does the bolded mean?

    I see her as a core 6 and not 4, though I'm not denying there is 4 influence in her personality.
    open/forward not forceful

    in response to your question, "Type 4: Holy Origin (Equanimity) means that in the original state of being, whole and complete connection exists in each moment with nothing of substance or importance missing. Being in this oneness of all creates inner calm."

    I don't knw how common it is for 4s to be open but overall her characteristics align with that type, I have tried to see the 6, 4 seems to take prevalence

    afaik the idea of a complete unique self is a core trait of enneagram 4 so that is what I meant by this is her 100% as in this is more salient when you're trying to pick apart types and she has the core trait and it is prevalent in everything she writes from my pov

  21. #661
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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    open/forward not forceful

    in response to your question, "Type 4: Holy Origin (Equanimity) means that in the original state of being, whole and complete connection exists in each moment with nothing of substance or importance missing. Being in this oneness of all creates inner calm."

    I don't knw how common it is for 4s to be open but overall her characteristics align with that type, I have tried to see the 6, 4 seems to take prevalence

    afaik the idea of a complete unique self is a core trait of enneagram 4 so that is what I meant by this is her 100% as in this is more salient when you're trying to pick apart types and she has the core trait and it is prevalent in everything she writes from my pov
    Okay, I see, thank you for clarifying.

    I agree that the idea of a complete unique self is a core trait of e 4. I don't know if it's prevealent in everything she does and writes, or not, but perhaps I don't know her as well you do.

    When I type people, I look at object relations alot. I see more negative attachment than negative frustration with Braingel but, perhaps you and I don't type the same way.
    Last edited by Ave; 04-21-2024 at 04:33 PM.
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  22. #662
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    I really don't think so. Maybe a 4 fix.
    What you are seeing in me isn’t enneagram related with me being “forceful”.. it’s complex ptsd, and if you’d have noticed a pattern, you’d have seen it only happens when I am invalidated and gaslit (two of my biggest ptsd triggers). If you actually look at my line movements, they’re 2 and 1. The whole desperation for attention at the 2 line and giving away to get… And 1 line hyper criticizing and preaching. If there is anything that maybe comes from me being “forceful” when I am triggered in my complex ptsd, it would maybe be John Beebe’s oppositional placement, because cptsd is an unconscious emotional reaction, and at least in my own intuitive grasp, this placement would be the gateway of the unconscious interplays..

    Literally me as a teenager engaging classic 4 into 2 line crap:

    This is all 4 to 2 > 6 to 3. 6’s under a stress shock would’ve been trying to gain status and compete with others, and display prestige and become active…

    A 6 core wouldn’t even have shared some of the things I have about myself online whilst they’re chronically disintegrated into a 3 line, because they’d be hyper-averted on looking professional to keep their support mechanisms in place, and be trying to compete with others for this support mechanism, and take down what ever threatens their way.

    Like my histrionic (which is a 2 thing by the way) displaying a broken image of myself with mascara running down my face…. 6 would do that, even with a 4 fix, unless maybe that 6 with 4 was in a group of “their own” people to “protect” them (think like a goth punk group, a lot of those people would be 6’s looking for “their people” to make them stronger and able to express vulnerable emotions so they are protected by their tribe. 6 with 4 would find outcasts “like them” to have as their people for protection of their own insecurity and to be able to express as a group), because the 6 at a 3 line is trying look as professional as possible, and also because they’d fear such a vulnerable display would be “used against them” and make them “prey”. 6 is always scanning for threats. Even how I’ve given my last name, in spite I’ve already been doxxed is anti 6 core.

    Also if you don’t see frustration triad in me, you haven’t read enough of what I’ve written.

    Something I’d written:
    No one on this Earth will ever come close to an understanding me. Not the ones that are so superficially to me close.. My despair, my truths that others cannot see with how they believe me out of their falsified projection… No one will ever know the extent of that which is my endurance.

    Anyone who thinks they know will never know just the misery that pits me deep in, with my hopeless idealism that keeps alive. No one would ever care enough to know me, because it’s been this way for almost my life entirety, and I don’t expect them to.

    All I can do is spiritually rise, never look down as how do others me, all I can yearn are the truths beyond this Earth.. I expect no one’s care, anymore.

    (And it was foolish of me, foolish of me to expect the care from others in a world that has fallen. When most of my fellow men are incapable with their lacking introspection, with their lack of awareness.. Most are unaware they don’t know how love, even those to them, closest.. They just think they do, and maybe is is best such way, since most are in belief and no one hurts.. But the truth is that no one knows how love, and that is why religion is existent to try and set man upon his path towards love.. It is of the goal in being on earth to try and learn how.. And I am foolish for believing this can soon become our global reality).

    I don’t need human care when human care is impossible at this time. Yes, I’m ill and the world is ill from this inability care.. And yes, I feel sorry for the human ego being unable, but it’s a life lesson one must realize to be on the other side..

    And I do the most selfless thing of a human do; introspect. And others misunderstand because I am more aware from this, and they don’t see, are blinded— and when I point out, I look as liar, look as delusional..

    The same way an abused child thinks the abuse normal, the abusive society ingrains this normality, of what is “love”.. When none of this is love. The child goes on to be an abusing adult, or an adult with illness; the ones raised in society go one perpetrating this false love, thinking it is so, not any better of know.. And they sicken one another, they set fire, they breathe in toxic air and so they too exhale this air.

    Never having pure air to breathe, they remain unaware of the air impurity. Not knowing what is pure, they cannot possibly know it is impure. Not if they don’t stop to think just why they can’t so well breathe.. And I know they are unaware because they think this is love, what they do.. They think it normal. Even if aware this worldly dysfunction that has long since become, it is just being aware toxin in air exist; not the knowledge the air in which THEY breathe is toxic.

    One must always remember love is beyond intent. Love has a creator behind it, intent doesn’t define that love, what originates love does, and if maligned that definition, it is not true. To love is to be in flow of things naturally as are, this world is but this. This world is hate, misery, abuse.

    The world changes the nature of one, urges the race to change their innate and of others.

    To malign one of their nature is abuse. It also goes against divinity, the ultimate betrayal of oneself and their origin. You’ll never get home if you cannot realize you’re home. YOU are. As in you, how you are.. You are searching for home by your rejection, by your conforming to societal way as it wants you venture as to abandon yourself.. And this is why human minds abuse others, why human minds commit suicide, why the human does to with unthinkable. The sanctity of self is not in place, society not intact for nature to run its course.. The premature making of adult, the altering meds, the eight hour sitting at desk.. Humans don’t have their humanity honored.

    This is why so many have abused me for me being on the autism spectrum, as they try change me, as they frustrated at my abnormality.. When I am normal for my own self..

    It is not unthinkable things do as when you realize people operate under poisoned air— literal and metaphoric. You are an unrealized energy matter of mind, your synapses generate as you heed my words and are forced think by my brain.

    Yes, awareness hurts.. And this is how I’ve been from the beginning of my mind’s activation. This is not a fraction of my mind.. What I’ve said is afar from encapsulating my overall essence, and most would not fathom even if they introspected some.. But I was put as guide on this Earth and I must surrender.. Role. Even though I still crave for the consolation, the holding of hand, the seeing of who I am, my wounds and emotion.

    Wishing it all more as I bear to witness the selves misuse.. Away from their true making…


    The curious will give momentary care at what prompted this writing.. Irritated with their subconscious of my continued “negativity”, or for some the matter of me as intellectual case that makes configuration.

    It’s not the ongoing war, for I foresaw this six almost years ago with Trump’s presidency.. Knowing nothing of politics, no news following, I foresaw a pompous personality that can strain relation at his release.. And when Covid hit, I knew it would happen amidst this time, the break out, as countries grapple their resources, are vulnerable to attack.. And the soonest that may regain which possesses volatile character will strike.

    It is the persistent lack of care I have seen from others; in my life, throughout the world.. The everyday stranger on the street, even, averted on his/her own path. He/she busies too much, the world obscuring his/her own nature with a fast pace go.

    It is unrelated to the pandemic, it is unrelated to Sara’s illness, though I have overtime bore witness to just how little western doctors care in an actuality. Most of them.. (And I know why; their nature doesn’t align with being Doctor, money falsely motivates their doctoral entrance)..
    It is my own life adversities.. Ones no one ever would believe unless they with their own eye saw.. The root cause of all my “negativity” with my painful dwellings.

    You see, you don’t know me. Most of you presumed this was a byproduct of the war, the pandemic, or having see Sara’s sufferings, the most known family adversity of the Soylulars’.

    Some will think it a matter of depression disrupting my world view. This is a closer representation, but they will not think of just what has gotten me this thrown into depressive depth.

    And I shouldn’t bother with a tell, when it will not matter, the world will not care for what has to me happened.. I have told before, others.. Most didn’t care, and some compared and relayed their own stories to me, as they use me as a symbol to unleash and further their own healing.. Which isn’t inherently bad, given they too are ill. Faced with world where no one realizes with their inability see.. They disbelieve, they invalidate.. And so the hurt ones cry to whomever is able see. And the only ones who see are generally the other hurting..

    You are overthrown at your eighteenth turning, no one will give care unless you provide something or they can somehow relate themselves to you. But no one cares TRULY about what legally defines minor in of first places either, the concept was bred in, and fact they only care for minors shows it is just how much they have been controlled by their environment, not even aware that law exists to protect, and all things are to protect because all things are divinely created and deserving love. They would care for no one if there was no survival instinct to protect young, the time of care will depend on when the law will cut off the age, which shows it is influenced by environment to extent, and also that we can use our environment to reinforce more care in our society.

    But the day you turn 18 in most places, the world no long we cares.. They didn’t fully care, but now there is almost no care beyond what one can offer to meet the survival need. There is no ethical bounding to help one.. But one must realize the ethics all stem from the instinctive nature which includes survivalism..

    The world tells you that you are “free” at 18.. That now all things are your own responsibility, that you are to move out if problems persist. When these all are lie. We are interdependent beings and nothing ever amounts from individual fault. There is no freedom in a world where ones innate nature obscures.

    The time to a coming close of when one cares truly is when one is a baby. But it all is based on survival mechanism and the goal is to therefore inadvertently abuse the baby into becoming a workhorse adult and enslave to an abusive way, to neuter them of their true nature.. That baby is destined abuse and is being groomed for it. Its needs met so it withstands the abusive beating as adult and teenager (and as overall in their adolescence, which extends beyond teenaged year, ending at the approximate to on of 24-27 by individual variance. And it was shortened by the fast pace go of our world and the need to make others to en it’s cycle faster and faster, too many born and more work needed. This is historical, which Stanley Hall, founder of adolescence as a concept, even admitted adolescence ends well into the twenties).

    The baby becomes a conscious, yet helpless child controlled at the mercy by the adults around.. And forms shape, with their predisposition giving the limitation of what shape it will grow by how far it can bend.. Or perhaps the shape is genetic and texture— how soft, strong, how pointed with danger at its surface, is the environmental product).

    The society that so much “loves” children does not so, when all they do is industrialize and prepare them for worldly abuse.

    And you thus leave with malnourished adult. Half baked; immature. Riddled with illness, unhealthy stress mechanism, abusive tendency, addiction to the impure. The adults are more unhealthy than the youth.. They are hardwired, not pliable and have less opportunity sift.

    And you thus leave with malnourished adult. Half baked; immature. Riddled with illness, unhealthy stress mechanism, abusive tendency, addiction to the impure. The adults are more unhealthy than the youth.. They are hardwired, not pliable and have less opportunity sift. You see more criminal severity in grown ups (not frequency, for youthful delinquency is common concurrence), you see more dire illnesses.. At a generality.

    If our society loved children, it wouldn’t industrialize them. It wouldn’t sexualize them in means as Toddlers and Tiaras.. Wouldn’t snatch from caregiver in toddler year.. It would gentle the development, ensure it runs its course so that a healthy adolescent and then adult becomes.

    Children only need more protection because they are impressionable to ill growth. And already objective is indeed to make them grow into a one day adult, but a healthy one.. Not rushed out of their childhood.. Not out of tune with their true self and that which is the truth of another.

    It is cyclical.. Makes at children robbed of their childhood so they are incomplete adults and then the guarantee of future incompletion— in both child and adult for the time being of the Earth’s turn in cycle. And both lives matter. Not the child’s more than the adult’s, when the child cannot even complete growth without adult intervention, and so the adult role just as much makes importance.

    One cannot anger when knowing the truth that an adult fails child out of their own incompletion.. What is an incomplete adult? A child who never grew up.. Awaiting complete so they can enact their adult force. And one must realize everyone partakes role in the incompletion of both children and adults/children who never grew up.

    Whilst it is children hurting children ultimately (adult children hurting other adult children and adult children hurting physical children), it is the refusal that society has grew in most, to refuse the true nature of things all. What our bodies were meant consume, what our developmental pace is and not enforcing premature completion or prolonged completion.. One cannot fully be at fault if unaware, but they are at fault for not taking time.. For not honoring what mind and body demand at subconscious.. Their ignore.

    The failure of doctor, of therapist, to oversee the true culprit in human illness.

    I am despaired.. Being so aware in blinded world.. Aside from my own abusive trauma. For I look delusional pointing out what others cannot see. Their blindness will be until introspection brings. No therapist, sherif, doctor, judge, teacher, no human who is supposed to most know of such things will see unless he/she too is brought introspecting.

    What Jung called Ni, introverted intuition, I have. And most have this not.. This gives the allowance to my seeing worldly issue..

    No one knows what I deal with upon the daily basis.. How much I have to suffer with being hyper aware, in a world unaware. Riddled with my own maladies and human conditions.. My own trauma, abusive history.. I have not directly said before this, so it is expected the unseeing wouldn’t know unless I were declare.

    But as said, I just cannot expect the care. I can’t expect it when they don’t have the foresight, sensitivity.. Recognition of pattern and the introspection. And I was again, a fool to expect others see, come alongside me.. Intuitively grasp just how hard it must be.. How much I’ve suffered to have become this aware.. With my activating adversities and noticing trend outside self.. An egocentric wishing birthed out of a never having had that someone there to see me for all that I am… In a human form.

    Egocentricity that has been responsible for all my posting pictures of myself cry, expecting others see, with the direct enforce, even though I being a child, had been unaware of what under-lied my deep psychic persona.

    Care is essential for every man to live, but it never will give in this world unless one attains spiritual awareness. And thus, I need stop seeking from those who blind spiritually.. Which is most this world. You guys don’t live, you walk through sinful motion by no fault of your own.. Every human sins, as do I myself.. But I do not malign the innate ways of one’s own. ( I have fought for my own since young as a matter of fact— which got me further abused by even those closest to me. I refused taking psychiatric medication at 13, aware that lack of care was illness causative. Refused wearing bra until 14.. Always told when voice was too loud for my autistic ears, and so on)..

    Your sins commit by your limited awareness, with no time taken. With no blessings that inherit to enlighten the fertile mind. Which the divine one just didn’t see it necessary for your needs, and other traits planted.. But you need use those traits for their making..

    It is when we align ourselves true, love emanates from our very being and radiates out in love for others and for the divine. The appreciation and usage, the correct flow to ensure health.. All abuse stems from misuse, which anything misuses when not in what intends.

    (For those who study typology seeing this, you use that to align your intended purpose. That is what all typology is for at the day’s end. So that we tolerate ourselves and even others and their making)..

    Something else I’d written:

    This lacking empathy for me has rooted all illness. My soul has sickened, absorbed the energy of a for me disregard. I’ve emaciated from the not being given any care, it’s left void that sucks negatively in.

    There is no greater killer than a lack of care. The synapses within brain a direct measurement of social interaction… And so when one is excluded, their brain is left die. All things disconnect, and what’s left is a void in which to fill. Emptiness fills, even if the emptiness is nothing.

    No one is capable of true care, anyhow— not until they bring into conscious, instinct. One cares for another out of their own survival mechanism… The chemical release in which makes good feeling. The addiction to those said chemicals. When one says they “care for you”, they mean really that they care about how you make them to feel.

    Something only can be authentic if it intends.

    The separation of innocence and criminality is intent. It makes a baby innocent from killing, and a cognizant adult killer guilty. A baby who pulls gun his/her parents have left around (without child lock on) and points is at another as they’ve on TV seen has no concept to kill. And an adult who wants kill out of envy, rage… Even if these emotions bear instinct.. If they reflect, premeditate, it is an intended of act.

    Any soul who reflects has an awareness of why they are, do as do, is a cognizant creature… But most who claim care are unaware they care for another out of their own need to survive. Some may build with brains more sensitive, more able to release the chemicals in which to “care”, and if merely is to govern survival on this planet. For if no one took to the care, the giving, consolation of another… This world would die out.

    And most these people remain unaware of their own role as healer… And they heal to feel good, to have the serotonin and dopamine releasing…

    A brain and body make to support whatever enables their survival, condemn that which oppose their own function.

    One isn’t aware of why they hate or like another.. Their vessels have fallen prison into the survival ego. And only when one has the realization they’re imprisoned, can they move way to undo. Try find out of…

    No one cares about another, nor does one hate another.

    Anyone who says otherwise lives in the delusion their brain and body have kept them.

    And so my sickness… I was destined to sicken in a world that knows no true care, in a world that believes in the hatred for my autistic liking… And with my own lived in delusion that care and hatred are real in this current world.
    Last edited by Braingel; 04-21-2024 at 06:08 PM.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

    My favorite adult Museum Exhibits

  23. #663
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    Something to also point out is that complex ptsd behavior looks inherently 6ish probably, because 6 is a reactive anxiety/head type, and cptsd is a reactive trauma anxiety disorder. But anyone with long-term abuse can develop cptsd, not just 6. Cptsd may just mimic 6 due to the nature of how behavior with it shows up.. and flight/fight anxiety responses.. Even cptsd emotional flashbacks may look pseudo attachment ish, repeating what others say or being triggered by that and repeating it.. cptsd triggers can also look like 6 core projection, and behavior may switch around a lot, if the cptsd trigger is often triggered..

    But anyhow. I’ve always told people that typing me by my complex ptsd reactions is not ever going to make anyone type me accurately. I’ve told this to endless people who have typed me an eie because I am reactive and drama results.. Well duh, I live in my environment of traumatic origin and have severe, untreated complex ptsd, of course I will look Fe- base in that way more…

    Yes, I realize that it is semi my own fault for being in these communities whilst I am this unhealthy, but I am really tired of people confusing my complex ptsd behavior with being certain types, and not looking at the essence and baseline of my own self. You see, it would be hard to not be in this community, as I have an autistic interest in these things, and in spite of what Qaz may believe about my own self, I have a hard time in socially engaging due to awkwardness and my idiosyncratic self, so it limits where I can go..
    Last edited by Braingel; 04-21-2024 at 05:53 PM.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

    My favorite adult Museum Exhibits

  24. #664
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    What you are seeing in me isn’t enneagram related with me being “forceful”.. it’s complex ptsd, and if you’d have noticed a pattern, you’d have seen it only happens when I am invalidated and gaslit (two of my biggest ptsd triggers). If you actually look at my line movements, they’re 2 and 1. The whole desperation for attention at the 2 line and giving away to get… And 1 line hyper criticizing and preaching. If there is anything that maybe comes from me being “forceful” when I am triggered in my complex ptsd, it would maybe be John Beebe’s oppositional placement, because cptsd is an unconscious emotional reaction, and at least in my own intuitive grasp, this placement would be the gateway of the unconscious interplays..

    Literally me as a teenager engaging classic 4 into 2 line crap:

    This is all 4 to 2 > 6 to 3. 6’s under a stress shock would’ve been trying to gain status and compete with others, and display prestige and become active…

    A 6 core wouldn’t even have shared some of the things I have about myself online whilst they’re chronically disintegrated into a 3 line, because they’d be hyper-averted on looking professional to keep their support mechanisms in place, and be trying to compete with others for this support mechanism, and take down what ever threatens their way.

    Like my histrionic (which is a 2 thing by the way) displaying a broken image of myself with mascara running down my face…. 6 would do that, even with a 4 fix, unless maybe that 6 with 4 was in a group of “their own” people to “protect” them (think like a goth punk group, a lot of those people would be 6’s looking for “their people” to make them stronger and able to express vulnerable emotions so they are protected by their tribe. 6 with 4 would find outcasts “like them” to have as their people for protection of their own insecurity and to be able to express as a group), because the 6 at a 3 line is trying look as professional as possible, and also because they’d fear such a vulnerable display would be “used against them” and make them “prey”. 6 is always scanning for threats. Even how I’ve given my last name, in spite I’ve already been doxxed is anti 6 core.

    Also if you don’t see frustration triad in me, you haven’t read enough of what I’ve written.

    Something I’d written:
    No one on this Earth will ever come close to an understanding me. Not the ones that are so superficially to me close.. My despair, my truths that others cannot see with how they believe me out of their falsified projection… No one will ever know the extent of that which is my endurance.

    Anyone who thinks they know will never know just the misery that pits me deep in, with my hopeless idealism that keeps alive. No one would ever care enough to know me, because it’s been this way for almost my life entirety, and I don’t expect them to.

    All I can do is spiritually rise, never look down as how do others me, all I can yearn are the truths beyond this Earth.. I expect no one’s care, anymore.

    (And it was foolish of me, foolish of me to expect the care from others in a world that has fallen. When most of my fellow men are incapable with their lacking introspection, with their lack of awareness.. Most are unaware they don’t know how love, even those to them, closest.. They just think they do, and maybe is is best such way, since most are in belief and no one hurts.. But the truth is that no one knows how love, and that is why religion is existent to try and set man upon his path towards love.. It is of the goal in being on earth to try and learn how.. And I am foolish for believing this can soon become our global reality).

    I don’t need human care when human care is impossible at this time. Yes, I’m ill and the world is ill from this inability care.. And yes, I feel sorry for the human ego being unable, but it’s a life lesson one must realize to be on the other side..

    And I do the most selfless thing of a human do; introspect. And others misunderstand because I am more aware from this, and they don’t see, are blinded— and when I point out, I look as liar, look as delusional..

    The same way an abused child thinks the abuse normal, the abusive society ingrains this normality, of what is “love”.. When none of this is love. The child goes on to be an abusing adult, or an adult with illness; the ones raised in society go one perpetrating this false love, thinking it is so, not any better of know.. And they sicken one another, they set fire, they breathe in toxic air and so they too exhale this air.

    Never having pure air to breathe, they remain unaware of the air impurity. Not knowing what is pure, they cannot possibly know it is impure. Not if they don’t stop to think just why they can’t so well breathe.. And I know they are unaware because they think this is love, what they do.. They think it normal. Even if aware this worldly dysfunction that has long since become, it is just being aware toxin in air exist; not the knowledge the air in which THEY breathe is toxic.

    One must always remember love is beyond intent. Love has a creator behind it, intent doesn’t define that love, what originates love does, and if maligned that definition, it is not true. To love is to be in flow of things naturally as are, this world is but this. This world is hate, misery, abuse.

    The world changes the nature of one, urges the race to change their innate and of others.

    To malign one of their nature is abuse. It also goes against divinity, the ultimate betrayal of oneself and their origin. You’ll never get home if you cannot realize you’re home. YOU are. As in you, how you are.. You are searching for home by your rejection, by your conforming to societal way as it wants you venture as to abandon yourself.. And this is why human minds abuse others, why human minds commit suicide, why the human does to with unthinkable. The sanctity of self is not in place, society not intact for nature to run its course.. The premature making of adult, the altering meds, the eight hour sitting at desk.. Humans don’t have their humanity honored.

    This is why so many have abused me for me being on the autism spectrum, as they try change me, as they frustrated at my abnormality.. When I am normal for my own self..

    It is not unthinkable things do as when you realize people operate under poisoned air— literal and metaphoric. You are an unrealized energy matter of mind, your synapses generate as you heed my words and are forced think by my brain.

    Yes, awareness hurts.. And this is how I’ve been from the beginning of my mind’s activation. This is not a fraction of my mind.. What I’ve said is afar from encapsulating my overall essence, and most would not fathom even if they introspected some.. But I was put as guide on this Earth and I must surrender.. Role. Even though I still crave for the consolation, the holding of hand, the seeing of who I am, my wounds and emotion.

    Wishing it all more as I bear to witness the selves misuse.. Away from their true making…


    The curious will give momentary care at what prompted this writing.. Irritated with their subconscious of my continued “negativity”, or for some the matter of me as intellectual case that makes configuration.

    It’s not the ongoing war, for I foresaw this six almost years ago with Trump’s presidency.. Knowing nothing of politics, no news following, I foresaw a pompous personality that can strain relation at his release.. And when Covid hit, I knew it would happen amidst this time, the break out, as countries grapple their resources, are vulnerable to attack.. And the soonest that may regain which possesses volatile character will strike.

    It is the persistent lack of care I have seen from others; in my life, throughout the world.. The everyday stranger on the street, even, averted on his/her own path. He/she busies too much, the world obscuring his/her own nature with a fast pace go.

    It is unrelated to the pandemic, it is unrelated to Sara’s illness, though I have overtime bore witness to just how little western doctors care in an actuality. Most of them.. (And I know why; their nature doesn’t align with being Doctor, money falsely motivates their doctoral entrance)..
    It is my own life adversities.. Ones no one ever would believe unless they with their own eye saw.. The root cause of all my “negativity” with my painful dwellings.

    You see, you don’t know me. Most of you presumed this was a byproduct of the war, the pandemic, or having see Sara’s sufferings, the most known family adversity of the Soylulars’.

    Some will think it a matter of depression disrupting my world view. This is a closer representation, but they will not think of just what has gotten me this thrown into depressive depth.

    And I shouldn’t bother with a tell, when it will not matter, the world will not care for what has to me happened.. I have told before, others.. Most didn’t care, and some compared and relayed their own stories to me, as they use me as a symbol to unleash and further their own healing.. Which isn’t inherently bad, given they too are ill. Faced with world where no one realizes with their inability see.. They disbelieve, they invalidate.. And so the hurt ones cry to whomever is able see. And the only ones who see are generally the other hurting..

    You are overthrown at your eighteenth turning, no one will give care unless you provide something or they can somehow relate themselves to you. But no one cares TRULY about what legally defines minor in of first places either, the concept was bred in, and fact they only care for minors shows it is just how much they have been controlled by their environment, not even aware that law exists to protect, and all things are to protect because all things are divinely created and deserving love. They would care for no one if there was no survival instinct to protect young, the time of care will depend on when the law will cut off the age, which shows it is influenced by environment to extent, and also that we can use our environment to reinforce more care in our society.

    But the day you turn 18 in most places, the world no long we cares.. They didn’t fully care, but now there is almost no care beyond what one can offer to meet the survival need. There is no ethical bounding to help one.. But one must realize the ethics all stem from the instinctive nature which includes survivalism..

    The world tells you that you are “free” at 18.. That now all things are your own responsibility, that you are to move out if problems persist. When these all are lie. We are interdependent beings and nothing ever amounts from individual fault. There is no freedom in a world where ones innate nature obscures.

    The time to a coming close of when one cares truly is when one is a baby. But it all is based on survival mechanism and the goal is to therefore inadvertently abuse the baby into becoming a workhorse adult and enslave to an abusive way, to neuter them of their true nature.. That baby is destined abuse and is being groomed for it. Its needs met so it withstands the abusive beating as adult and teenager (and as overall in their adolescence, which extends beyond teenaged year, ending at the approximate to on of 24-27 by individual variance. And it was shortened by the fast pace go of our world and the need to make others to en it’s cycle faster and faster, too many born and more work needed. This is historical, which Stanley Hall, founder of adolescence as a concept, even admitted adolescence ends well into the twenties).

    The baby becomes a conscious, yet helpless child controlled at the mercy by the adults around.. And forms shape, with their predisposition giving the limitation of what shape it will grow by how far it can bend.. Or perhaps the shape is genetic and texture— how soft, strong, how pointed with danger at its surface, is the environmental product).

    The society that so much “loves” children does not so, when all they do is industrialize and prepare them for worldly abuse.

    And you thus leave with malnourished adult. Half baked; immature. Riddled with illness, unhealthy stress mechanism, abusive tendency, addiction to the impure. The adults are more unhealthy than the youth.. They are hardwired, not pliable and have less opportunity sift.

    And you thus leave with malnourished adult. Half baked; immature. Riddled with illness, unhealthy stress mechanism, abusive tendency, addiction to the impure. The adults are more unhealthy than the youth.. They are hardwired, not pliable and have less opportunity sift. You see more criminal severity in grown ups (not frequency, for youthful delinquency is common concurrence), you see more dire illnesses.. At a generality.

    If our society loved children, it wouldn’t industrialize them. It wouldn’t sexualize them in means as Toddlers and Tiaras.. Wouldn’t snatch from caregiver in toddler year.. It would gentle the development, ensure it runs its course so that a healthy adolescent and then adult becomes.

    Children only need more protection because they are impressionable to ill growth. And already objective is indeed to make them grow into a one day adult, but a healthy one.. Not rushed out of their childhood.. Not out of tune with their true self and that which is the truth of another.

    It is cyclical.. Makes at children robbed of their childhood so they are incomplete adults and then the guarantee of future incompletion— in both child and adult for the time being of the Earth’s turn in cycle. And both lives matter. Not the child’s more than the adult’s, when the child cannot even complete growth without adult intervention, and so the adult role just as much makes importance.

    One cannot anger when knowing the truth that an adult fails child out of their own incompletion.. What is an incomplete adult? A child who never grew up.. Awaiting complete so they can enact their adult force. And one must realize everyone partakes role in the incompletion of both children and adults/children who never grew up.

    Whilst it is children hurting children ultimately (adult children hurting other adult children and adult children hurting physical children), it is the refusal that society has grew in most, to refuse the true nature of things all. What our bodies were meant consume, what our developmental pace is and not enforcing premature completion or prolonged completion.. One cannot fully be at fault if unaware, but they are at fault for not taking time.. For not honoring what mind and body demand at subconscious.. Their ignore.

    The failure of doctor, of therapist, to oversee the true culprit in human illness.

    I am despaired.. Being so aware in blinded world.. Aside from my own abusive trauma. For I look delusional pointing out what others cannot see. Their blindness will be until introspection brings. No therapist, sherif, doctor, judge, teacher, no human who is supposed to most know of such things will see unless he/she too is brought introspecting.

    What Jung called Ni, introverted intuition, I have. And most have this not.. This gives the allowance to my seeing worldly issue..

    No one knows what I deal with upon the daily basis.. How much I have to suffer with being hyper aware, in a world unaware. Riddled with my own maladies and human conditions.. My own trauma, abusive history.. I have not directly said before this, so it is expected the unseeing wouldn’t know unless I were declare.

    But as said, I just cannot expect the care. I can’t expect it when they don’t have the foresight, sensitivity.. Recognition of pattern and the introspection. And I was again, a fool to expect others see, come alongside me.. Intuitively grasp just how hard it must be.. How much I’ve suffered to have become this aware.. With my activating adversities and noticing trend outside self.. An egocentric wishing birthed out of a never having had that someone there to see me for all that I am… In a human form.

    Egocentricity that has been responsible for all my posting pictures of myself cry, expecting others see, with the direct enforce, even though I being a child, had been unaware of what under-lied my deep psychic persona.

    Care is essential for every man to live, but it never will give in this world unless one attains spiritual awareness. And thus, I need stop seeking from those who blind spiritually.. Which is most this world. You guys don’t live, you walk through sinful motion by no fault of your own.. Every human sins, as do I myself.. But I do not malign the innate ways of one’s own. ( I have fought for my own since young as a matter of fact— which got me further abused by even those closest to me. I refused taking psychiatric medication at 13, aware that lack of care was illness causative. Refused wearing bra until 14.. Always told when voice was too loud for my autistic ears, and so on)..

    Your sins commit by your limited awareness, with no time taken. With no blessings that inherit to enlighten the fertile mind. Which the divine one just didn’t see it necessary for your needs, and other traits planted.. But you need use those traits for their making..

    It is when we align ourselves true, love emanates from our very being and radiates out in love for others and for the divine. The appreciation and usage, the correct flow to ensure health.. All abuse stems from misuse, which anything misuses when not in what intends.

    (For those who study typology seeing this, you use that to align your intended purpose. That is what all typology is for at the day’s end. So that we tolerate ourselves and even others and their making)..

    Something else I’d written:

    This lacking empathy for me has rooted all illness. My soul has sickened, absorbed the energy of a for me disregard. I’ve emaciated from the not being given any care, it’s left void that sucks negatively in.

    There is no greater killer than a lack of care. The synapses within brain a direct measurement of social interaction… And so when one is excluded, their brain is left die. All things disconnect, and what’s left is a void in which to fill. Emptiness fills, even if the emptiness is nothing.

    No one is capable of true care, anyhow— not until they bring into conscious, instinct. One cares for another out of their own survival mechanism… The chemical release in which makes good feeling. The addiction to those said chemicals. When one says they “care for you”, they mean really that they care about how you make them to feel.

    Something only can be authentic if it intends.

    The separation of innocence and criminality is intent. It makes a baby innocent from killing, and a cognizant adult killer guilty. A baby who pulls gun his/her parents have left around (without child lock on) and points is at another as they’ve on TV seen has no concept to kill. And an adult who wants kill out of envy, rage… Even if these emotions bear instinct.. If they reflect, premeditate, it is an intended of act.

    Any soul who reflects has an awareness of why they are, do as do, is a cognizant creature… But most who claim care are unaware they care for another out of their own need to survive. Some may build with brains more sensitive, more able to release the chemicals in which to “care”, and if merely is to govern survival on this planet. For if no one took to the care, the giving, consolation of another… This world would die out.

    And most these people remain unaware of their own role as healer… And they heal to feel good, to have the serotonin and dopamine releasing…

    A brain and body make to support whatever enables their survival, condemn that which oppose their own function.

    One isn’t aware of why they hate or like another.. Their vessels have fallen prison into the survival ego. And only when one has the realization they’re imprisoned, can they move way to undo. Try find out of…

    No one cares about another, nor does one hate another.

    Anyone who says otherwise lives in the delusion their brain and body have kept them.

    And so my sickness… I was destined to sicken in a world that knows no true care, in a world that believes in the hatred for my autistic liking… And with my own lived in delusion that care and hatred are real in this current world.
    In these writings, you should see a low side of a 1 line “your sins that commit by your own limited awareness” and lots of low side of 1 line preaching.
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    The best times to type me in any system, would be when I am not in an emotional flashback.. Very little corresponds to that, but I do have image issue triggers that offset the reactions. But typing the behavioral reactions their own self as any socio or enneagram type will mislead you. For myself, you’ve to focus on my line movements and triads, when I am not disintegrated for the enneagram.. For Jungian functions, socionics will mostly mislead you, best in this would be to focus on John Beebe, as this is the most designed for a highly neurotic, complex trauma case…
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    It may not be as obvious, because this is online and you can’t actually see how the reactions are playing out real time, but with my reactions to Qaz and whatnot, I had numerous emotional flashback hemorrhages, where I even age regressed and my body shook..

    The baseline cause for that was image issues to begin with— my image being devalued, and qualities within my own self I want others to value and acknowledge and completely invalidating my own inner experience. 6 cores wouldn’t have triggered from this sort of thing, this is a basis of the heart.. 6’s more would trigger with loyalty betrayals, starting to doubt the honesty of a person and make a narrative in their head and project out (had a 6 core with bpd do this to me and completely slandered me in his split), and things of this nature. It doesn’t have do with how one sees their own self and of wanting acknowledgement.. Maybe another thing that can set off a 6 is a real or perceived threat of a support loss. You can have a 6 that can get defensive over a label they identified with, but it isn’t going to manifest imagey, they will start to doubt their own self.. And that the typing or label they identified with is not right, and start undergo an identity crisis, which isn’t present in myself. I just get frustrated and reactive when not triggered and when cptsd triggered, I hemorrhage and throw a tantrum. They would look for other people to support them that their view of their own self is correct and seek identity confirmation, sort of a “so and so said”… After their whole reactivity crisis, which indeed (the crisis itself), can look like how I behaved towards Qaz, but the post reaction is different, and the reason for that has do with complex ptsd and image things set that whole reaction of to begin with, a 6 wouldn’t have reacted because of what had made me. I never doubted my own self and even kept saying “I’m the one who is right in how I view myself”.. A 6 would be asking like, “What do you guys type me” or whatnot as a post follow-up to keep their certainty that doubt assault had caused them.. I was also not just triggered by Qaz typing me as an SEE, it was him making me full dull, common, vapid and unintelligible.. Things that are shame-heart focused..

    Enneagram would influence what triggers cptsd reactions.. But the actual behavior itself isn’t going to be as enneagram, other than reactivity will show, and image “you don’t see”, but any person with complex ptsd can get reactive, even a gentle type like 9 or cut off 5, just lessened in extremity.
    Last edited by Braingel; 04-21-2024 at 06:42 PM.
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    Also, maybe what Rose means as a “spectrum” is that there are varying tritypes and instincts, that are indeed all going to influence how a core type manifests in different ways. I am a 461 core, very sure on this, a frustration, an image, have blatant as day 1 and 2 lines, am surely reactive, have wing of a 5. But a 461 in general will be a bit more “pushy”, not necessarily forceful. I agree that when I have complex ptsd episodes, I get forceful, but this has do with fight/flight response and brain chemicals and nervous system wiring, rather than a core outlook or object relation… Has do with how my brain and endocrine and nervous systems wired in order to survive my childhood environment I STILL live in.

    That is something that is 100% unconscious instinct motivated and isn’t fully psychological (but physiological), enneagram is more how the conscious interplays with emotions and to an extent, what triggers the unconscious reactions, but it wouldn’t at all, define the entire unconscious domain, even though the enneagram would tie into limbics… The true system of the unconscious is going to be John Beebe, really urge people to read his work, and this would also have do with why I get forceful, as Fe is my oppositional placement.. More expressive and it is my “arsenal” placement. At least in how I intuit it, as Beebe doesn’t write how it looks for every function, it would be forcing something into the mass, having unconscious, uncontrollable emotions come out, intense histrionic displays.. It arguably even goes very well in how I intuit it, with a 4 Core Image, who is conscious Fi lead and then unconscious Fe… But in myself, it will be unhinged because of the nature of trauma tensions in my unconscious, so you’re looking at a CPTSD with borderline feature Fe unconscious that is going to because of cptsd, have a more frantic fighting mode. This placement would be the “fight” defense of the unconscious, in my view, when it is shadowed and not of light.

    “*One of the shadow archetypes of consciousness, the opposing personality, consists of a cluster of defenses of the self that are used to oppose, rather than one and work with others. The opposing personality fuels the defensive character styles— passive aggressive, paranoid, avoidant and histrionic— we sometimes see in our patients. Deployed internally, this consciousness can end up opposing one’s own best interests in perverse ways.*”
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    @Braingel, I think I did admit I could have been wrong about your type, all typings invole some degree of agnosticism, in the end.

    I agree that it's best not to try and type people who are unhealthy psychologically, as there is alot that can obscure an accurate typing. That said, it's difficult not to do in your case, as you talk about your typings in various systems alot, and so people tend to offer their opinions. I personally do not think it matters what a person's type is, the ideal state to attain would be a neutral view of all the types in a system (though this is tough because we all have our preferences). I do not think you have less value as a person because you are x or y type, anyways (not saying you are implying this, anyways). I get that it's not a great feeling to feel like the things you say are distorted by others, whether those things apply to your type or not, and I get there are alot of spite typings and gatekeeping going around. I try to avoid this in myself, but I'm human after all and I fail in this regard just like everyone else.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Also, maybe what Rose means as a “spectrum” is that there are varying tritypes and instincts, that are indeed all going to influence how a core type manifests in different ways. I am a 461 core, very sure on this, a frustration, an image, have blatant as day 1 and 2 lines, am surely reactive, have wing of a 5. But a 461 in general will be a bit more “pushy”, not necessarily forceful. I agree that when I have complex ptsd episodes, I get forceful, but this has do with fight/flight response and brain chemicals and nervous system wiring, rather than a core outlook or object relation… Has do with how my brain and endocrine and nervous systems wired in order to survive my childhood environment I STILL live in.

    That is something that is 100% unconscious instinct motivated and isn’t fully psychological (but physiological), enneagram is more how the conscious interplays with emotions and to an extent, what triggers the unconscious reactions, but it wouldn’t at all, define the entire unconscious domain, even though the enneagram would tie into limbics… The true system of the unconscious is going to be John Beebe, really urge people to read his work, and this would also have do with why I get forceful, as Fe is my oppositional placement.. More expressive and it is my “arsenal” placement. At least in how I intuit it, as Beebe doesn’t write how it looks for every function, it would be forcing something into the mass, having unconscious, uncontrollable emotions come out, intense histrionic displays.. It arguably even goes very well in how I intuit it, with a 4 Core Image, who is conscious Fi lead and then unconscious Fe… But in myself, it will be unhinged because of the nature of trauma tensions in my unconscious, so you’re looking at a CPTSD with borderline feature Fe unconscious that is going to because of cptsd, have a more frantic fighting mode. This placement would be the “fight” defense of the unconscious, in my view, when it is shadowed and not of light.
    And would go exceedingly well with social as well.. But I want people to realize I am not a normal case of any typology, lol. You are looking at a person who has faced daily psychological abuse for 15+ years, isolated physical and sexual abuse incidences in numerous happenings, and chronic bullying over a span of 12 years in school, and have also faced bullying online since dropping out of high school in twelfth.. I’ve also faced abuse in one of my facility placements and trauma with being taken my house in the midst of night, had broken my tooth when 8, which to me at time was like losing a thumb.. My mother had medicated my food, and I had numerous preverbal trauma incidences. I had my right clavicle broken from birth and no one knew for a little over 6 weeks, and so my nervous system formed with traumatization from my very first days. Then, I nearly died at age 2, and was hospitalized a few days prior to that turning of (meaning I was 1), and had a spinal tap to rule out meningitis… There is no way to know, but it is very likely I faced molestation as an infant or 2 yo, because I was around employee of my father who were years later convicted child sexual offenders and my cousin had sexual deviance and was left to babysit me as a baby and toddler… And I had started masturbating from my own memory in ar least 3.

    In this addition, I am also autistic with also high, high sensitivity (Elain Aaron’s coined term). My neurology is already different and my behaviors aren’t going to show up in the same as say, a neurotypical or person with adhd..
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    @Braingel, I think I did admit I could have been wrong about your type, all typings invole some degree of agnosticism, in the end.

    I agree that it's best not to try and type people who are unhealthy psychologically, as there is alot that can obscure an accurate typing. That said, it's difficult not to do in your case, as you talk about your typings in various systems alot, and so people tend to offer their opinions. I personally do not think it matters what a person's type is, the ideal state to attain would be a neutral view of all the types in a system (though this is tough because we all have our preferences). I do not think you have less value as a person because you are x or y type, anyways (not saying you are implying this, anyways). I get that it's not a great feeling to feel like the things you say are distorted by others, whether those things apply to your type or not, and I get there are alot of spite typings and gatekeeping going around. I try to avoid this in myself, but I'm human after all and I fail in this regard just like everyone else.
    The enneagram is the thing that I am 100% are on for myself, as being a core 4.. (1 and 2 lines, image issues, reactivity, frustration triad, and yes, withdrawn.. It just shows in a social dom way—online. I retreat from the world and go in my intra sphere and fantasy). Now my gut fix is not as clear, you can type it 1w9 or 9w1, but me as double adaptive is not befitting. And now for instincts, this literally changes by which literature you use. In enneagrammer, I’d be an SO/SP, where they based upon sexual attraction and reproductive behavior.. In RH, with 1-1 intimacy and intensity, I’d be so/sx. I personally like that RH has a zone theory, it’s more multi-faceted when looking at how it may manifest relative to an individual.

    Now my Model G type (eastern, not Lamb sauces renovation, where it doesn’t make the suggestive 3D.. I am IEI in lamb’s remake), is something I’ve never been quite sure on, but with me being typed SEE by Qaz, this is just ludicrous.. And I generally get typed “EIE-H”. I agree, I fit Fe- with my 4 core and cptsd, but there are quite a few aspects that don’t fit me as an eie, such as EJ (offline behavior), me as an Fi ignorer and Si brake. I actually fit irrationality better. Some have proposed ili-h for me, but I don’t have great Te. It is something I am really not concerned of, as I don’t see Model G as a great model….
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    The enneagram is the thing that I am 100% are on for myself, as being a core 4.. (1 and 2 lines, image issues, reactivity, frustration triad, and yes, withdrawn.. It just shows in a social dom way—online. I retreat from the world and go in my intra sphere and fantasy). Now my gut fix is not as clear, you can type it 1w9 or 9w8, but me as double adaptive is not befitting. And now for instincts, this literally changes by which literature you use. In enneagrammer, I’d be an SO/SP, where they based upon sexual attraction and reproductive behavior.. In RH, with 1-1 intimacy and intensity, I’d be so/sx. I personally like that RH has a zone theory, it’s more multi-faceted when looking at how it may manifest relative to an individual.

    Now my Model G type (eastern, not Lamb sauces renovation, where it doesn’t make the suggestive 3D.. I am IEI in lamb’s remake), is something I’ve never been quite sure on, but with me being typed SEE by Qaz, this is just ludicrous.. And I generally get typed “EIE-H”. I agree, I fit Fe- with my 4 core and cptsd, but there are quite a few aspects that don’t fit me as an eie, such as EJ (offline behavior), me as an Fi ignorer and Si brake. I actually fit irrationality better. Some have proposed ili-h for me, but I don’t have great Te. It is something I am really not concerned of, as I don’t see Model G as a great model….
    I think looking at integration disintegration lines is a good way to find your core. If core 4 has been useful to you and your growth, I have nothing to add.

    Yes, I agree you are So first. Probably so/sp by enneagrammer and so/sx by Chestnut/Paes as they are the ones to my knowledge who define sx as "one to one". In the RH book I have, they define it closer to how e-grammer does (enneagrammer are somewhat closer to RH than anything else in mainstream enneagram studies). But the book may be outdated wrt to how the EI defines the instincts now, dunno.

    Yeah, I know you don't like model G. That's okay, lol. I think it is interesting on the one hand, but I get tired of the same 4 types coming up over and over's boring. SEE is absurd for you in that model. I think EIE is probably right there. I don't think every function has to fit in model G for the type to fit in SHS.
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    You can argue that 1-1 intimacy is just Fi, but eh..
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    I think looking at integration disintegration lines is a good way to find your core. If core 4 has been useful to you and your growth, I have nothing to add.

    Yes, I agree you are So first. Probably so/sp by enneagrammer and so/sx by Chestnut/Paes as they are the ones to my knowledge who define sx as "one to one". In the RH book I have, they define it closer to how e-grammer does (enneagrammer are somewhat closer to RH than anything else in mainstream enneagram studies). But the book may be outdated wrt to how the EI defines the instincts now, dunno.

    Yeah, I know you don't like model G. That's okay, lol. I think it is interesting on the one hand, but I get tired of the same 4 types coming up over and over's boring. SEE is absurd for you in that model. I think EIE is probably right there. I don't think every function has to fit in model G for the type to fit in SHS.
    RH also defines SX as 1-1.. And they define it as an electric feeling in the body, or at least Russ does..
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    A correction is that John Luckovich was a student of Russ.. His book he wrote is more aligned with RH, with some refinements. Once he joined EU, a lot changes. I am a pretty clear-cut social 4 by John Luckovich’s description of it.. But as far as Enneagrammer, they wouldn’t type me as a 4, because of its being gatekept, they’d try type me as a core 1, 6 core with 4 and 1, or even a 5w4 core.. But…. I even do fit their 1 and 2 disintegration lines. The enneagrammer 4 is basically a 451/458 in how they define it, it wouldn’t catch as much a 469 or 461 beyond movement in lines.
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    John L’s descriptions are different than enneagramer’s site literature. For instance, John defines a social 4 as being the most adaptive kind. This word adaptive would never be used by EU vocab.. John’s social 4 is more of a social 459, maybe. John also types Chelsea wolf as a 4 and the others in that type her as a 6.
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    John L’s book is an improvement to RH (I haven’t read his book, just a few descriptions that @Tim posted).. Enneagrammer is a de-evolution to enneagram in my opinion. They have some important concepts, contra and syn is interesting, and then their two-line theory was always supposed be apart of enneagram, and I even caught it in Naranjo and RH…

    Enneagrammer is mostly a trash model. Even with the whole #nota4 thing, Joseph Simon himself on the EU website writes from a “we”, I will show you..

    But their literature is mostly trash for 4, 5 and 8. Their other types aren’t that bad.. Their 2 is actually excellent, even.
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    I had written out a few days ago, as I’ve been trying convince SCS to look at John Beebe, that all these makes ger certain parts right, and overtime, they trial and error build them, and you can take what they got right and formulate the best of it all.. Someone’s primary functions that others may not have allow them to define things from that required IME.. You need all 8 functions in a system to be completed..
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    My personal recommendations for primary literature would be for

    Jungian functions:
    John Beebe
    Dario Nardi

    (I have mostly intuited scs, not vastly studied).


    I haven’t looked much at Maitri, but she seems good..

    You can’t grasp enneagram with Naranjo alone, though. Naranjo is best for a highly pathological person, more than any author other than maybe Rh low health manifestations.. Because Character and Neurosis is literally types at their most disintegrated points. This is why the 6 is hierarchical (at 3), the 4 is nurturing (2 line), and the 2 is controlling (8 line).. for instance..
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    Beebe is by far the best system in my opinion— even more so than enneagram.. He integrates both the shadow and what I would personally call “light” dynamics of a person… He shows you how to become conscious of your unconscious elements that may cause havoc, and his model is designed for unhealthy and healthy people alike.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

    My favorite adult Museum Exhibits

  40. #680
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Lamb sauce’s refinement of G really isn’t that bad either.. I honestly believe it is better than Gulenko. From my observing, he synthesizes unknowingly, G and WSS..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

    My favorite adult Museum Exhibits

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