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Thread: 2015 Type Galen Thread

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  1. #1
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    This post covers your reasons given for LIE in your posts #13 and 15. I will get to your post to me later.

    * he VIs like some of the russian LIE portraits. ((VI? Seriously?))

    * you see him as coming across like the victim romantic style. ((How so?))

    * Galen said he and Radio were "basically the same person", and you think that must mean socionics, and also must mean identicals or duals; and since you type Radio as ESI, that 'must' make Galen ESI/LIE.

    * you don't see him as having zest and enthusiasm for exploring new ideas ((yet you're the one emphatically trying to curtail his interest in also using enneagram in typings rather than limiting himself to just socionics; we can also easily dismiss his other hobbies and interests as well, I suppose. I mean his zest for dance games, creating music, other theories, etc is just so...mundane.))

    * talks candidly about his feelings like other LIE do ((which LIE have written about their angst? When has Ashton, FDG, Narc, etc ever written a post like the one Galen did regarding The Lion King?))
    ((and what about IEE who have also talked candidly about their feelings and angsts? Are they to be retyped too?))

    * he comes across differently from Refi ((who openly admits to using a persona on this forum)) and the female IEEs ((are we to ignore life experiences like gender, age, and sexuality, too? I mean seriously, how in the world could a mid-20's homosexual male be sooo different from heterosexual females over 35yo??))

    * apathetic, 'screw everyone' fashion
    * he doesn't engage in lighthearted discussions like Alphas do ((he's not Alpha)), or even Deltas sometimes. He has a darker, more serious tone, and you rarely see him being lighthearted and playful. ((We'll conveniently ignore instances like how the beginning of this very 2015 type thread started out as playful and lighthearted.))

    * perpetual state of apathy and not giving a fuck and happily doing his own thing and not caring what others think ((as opposed to being ...what...hyper-emotional, people pleasing, image focused, unable to just do their own thing because "OMG WHAT would people THINK???" IEE? ))

    * he has intuitive perception of information which you think might be explained by his raw honesty for how thoughts are being generated, and his dissecting them all the time.
    * he thinks systematically, candidly, and cryptically.
    * would probably dismiss your post as 'preposterous'.
    ((So, you think his thinking process is systematic, candid, cryptic, demonstrates raw honesty for how thoughts are generated, and dissects them....and that that kind of thinking ability would so easily dismiss your post as 'preposterous'. Um, do you realize that you had put down your own thinking ability?))

    Also regarding post 15:
    Quote Originally Posted by William
    So you 'get on' 'just fine' with most people, then why are you even concerned with a type-me thread?
    What does ability to get along with most people have to do with him making a type thread? Is this suggesting that the reason why you've made all those type threads for yourself was because you don't 'get on' 'just fine' with most people? Is that the only reason for doing a type me thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by William
    In most EII type descriptions I find, they abhor any sort of violence or aggression, because of Se PoLR. He often exerts his will and his opinion against others in a manner that Se dominants do.
    What do you type Maritsa as?
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  2. #2
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    Whiny in a way to attract attention from aggressors.
    You think aggressors are romantically attracted to whining?
    Wouldn't whining be more of a caregiver attractor?

    Interest in current things already known does not = zest and enthusiasm for exploring new ideas. Ne I see as more open to the opinions and perspectives of others. Even if they disagree - take for example your willingness to even type out your response, even if you disagree with me. Every type will have NTR interests such as dance games, creating music, other theories, etc. That doesn't mean functionally the person is exhibiting Ne.
    Creating music is a continuous development thing, not something one learns once and is done. There's always new things to explore when creating music.

    Do you have a link to the post you are referring to?
    I'll look for it. While you look for posts from Ashton, fdg, or Narc that demonstrate the candid sharing you say exists.

    Coming across differently to IEEs could be interpreted as evidence that he's NOT IEE. Or considering your perspective that it's based on other factors in his life, his sexuality, his gender, age, etc. - technically every singe one of us on this form 'comes across' slightly differently - that's why I think it's best to type by function. How do you define Ne & Fi, ann? How do you see Galen using them?
    Except you weren't totally typing by function now, were you. There was an awful lot of vibe talk in your posts. Even a touch of VI.

    I'm not retyping socionics for you. Go to my blog and you'll see my views on the elements there.
    The rest is worthless to type more than i've already done for you.

    It's not that it's ignored - every type can exhibit 'playfulness'. It's the degree and nature and pattern of their playfulness which should be taken into account. One instance of borderline attention-seeking / narcissism is not evidence of a single type. Again, impressions like these steer away from the definitions of the functions and how information is interpreted.
    Hmm, interesting, all those typing threads you did for yourself were borderline attention-seeking/narcissism eh?

    I'd like to hear how you define Ne & Fi. Not all IEEs are the same. Your stereotype you impose is not true for all IEEs. I'll give an example - Simon Small or w/e his name was who used to be active, I believe is a male IEE who is NOT cheery. This blows apart any bias you think I have.
    And yet you wrote elsewhere in this thread about Galen's difference to "cheery and perceptive" IEE.

    No. That's definitely more typical of Galen. Do you care to provide an explanation why you think this is more typical of me?
    Reread what i said, you obviously either didn't understand it, or are pretending you didn't.

    No. But I still haven't heard Galen's official answers to my questions. I think I already have heard them though. Like woof said, drama and type-masquerading, too much for me at least.
    I'm pretty sure he already hinted he wouldn't, in one of his responses to you, something to the effect of if he couldn't see something going anywhere, then he wouldn't bother wasting his time/energy on it.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  3. #3
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
    I found it, but after rereading it, and you being a bit of an asshat regarding how you're trying to interpret him, I'll instead wait to see if @Galen is ok with me linking you to it.
    Go for it

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