Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
I would love to hear if an EIE thinks that what I am going to share that I have noticed about EIEs is consistent with their type. It does make them different from IEEs! In the 3 EIEs women I have known, I have seen a certain love of being the center of drama. Those EIEs are typically the soul of a social situation, bringing life to it, being brightly and engagingly outgoing, charming everyone. And they have a penchant, at times (not constantly), to have guys competing for them and they seem to truly revel in that "stardom".
Regarding EIEs, I can only speak for myself, but I personally don't care for being the center of drama. I guess the definition of drama is open to interpretation. But for me it has a mostly unpleasant connotation that makes me think of conflict. I enjoy discussing things, and don't mind disagreeing with people. But conflict never enters into it. I think it is important to always be respectful when interacting with people. And when you are respectful, I think that you can avoid a lot of drama.

Also, I would have no interest in guys competing for my attention. That seems shallow and attention-seeking, and devalues the real importance of each relationship. Regarding EIEs reveling in stardom: I occasionally speak to groups, and I am always happy to have my message received positively. It feels good to stand in front of a group of people and hear applause. But my reason for being there is to help my audience, not because I am looking forward to being a star. And if I thought someone might look at me and think that I was reveling in applause and being the center of attention, I would be very unhappy. Because that seems very shallow to me.

My inner world is full of strongly held beliefs, many of which I think should be spoken of or fought for (but I am not a fighter,) great love or dislike for certain people, despair over certain situations, sorrow over things that have happened that can't be undone. It is not a peaceful place. It is full of strong emotion. But why would I want to vent that strong emotion? Just to stir up drama? That seems very pointless to me. If I am trying to get an important point across, I am going to do everything I can to make my message sound good, and hopefully present myself in a non-offensive way so that people will want to listen to me. I am good at reading people, and I pick and choose things to use from my inner life that will help me be at my most effective in the outside world. Being dramatic and a blatant attention seeker, would not go over well in my world.

Obviously I am not always successful in my communications. Deltas, in particular, have judged me for being too harsh, or vehement, at times. Then I back off, apologize, if necessary. But there is no drama.