For the most part when I get annoyed at someone for something they've said I have reasons for why I'm annoyed that I can easily justify and I have a handle on whether or not instigating debate is worth it. The 'worth it' factor usually has to do with whether or not the topic is important enough for me to put myself through the stress of potential conflict. But when any of my EIE friends (this makes me sound like I'm up to my nips in EIEs but I'm only pals with three of them) say something that I think is silly or uninformed I always get much more inflammatory and prone to instigation, even if the topic is not all that important to me. It's really silly b/c I know that if the same statement/behaviour/whatever was coming from a non-EIE friend I would not feel nearly as bothered. Sometimes just reading something personal they have written on FB that has nothing to do with me (thus I can't really disagree with it) can piss me off an unreasonable amount. In short, I get annoyed for non-justifiable reasons.

This isn't to say that I only get annoyed at EIEs for silly non-reasons, but they're the only type I get frequently frustrated at for reasons that are silly and not worth it when I step back to look at the situation. I would've chalked it up to being not type related but this is a recurring thing with otherwise very different EIEs. Around my EIE pals I have to make sure to suppress my urges to correct and criticise, otherwise I come out of it regretful and viewing my own actions as pretty cruel.

Other than that, though, I'm a big fan of EIEs. I am curious as to whether or not other IEEs experience this (b/c this could be just a me problem) and about the flipside of this as well; what are IEE-EIE relations like from the EIE perspective?