Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
I really hope you're not being serious... I think it's not definitively type related. Why couldn't an ILE be sympathetic towards people with Downs syndrome?

I meant to say I believe IEEs are more likely to be sympathetic to those in need, like ClownsandEntropy sort of said also. (meaning some IEEs would still not care, of course, while other types still would...) I wasn't trying to classify things as black & white as 'ONLY THIS TYPE CAN DO THIS' like you seem to be doing...

Please tell me you're not being serious with that statement.
OK so you believe IEEs are more likely to be sympathetic, but you also believe that some IEEs won't care. I wonder if you could present your 'believe' in actual numbers here, because what you are really saying is that none of what you have spoke it type related.

In other words, you've rambled on the whole way to say absolutely nothing.

Are you displaying Te or PoLR perfection William?