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Thread: Perfectionism in POLR function?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    I tend to over-focus on my polr shortcomings and go over everything 3 times to make sure I'm not accidentally letting it slip (online at least; it's obviously harder since real life doesn't have a submit button). As a result, I make less obvious/often polr oops's than many other people of my type, but it still happens. I'm not good at it and it doesn't come naturally and I prefer to avoid it, but sometimes it's impossible.
    I understand you pretty well here - I can sometimes get into this mindset and if I do get in the mindset to try and avoid the Fi problems, I do get perfectionistic about it. Online I do have time to overthink it and edit whatever I write, rechecking a couple of times with this vague feeling in the background about whether it's good enough by now or not. Offline/IRL I either speak/act without thinking or don't speak/act at all, no other options lol. I can't edit myself while speaking/acting and also hard to make myself think up some way of speaking or acting before I actually do it, at least not from the standpoint of politeness and such.

    Anyway so that means, the offline version of my PoLR perfectionism is simply me not saying or doing whatever but in the case of actions that is something I can't really force on myself for long because it'd be extremely frustrating. So I really prefer to simply go ahead with acting. I seriously don't like to limit myself for no real reason and tbh even if there's maybe a little -note, pretty vague- reason it's usually not big enough to see it as justified let alone make sense of it... As for just talking, I can hold myself back there easier than with actual actions. I'm alright with not always talking.

    Of course the above only applies when I'm actually -even though really vaguely- aware of a possibility of issues. Most of the time I'm not aware at all of the possibility of making a mistake in this area and unless someone lets me know I will never realize that a mistake happened. Well sometimes, probably with the worse kinds of offenses, I do suddenly realize the next day or perhaps weeks later that I've committed some mistake but it's still vague, I do not know what the mistake is exactly or why it is a mistake or how serious/big it is, I just have this generic hunch that "it must be something terrible!!" which I can't really do anything with, as it makes no sense; besides it can't be fixed or I don't care to fix it and so I just shake off the feeling. I find this extreme delay in processing this cognitive aspect really funny...

    To sum up the reasons for all that, it all really comes from the fact that I don't ever think about how other people may feel on the inside about something. This is because I don't check for my own feeling attitudes either, I really do not need to have them at all and I just automatically assume that others are like me. If I were to guess at other people's feeling attitudes, there's two problems with that, I have a cognitive aversion to guessing in general and I wouldn't be able to make any realistic guesses anyway and so if I want to pay attention then it's an all or nothing switch as I already described above.

    A solution can be using some general norms of politeness but there's 1) too many of them to remember 2) it takes a while to recall and I can start talking or acting before recall starts 3) it's subjective, something may bother someone and then someone else may be totally fine with the same something. That'd be fucking confusing trying to follow all that, to keep it in mind for each person, like I'd really have to be a perfectionist haha.

    Another solution for me is having made up my own explicit -and pretty simple- system of what behaviour is fair and reasonable. That includes telling people how I am & telling them they need directly to tell me if they got a problem. That sometimes works surprisingly well though I only think of telling others about that in detail when there's conflict. I noticed some Fi types also manage to figure out over time that I'm just like this and they can accept it. Also just on the most general level, I have the principle that everyone is responsible for their own feelings and reactions as everyone is a free agent with ability to respond/handle whatever another person does/whatever is going on in a situation. So overall the Fi stuff is less of an issue compared to how it used to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    My general anxiety comes from my inability to determine distance between myself and others. For instance, at what point is it appropriate to assume someone you talk to at work in a friendly manner to hang out outside of your workplace? Are you just friends at work, or could that friendship extend outside of work? What if they don't view you in that way? Okay, best not to put yourself too far out there in case they just see you as work friends; it would be best to wait and see if they invite you to hang out outside of work.

    I don't make many new friends lol. I am wary and come across as very closed off because I don't know what is appropriate. Depending on how comfortable I am in an environment, however, I can do the opposite and come on too strong. Not in terms of asking people to hang out, of course (that's too invasive), but just in general mannerisms.
    Interesting because I don't relate to this part. If I want to invite someone out I will just do so without ever wondering if it's appropriate or if it's a friendship that's close enough or what. I can come across as distant too, though, that's when I try to be appropriate by not saying too much and especially not doing the kind of poking that I like :/. If I do start interacting with people socially I will soon become too much for a few people, lol yeah.

    Otoh I'm curious, if you were told if someone's indeed supposed to be a close enough friend for you to invite them out, would you be happy to receive such advice and would you be able to believe it, make sense of it, actually use it?

    I don't think it would truly help me if I even wondered but as I said I usually don't think about this issue at all. If I do, it's more like in the form of wanting to know if I'm liked, or in the case of certain people, wanting to know if I'm still cared about, etc and I just ask the person directly... and then I don't know what I do with the info, lol, I don't think I really use it for anything...? So other than that, terms like "work friend" don't make a whole lot of sense to me. Why does that sort of category have to exist? Or how on earth is it too invasive to ask someone to hang out? Etc..
    Last edited by Myst; 01-02-2015 at 07:52 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    do you try to adhere to social norms regarding Fi?

    Normative perceptions on Fi
    Wow these are really generic and I don't see who keeps all of them all the time. A lot of it is completely meaningless to me and a few of them sound like unattainable. I think I recognize a few of the less generic ones in the sense that I do agree but I could only try to justify them with Ti not Fi. The meaningless ones I can't really. There is one or two of them that I think I can almost "get" via Fi but it's vague, like it's not truly justified or explained

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    i think i posted about 4 pics.
    Link? it's too many pages in archive now

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    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post
    I think the dual seeking fits moreso than the PoLR. It's tricky with 1-D functions sometimes to differentiate PoLR from dual seeking. I really would like to be able to let loose emotionally but often don't feel comfortable doing that.
    That's Fe DS, not PoLR

    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    The PoLR function works differently from the Hidden Agenda function as being in a situation which required you to use your PoLR forces you to come up with practical solutions associated with the problems of your type.

    The Hidden Agenda function when it's stimulated causes you to realise the problems with your type.

    In effect, the PoLR is stumbling about blind, and the HA causes you to make some realisations.
    I find the Creative function helps even more than the HA... I guess the HA can work just as well until one realizes they actually suck at using it

    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    i agree with this, the polr is way too "narrow" an informational channel to get enough energy out to defend yourself directly, so you compensate by involving your stronger functions. i would imagine this defensive involvement eases when there is no pressure applied to your polr, either good or bad. then your polr would express itself more directly, in response to the real needs of the situation and not your fear-based expectations.
    Give some examples of where you think the PoLR would like to express itself directly in this fashion? Fi PoLR examples if you can

    Quote Originally Posted by heavynurse View Post
    Maritsa, you sort of get it. I agree that Te is watching actions in a dynamic way, but I think it's more than that. It has to do with how an object functions, what its purpose is, what it does. It is like dynamic cause-and-effect. "When I press down on the pedal, a computer tells the fuel injector to spray gas into the piston." You also might say it is the use of an object. "This jacket keeps you afloat if you go overboard."

    The following animations depict the dynamical functionality of various paintball guns; I think they're excellent examples of Te.
    OK so how do you think Ti would go about analysing these animations?

    Quote Originally Posted by heavynurse
    This is where you err, in my opinion. Social judgments are straight-up Fe.
    Never Fi?

    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    In SEEs I notice a couple of things: 1. a tendency to abandon principles in favor of who is upset at the current moment. I've seen this manifested in so many ways in the business world - SEEs tend to cave in to who's complaining the loudest. They value Se-speaking out and the Fi-emotions from people and there is rarely an impersonal decision made on principle. Whenever I see an SEE stick to a rule firmly, it's often because its implementation favors them and their emotional well-being in some way - not because of the virtue of the rule itself. I also notice 2. a strong desire / tendency to either A. live in the moment completely and ignore long-term planning and analysis and the consequences of decisions or B. to plan and map everything out to the extreme, and become somewhat paranoid if something new or a new piece of data interrupts what was previously expected.
    I actually relate a bit to some of this, well not to the parts about who I'd cave in to or about avoiding impersonal decisions and principles, no no that's not me.

    I do however relate to the part about ignoring some consequences / living in the moment. Maybe I just ignore different kinds of consequences if compared to SEEs? I also relate to making up some rules because it favours me, much less often because of whatever abstract "virtue". Though sometimes there's that too. I guess just much less often if compared to Ti-base types.

    I've also been seen planning out some stuff to avoid certain bad outcomes but more in a Ne PoLR-ish way really. What is this like for Ti PoLR specifically? Because what you describe here still seems like just low Ne to me. Where it may be related to Ti is that once my understanding in given area improved I was able to discard the overplanning and afterwards I just went about it in a very naturally flowing way just based on the great simplified down robust system I made up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    OK so how do you think Ti would go about analysing these animations?
    I think ConcreteButterfly has a pretty good answer:
    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    the chain reaction of motion depicted in those animations seems like Te to me. the blue print itself, absent of motion would be Ti. Ti is about the arrangement of each component relative to the others, forming a whole. Te is what actually happens when you put one thing besides another, what motion takes place.
    Might you say "what action occurs" instead of "what motion takes place"? Like does "she was wearing a blue shirt" count as a Te-statement?

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Never Fi?
    Possibly in some cases, but Maritsa's examples -- "it's not the right place" or "that's rude" -- seem like Fe. I feel like they are more oriented toward the collective -- how we feel -- than they are toward the individual -- how I feel. Fe is like general/objective feeling. Why is that rude? Because people don't like it when you do that. Fi is like individual/subjective feeling. Why is that rude? Because I don't like it when you do that. I guess there's the answer to your question lol. Maybe I'm just biased because I don't think Maritsa is EII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by heavynurse View Post
    I think ConcreteButterfly has a pretty good answer: "the chain reaction of motion depicted in those animations seems like Te to me. the blue print itself, absent of motion would be Ti. Ti is about the arrangement of each component relative to the others, forming a whole. Te is what actually happens when you put one thing besides another, what motion takes place."
    Not a bad summary, this is when I feel like socionics is describing something real hahhah, the difference between Te and Ti for me is very real. In terms of my conscious mind not wanting to take in the former because it tries to orient towards the latter, static processing is very strongly preferred in this sense.

    Might you say "what action occurs" instead of "what motion takes place"? Like does "she was wearing a blue shirt" count as a Te-statement?
    I think that statement is too generic and not necessarily Te or dynamic or anything. Could be Se too, just fine.

    If you were trying to relate it to Ti, I'd say I prefer the blueprint explanation Because that's exactly how I am. "What action", that doesn't sound introverted to me.

    Possibly in some cases, but Maritsa's examples -- "it's not the right place" or "that's rude" -- seem like Fe. I feel like they are more oriented toward the collective -- how we feel -- than they are toward the individual -- how I feel. Fe is like general/objective feeling. Why is that rude? Because people don't like it when you do that. Fi is like individual/subjective feeling. Why is that rude? Because I don't like it when you do that. I guess there's the answer to your question lol. Maybe I'm just biased because I don't think Maritsa is EII.
    I don't see "this is rude" etc statements as biased to be more oriented towards the collective. It could be any kind of F, Fi or Fe, depending. When you declare "this is rude" it doesn't say which it is. This statement can be coming from the person's subjective feelings just fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I think that statement is too generic and not necessarily Te or dynamic or anything.
    I think it could be seen as dynamic. Te perceives information about animate and inanimate objects' physical activity, deeds, and actions/activities. Wouldn't "she was wearing" or "she wore" fall under deeds, actions, and activities?

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Could be Se too, just fine.
    I think the "blue shirt" part might count as Se because "blue" is a static and explicit property of "shirt", an object.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I don't see "this is rude" etc statements as biased to be more oriented towards the collective. It could be any kind of F, Fi or Fe, depending. When you declare "this is rude" it doesn't say which it is. This statement can be coming from the person's subjective feelings just fine.
    Fair enough. Do you think manners/etiquette is related to Fe?

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    Quote Originally Posted by heavynurse View Post
    I think it could be seen as dynamic. Te perceives information about animate and inanimate objects' physical activity, deeds, and actions/activities. Wouldn't "she was wearing" or "she wore" fall under deeds, actions, and activities?
    If it was being imagined as dynamic activity then yes Te. In my mind the content from that sentence stays static, it's just an image of what the girl looked like.

    I think the "blue shirt" part might count as Se because "blue" is a static and explicit property of "shirt", an object.

    Fair enough. Do you think manners/etiquette is related to Fe?
    I've seen it related to both Fe and Fi so I think it's a matter of perspective again

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Otoh I'm curious, if you were told if someone's indeed supposed to be a close enough friend for you to invite them out, would you be happy to receive such advice and would you be able to believe it, make sense of it, actually use it?
    Yes, I like to be told. I need to be told outright things like this, like "Hey, pft we're friends after all" even if it's just a throwaway comment that they didn't think much of. I pay a lot of attention to little things like that. If I'm told directly that we're friends or invited out or that they like or want to hang out with me, then I can't really overthink it nearly as much. If I'm not told, I usually overanalyze everything lol. /Fe-seeking

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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    Yes, I like to be told. I need to be told outright things like this, like "Hey, pft we're friends after all" even if it's just a throwaway comment that they didn't think much of. I pay a lot of attention to little things like that. If I'm told directly that we're friends or invited out or that they like or want to hang out with me, then I can't really overthink it nearly as much. If I'm not told, I usually overanalyze everything lol. /Fe-seeking
    Hmmm see we work differently there but I already explained about that. I don't like to guess so not really overanalyzing. I think I can work with a very explicit statement about the friendship I will admit though that I would probably forget quickly about the abstract info on the relationship (friendship) status itself, my mind is much more focused on whether we are spending time together, having fun and all that. OK the other thing I was curious about... Do you really find in practice that some people feel it's intrusive if you ask them to hang out?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Do you really find in practice that some people feel it's intrusive if you ask them to hang out?
    I find that I feel like they feel it's intrusive. They're not really going to say as much. At most, they'll put it off, and then I let it go assuming the worst unless they make another move to reschedule or something. I'm not actually sure if they do or not, but the thought of asking someone I am unsure about is enough to make me really nervous and then dreading the awkwardness of hanging out on-on-one with someone I don't know well-- I'm awkward enough with people I DO know. Groups are better for sure; I'm more comfortable and feel like less pressure is on me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    I find that I feel like they feel it's intrusive. They're not really going to say as much. At most, they'll put it off, and then I let it go assuming the worst unless they make another move to reschedule or something. I'm not actually sure if they do or not, but the thought of asking someone I am unsure about is enough to make me really nervous and then dreading the awkwardness of hanging out on-on-one with someone I don't know well-- I'm awkward enough with people I DO know. Groups are better for sure; I'm more comfortable and feel like less pressure is on me.
    Hmm maybe this is also weak Se superego for you?

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    Could be!

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