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Thread: Perfectionism in POLR function?

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    Nothing was said about WANTING to perfectionize the POLR.
    Sometimes you are expected to engage your POLR so we are discussing what happens when that's the case.

    But i agree that I dont think Te necessarily represents ability to "good quality work" as concretebutterfly alluded to. Good quality work can be a product of other IEs too. Being efficient, yes, that's a manifestation i could see as Te-motivated. Many jobs require being efficient, and there are Te-POLRs who might end up in such jobs, for example. What then? People end up needing to cope, even while fighting and hating the requirement to the bitter end.

    Because POLR is a weak function, you end up needing to invoke all your other strengths to compensate for it
    ... and that leads to a neurotic way to try to keep up, like an all or nothing thing. When it comes to the POLR, you would rather be in the "nothing" mode, but if you have to show competence in your POLR, you give it your all so you dont mess up or fail--analogous to "throwing the kitchen sink" at something that you have no idea how to fix. Obvs that can't be sustained for long, especially since the whole time you're trying to be good at it you hate the expectation & pressure of having to be good at it.
    i agree with this, the polr is way too "narrow" an informational channel to get enough energy out to defend yourself directly, so you compensate by involving your stronger functions. i would imagine this defensive involvement eases when there is no pressure applied to your polr, either good or bad. then your polr would express itself more directly, in response to the real needs of the situation and not your fear-based expectations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    i agree with this, the polr is way too "narrow" an informational channel to get enough energy out to defend yourself directly, so you compensate by involving your stronger functions. i would imagine this defensive involvement eases when there is no pressure applied to your polr, either good or bad. then your polr would express itself more directly, in response to the real needs of the situation and not your fear-based expectations.
    I think that's also why too much pressure on one's POLR can lead to major burnout... you're giving it everything you have, and also being "fight or flight" defensive about it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    Nothing was said about WANTING to perfectionize the POLR.
    Sometimes you are expected to engage your POLR so we are discussing what happens when that's the case.
    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    Do people tend to be perfectionists in their POLR function?
    I know some Te POLRs who produce really high quality work, albeit slower than Te egos.
    sure it wasn´t said but it was written down

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    OK i've been kind of trying to figure out Te lately (among other things). I can try to answer and see if people agree with me.

    So what i understand Te to involve includes:

    --"black and white" facts are facts, and that's that. No grey areas, no larger context/framework.

    --gathering facts, remembering facts, accessing facts, demonstrating representation of facts (e.g. making charts, graphs, etc)

    --business-minded (Te is also called "business logic" sometimes, and i think it makes sense considering the synthesis of the previous 3 qualities), budgeting

    --organization, categorization (i guess that's also related to "playing" with facts, so to speak)
    so the collection and manipulation of pure facts? sounds good. i was thinking "logistics", too.

    i was wrong in my original post to allude that te =high quality work. that may be one consequence of using Te the way you described here, but not its essence. the essence of it is probably more about using facts to achieve a specific goal.

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Zero11 View Post
    sure it wasn´t said but it was written down
    you're right, Te doesn't equal high quality work, sorry for implying it. but do you agree people can be neurotically perfectionistic, at least in some areas, about their polr function? as in they set high unrealistic goals and get distressed when they don't meet them?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    ok what is Te then?

    -Theoretical Background-

    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    you're right, Te doesn't equal high quality work, sorry for implying it. but do you agree people can be neurotically perfectionistic, at least in some areas, about their polr function? as in they set high unrealistic goals and get distressed when they don't meet them?
    NO I don´t as the PoLR is not conscious this is kind of meaningless

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero11 View Post

    -Theoretical Background-

    NO I don´t as the PoLR is not conscious this is kind of meaningless
    ummmm... yes it is...
    Superego is conscious.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    ummmm... yes it is...
    Superego is conscious.
    Its "Natural Socionics" not "Socionics" which by the way has Artificial Components which make V.I. impossible.

    Classical Socionics has already lost.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero11 View Post

    -Theoretical Background-

    NO I don´t as the PoLR is not conscious this is kind of meaningless
    *pod'lair music cues*

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero11 View Post
    Its "Natural Socionics" not "Socionics" which by the way has Artificial Components which make V.I. impossible.

    Classical Socionics has already lost.
    well then we're just comparing apples and oranges then...
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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    There seems to be a misinterpretation of my statements. Let's take a look at what I said:

    Let's say I believe 65% of IEEs would be sympathetic to people with down syndrome, deformities, etc., but I believe only 30% of ILEs would be sympathetic. I could say that IEEs would "typically" be sympathetic, as the majority are, but since you could still have an ILE who's sympathetic and an IEE who's unsympathetic, it's still not "definitively" (100% definite) type-related. There is absolutely nothing of what I said in this thread, afaik, that contradicted itself.

    I believe Suz was inferring 100% absolutes as well, and not considering that something may be 'more likely' even if it's not 100%:
    I think a large part of your misunderstandings comes from your inability to understand what other people say and what you say yourself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    Te is watching actions in a dynamic way. For instance one day my bf came to pick me up at work for lunch and he said "Babe, you're demanding, but so am I. I watched you tell one of your coworkers 'move it'." I said "so? we are friends and I was teasing" he said nothing.
    Maritsa, you sort of get it. I agree that Te is watching actions in a dynamic way, but I think it's more than that. It has to do with how an object functions, what its purpose is, what it does. It is like dynamic cause-and-effect. "When I press down on the pedal, a computer tells the fuel injector to spray gas into the piston." You also might say it is the use of an object. "This jacket keeps you afloat if you go overboard."

    The following animations depict the dynamical functionality of various paintball guns; I think they're excellent examples of Te:

    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    but it is also making social judgements, "it's not the right place" or "that's rude"
    This is where you err, in my opinion. Social judgments are straight-up Fe.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    I consider that as Ti, not Te. I think of Ti as internal processes. (LSIs can be great mechanics btw). Te is more the external process of 'working on a paintball gun'. Te is more concerned about the practical end result, and not necessarily inclined to design elaborate systems for the sake of the system itself.
    but Ti is a static element, so it can't refer to processes. a process is dynamic by definition. and as far as I know, "external" means something like "objective" and "internal" something like "subjective", not literally external or internal.

    these guns are systems, yes, but the point of the animations is to show the functionality of the various elements therein -- in other words, the explicit dynamics of objects.

    I agree with what this article says about Te, that it "perceives information about animate and inanimate objects' physical activity, deeds, and actions/activities." that's what these animations depict.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    I think that's also why too much pressure on one's POLR can lead to major burnout... you're giving it everything you have, and also being "fight or flight" defensive about it.
    I certainly can sympathize with this. In the brief moments that I require Fe (usually in the presence of a Fe valuing type in a position of power above me) I can pull everything I have together and be somewhat charming, socially acceptable, and even smile at people. The effect this has on my psyche if it goes on for too long (1/2 hour plus) is incredibly draining though. It's as if the element itself is kryptonite to me and I can only maintain in its presence for so long.

    I spent two days on a fishing trip with a good friend's family last week. His father is an ESE. The sheer level of group participation and positive exclamation and "fun" was overwhelming for me. I came home and just died inside for about 24 hours. I still feel exhausted from it actually. Him and I have always gotten along in brief five minute intervals but prolonged contact I think was tiring for both of us.

    I have always felt (even before learning about socionics) that I could be sort of charming and acceptable for short periods of time, even though I viewed it as faking to fit in when absolutely necessary. It's also interesting because PoLR is an inert function so advice is not appreciated on it. That being said when I am forced to engage in it, I do think I am extreme about it and perhaps perfectionistic is a possible word I could use to describe its brief appearance.

    You just become so aware of it, and how they expect it from you, that you use all other functions to channel it and not do it wrong. Maybe that's where the perfectionism comes from. It can't be good for anyones mental health to have any prolonged exposure that requires them to use it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    I do not really have a very well developed empirical understanding of LIIs 'shortcomings', but perhaps this blog post might give some pointers:

    On a more social level, I would say LIIS and EIIs Mobilizing Si tends to pacify their environment. Normally this is done by selecting an environment that is already 'pacified', but in case it is not, they will try to pacify it using Si (trying to come across as relaxed about things, making suggestions for improving the relationship, trying to discuss issues while treating the opponent as an equal and they being reasonable), and in the process this would violate the principles involved with Se. This could create tension in interactions with Se-valuers, to which the Se-PoLR person would respond with even more Si-Mobilizing. Until, of course, the drop fills the bucket, and shit hits the fan and the LII or EII starts using Se, often causing the greatest damage to themselves.
    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    In which sense? Do you mean to say you agree with it, or that it applies to you?
    I mean that it applies to me in some ways...
    I dont think I have Se-POLR, however, because I feel more pressure/self-consciousness/fear/disgust/resistance when it comes to Te-related things. Se-POLR is possible though, haven't definitively ruled it out yet. Fi-POLR... nah... can't say i resonate...but i can change my mind with more examples. I dont think i relate to Ni-POLR either, though I do have a hard time knowing how long things will take, and am pretty terrible at it; it hasn't particularly been an area of pain or neurosis for me though at least not that i've been able to recognize. Also, even though i'm often running late to things, I usually end up being relatively punctual. I do enjoy when i dont have a set time i need to be somewhere though; less pressure, more relaxing.

    Though perhaps my neurosis that happens for being criticized for not being efficient might have to do with taking too long to do stuff and misjudging time... idk. I get extremely self-conscious and embarrassed when criticized for "not reading enough" though, which if I understand correctly, kind of screams Te-POLR to me. Actually, I am extremely self-conscious about that always and i do feel a bit helpless about it thinking the vast amount of info that i should be reading (i dont even know where to start!). It does help when i am given things to read (as long as not too much all at once), and I'm really thankful when profs just sit down and actually explain things to me-- i remember what they taught me forever, and I also love them for it (so idk if that's Te-POLR or Te-seeking?). It also makes reading about that topic easier for me. And i couldn't care less about cost in my daily work and the business side of things; i get annoyed when people start talking about that kind of stuff (even though i'm sure it's important). I find it boring and kind of goes against my ethics sometimes (not always though because people i serve sometimes appreciate cost consideration).

    There's more but i'm not going to go into it. Even this sharing this much is really embarrassing for me and makes me feel kind of defensive. Somehow, I still have ended up knowing a decent amount of knowledge or at least enough to do a good job, and if i dont know something, i really appreciate not being judged for it (i will remember someone fondly when they explain it to me instead of criticizing me for it). Once i learn something i do remember it for a long long time, which helps. Also reading on a directed topic, for the purpose of teaching others or not letting patients down, comes slightly more easily to me than just doing general reading to gather knowledge/facts. I putting together powerpoint talks on a certain topic i want to know more about, and that does give me a push to gather info as i shape the talk into something my students/audience would enjoy and get something out of.

    But wrt which POLR I am, I'm still figuring things out. This thread has been really really helpful. I think POLRs might be a useful way to confirm self-type because it's hard to mistake and fairly easy to pinpoint a painful area that gives you neurosis.

    Let's get some more discussion in here!
    Last edited by Suz; 12-26-2014 at 07:50 PM. Reason: typos
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    @Suz: did you ever post a video or pictures of yourself here?
    No but i may make one soon...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    No but i may make one soon...
    I would be very interested if you made one.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    I mean that it applies to me in some ways...
    I dont think I have Se-POLR, however, because I feel more pressure/self-consciousness/fear/disgust/resistance when it comes to Te-related things. Se-POLR is possible though, haven't definitively ruled it out yet. Fi-POLR... nah... can't say i resonate...but i can change my mind with more examples. I dont think i relate to Ni-POLR either, though I do have a hard time knowing how long things will take, and am pretty terrible at it; it hasn't particularly been an area of pain or neurosis for me though at least not that i've been able to recognize. Also, even though i'm often running late to things, I usually end up being relatively punctual. I do enjoy when i dont have a set time i need to be somewhere though; less pressure, more relaxing.

    Though perhaps my neurosis that happens for being criticized for not being efficient might have to do with taking too long to do stuff and misjudging time... idk. I get extremely self-conscious and embarrassed when criticized for "not reading enough" though, which if I understand correctly, kind of screams Te-POLR to me. Actually, I am extremely self-conscious about that always and i do feel a bit helpless about it thinking the vast amount of info that i should be reading (i dont even know where to start!). It does help when i am given things to read (as long as not too much all at once), and I'm really thankful when profs just sit down and actually explain things to me-- i remember what they taught me forever, and I also love them for it (so idk if that's Te-POLR or Te-seeking?). It also makes reading about that topic easier for me. And i couldn't care less about cost in my daily work and the business side of things; i get annoyed when people start talking about that kind of stuff (even though i'm sure it's important). I find it boring and kind of goes against my ethics sometimes (not always though because people i serve sometimes appreciate cost consideration).

    There's more but i'm not going to go into it. Even this sharing this much is really embarrassing for me and makes me feel kind of defensive. Somehow, I still have ended up knowing a decent amount of knowledge or at least enough to do a good job, and if i dont know something, i really appreciate not being judged for it (i will remember someone fondly when they explain it to me instead of criticizing me for it). Once i learn something i do remember it for a long long time, which helps. Also reading on a directed topic, for the purpose of teaching others or not letting patients down, comes slightly more easily to me than just doing general reading to gather knowledge/facts. I putting together powerpoint talks on a certain topic i want to know more about, and that does give me a push to gather info as i shape the talk into something my students/audience would enjoy and get something out of.

    But wrt which POLR I am, I'm still figuring things out. This thread has been really really helpful. I think POLRs might be a useful way to confirm self-type because it's hard to mistake and fairly easy to pinpoint a painful area that gives you neurosis.

    Let's get some more discussion in here!
    I pretty sure is my PoLR but have wondered if is also possible.

    Here's the PoLR description from Wikisocion, which for the most part I relate to:

    The individual tries hard to never let himself "come apart at the seams" emotionally or even let out strong feelings publicly, because displays of passion do not come naturally and make him feel self-consciousness and vulnerable to painful criticism. This makes the individual generally seem emotionally neutral and politely indifferent to excitement and agitation around him. The individual deeply dislikes attempts by others to get him to "cheer up" or "join the fun", especially in the context of group activities with loud emotional expression.

    However, here is dual seeking, which I also relate to:

    The individual often becomes engrossed in serious work, which leads him to neglect his complementary need for fun and emotional release. He also feels vulnerable expressing himself spontaneously in public, which allows bad emotions and stress to build up, leading to depression or sudden hostility. He enjoys being around people who make him feel comfortable expressing himself, and who can make every day new and exciting.
    Although he may present a hard exterior in the company of strangers, he is likely to not be serious at all with people who know him better. His behavior changes radically - a calm and serious structured person will suddenly become jovial and warm.

    I think the dual seeking fits moreso than the PoLR. It's tricky with 1-D functions sometimes to differentiate PoLR from dual seeking. I really would like to be able to let loose emotionally but often don't feel comfortable doing that.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post
    I pretty sure is my PoLR but have wondered if is also possible.

    Here's the PoLR description from Wikisocion, which for the most part I relate to:

    The individual tries hard to never let himself "come apart at the seams" emotionally or even let out strong feelings publicly, because displays of passion do not come naturally and make him feel self-consciousness and vulnerable to painful criticism. This makes the individual generally seem emotionally neutral and politely indifferent to excitement and agitation around him. The individual deeply dislikes attempts by others to get him to "cheer up" or "join the fun", especially in the context of group activities with loud emotional expression.

    However, here is dual seeking, which I also relate to:

    The individual often becomes engrossed in serious work, which leads him to neglect his complementary need for fun and emotional release. He also feels vulnerable expressing himself spontaneously in public, which allows bad emotions and stress to build up, leading to depression or sudden hostility. He enjoys being around people who make him feel comfortable expressing himself, and who can make every day new and exciting.
    Although he may present a hard exterior in the company of strangers, he is likely to not be serious at all with people who know him better. His behavior changes radically - a calm and serious structured person will suddenly become jovial and warm.

    I think the dual seeking fits moreso than the PoLR. It's tricky with 1-D functions sometimes to differentiate PoLR from dual seeking. I really would like to be able to let loose emotionally but often don't feel comfortable doing that.
    Well, I would think that demands on the POLR function would be annoying, irritating, & unpleasant whereas demands on the DS function would not be... but i see what you're saying, that you still might feel uncomfortable and self-conscious delivering your DS function if it's demanded of you by judgy people who expect strength in that area.
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  20. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Rhaegar View Post
    I certainly can sympathize with this. In the brief moments that I require Fe (usually in the presence of a Fe valuing type in a position of power above me) I can pull everything I have together and be somewhat charming, socially acceptable, and even smile at people. The effect this has on my psyche if it goes on for too long (1/2 hour plus) is incredibly draining though. It's as if the element itself is kryptonite to me and I can only maintain in its presence for so long.

    I spent two days on a fishing trip with a good friend's family last week. His father is an ESE. The sheer level of group participation and positive exclamation and "fun" was overwhelming for me. I came home and just died inside for about 24 hours. I still feel exhausted from it actually. Him and I have always gotten along in brief five minute intervals but prolonged contact I think was tiring for both of us.

    I have always felt (even before learning about socionics) that I could be sort of charming and acceptable for short periods of time, even though I viewed it as faking to fit in when absolutely necessary. It's also interesting because PoLR is an inert function so advice is not appreciated on it. That being said when I am forced to engage in it, I do think I am extreme about it and perhaps perfectionistic is a possible word I could use to describe its brief appearance.

    You just become so aware of it, and how they expect it from you, that you use all other functions to channel it and not do it wrong. Maybe that's where the perfectionism comes from. It can't be good for anyones mental health to have any prolonged exposure that requires them to use it
    yeah i think that's it, you put so much mental energy into not messing it up that it drains you
    and when you don't apply that energy, it comes out badly and usually without you even noticing until someone points it out. polr seems like that function that you constantly overlook until it hurts.

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    The PoLR function works differently from the Hidden Agenda function as being in a situation which required you to use your PoLR forces you to come up with practical solutions associated with the problems of your type.

    The Hidden Agenda function when it's stimulated causes you to realise the problems with your type.

    In effect, the PoLR is stumbling about blind, and the HA causes you to make some realisations.

  22. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post
    I pretty sure is my PoLR but have wondered if is also possible.

    Here's the PoLR description from Wikisocion, which for the most part I relate to:

    The individual tries hard to never let himself "come apart at the seams" emotionally or even let out strong feelings publicly, because displays of passion do not come naturally and make him feel self-consciousness and vulnerable to painful criticism. This makes the individual generally seem emotionally neutral and politely indifferent to excitement and agitation around him. The individual deeply dislikes attempts by others to get him to "cheer up" or "join the fun", especially in the context of group activities with loud emotional expression.

    However, here is dual seeking, which I also relate to:

    The individual often becomes engrossed in serious work, which leads him to neglect his complementary need for fun and emotional release. He also feels vulnerable expressing himself spontaneously in public, which allows bad emotions and stress to build up, leading to depression or sudden hostility. He enjoys being around people who make him feel comfortable expressing himself, and who can make every day new and exciting.
    Although he may present a hard exterior in the company of strangers, he is likely to not be serious at all with people who know him better. His behavior changes radically - a calm and serious structured person will suddenly become jovial and warm.

    I think the dual seeking fits moreso than the PoLR. It's tricky with 1-D functions sometimes to differentiate PoLR from dual seeking. I really would like to be able to let loose emotionally but often don't feel comfortable doing that.

    dual seeking Fe puts the burden of creating an emotional environment on other people, polr Fe takes it upon themselves. they can both suck at it, but in a group of friends the polr Fe will be trying to cheer people up, smiling and making jokes. dual seeking Fe can be rather cold but will receive emotions well, they are receptive to other people smiling, joking with them, they unconsciously expect it. dual seeking Fe can neglect emotions until they build up, both their own and other peoples. polr Fe is more aware of emotions and will often try to prevent them building up, especially other people's negative emotions.
    Last edited by ConcreteButterfly; 12-27-2014 at 05:26 PM.

  23. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    The PoLR function works differently from the Hidden Agenda function as being in a situation which required you to use your PoLR forces you to come up with practical solutions associated with the problems of your type.

    The Hidden Agenda function when it's stimulated causes you to realise the problems with your type.

    In effect, the PoLR is stumbling about blind, and the HA causes you to make some realisations.

    hm i don't quite understand, could you give an example of the difference?

  24. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by heavynurse View Post
    Maritsa, you sort of get it. I agree that Te is watching actions in a dynamic way, but I think it's more than that. It has to do with how an object functions, what its purpose is, what it does. It is like dynamic cause-and-effect. "When I press down on the pedal, a computer tells the fuel injector to spray gas into the piston." You also might say it is the use of an object. "This jacket keeps you afloat if you go overboard."

    The following animations depict the dynamical functionality of various paintball guns; I think they're excellent examples of Te:

    This is where you err, in my opinion. Social judgments are straight-up Fe.
    these are cool

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    hm i don't quite understand, could you give an example of the difference?
    If for instance in Fe PoLR

    The person would react in a very awkward manner, trying to use and display emotions that didn't fit.

    With Fi HA

    They will realise that they don't know how everyone feels, and the Fi will explain how people relate to each other, thus realising their weakness and therefore be able to display the appropriate emotions in the particular situation, so in a way realising the weakness of their type constructively.

    So the PoLR use makes you struggle, whereas the HA use makes you realise what is going on and therefore be able to respond/handle the situation better.

  26. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    If for instance in Fe PoLR

    The person would react in a very awkward manner, trying to use and display emotions that didn't fit.

    With Fi HA

    They will realise that they don't know how everyone feels, and the Fi will explain how people relate to each other, thus realising their weakness and therefore be able to display the appropriate emotions in the particular situation, so in a way realising the weakness of their type constructively.

    So the PoLR use makes you struggle, whereas the HA use makes you realise what is going on and therefore be able to respond/handle the situation better.

    ok so you realize your type's weaknesses through the hidden agenda, which also lets you use the polr better. without the hidden agenda you are unaware of your weaknesses in the polr and will struggle to use it. is that correct?

  27. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    I consider that as Ti, not Te. I think of Ti as internal processes. (LSIs can be great mechanics btw). Te is more the external process of 'working on a paintball gun'. Te is more concerned about the practical end result, and not necessarily inclined to design elaborate systems for the sake of the system itself.
    the chain reaction of motion depicted in those animations seems like Te to me. the blue print itself, absent of motion would be Ti. Ti is about the arrangement of each component relative to the others, forming a whole. Te is what actually happens when you put one thing besides another, what motion takes place.

  28. #68


    something i've noticed about the polr is how it ties in with the demonstrative. if the demonstrative is getting a lot of feedback from the environment, the body automatically responds to it using the ignoring function as some kind of compass. however this interferes with the polr, the info to polr function isn't directly processed but only processed through the massive energy influx happening through the demonstrative.

    i think for the polr to develop there has to be a baseline of stability in the demonstrative, no massive changes up or down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    @Suz: did you ever post a video or pictures of yourself here?
    No, but she PM-ed me one and I WILL NEVER EVER EVER RELEASE IT TO ANYONE.
    She appeared on tiny chat.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    No, but she PM-ed me one and I WILL NEVER EVER EVER RELEASE IT TO ANYONE.
    She appeared on tiny chat.
    Thanks Maritsa

    I got a bit disinhibited the past couple days and posted a few pics in chatbox. You can check the archives if you want. ( @consentingadult and anyone else)
    Last edited by Suz; 12-28-2014 at 03:40 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    @Suz The pictures only add to the confusion: in one of them you look ILE, the other IEE ;-)
    Based on the chat with her and her posts, I'd say of the two IEE is far more likely. She's got good Fi, I think it's very unlikely it's her PoLR. I'm pretty skeptical of VI. It can be fun but it shouldn't be used as the sole tool for typing.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    @Suz The pictures only add to the confusion: in one of them you look ILE, the other IEE ;-)
    i think i posted about 4 pics.

    But yeah i tend to "VI" IEE... that's nothing new. I agree with LIIbrarian that of the two IEE is more likely because I just dont really resonate with Fi-POLR much. I'm fairly good with Fi (though I think i do devalue it), but never have really felt perfectionistic about it, nor any pain or embarrassment, nor any particular wish that life did not involve Fi-motivated expectations, never have particularly worked hard at it or anything.

    that said, i do resonate with alpha more than delta, per my new understanding, even though I do feel comfortable in both quadras. I do tend to have most tension with gammas (even prior to me revising my understanding)... I dont think my type has to just be choosing between IEE vs ILE (in spite of what VI suggests). I've also had very positive duality-like interactions with non-forum members irl i now realize are alpha NTs. And a very terrible experience working closely with a probable LSE (which kinda goes against delta if that typing is correct, and so far it seems to be).

    Anyway, i dont want to turn this into my typing thread (sorry @ConcreteButterfly !), so lets get back to discussing POLRs... very interesting topic. This discussion is helpful to me in deciding my self-type. (I have thought about it before, and was really excited to see this thread made!).
    Last edited by Suz; 12-28-2014 at 03:16 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    what do you go over 3 times? like stuff you say? to make sure it's appropriate?

    (obviously not things that are one word posts like this, but in general I try to be mindful)

    Offline, it's more trying to get myself to stop overthinking things.

  34. #74


    no problem @Suz

    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post

    (obviously not things that are one word posts like this, but in general I try to be mindful)

    Offline, it's more trying to get myself to stop overthinking things.
    do you try to adhere to social norms regarding Fi?

    Normative perceptions on Fi

    –You have to be polite.
    –Must follow the rules of etiquette.
    –You have to be nice to people.
    –Support the perception by others of himself as a good, decent man.
    –"I do not have a hundred rubles, and a hundred friends."
    –A true friend is always around to help.
    –"A friend in need is known."
    –"An old friend is better than two new ones."
    –Do not use foul language in public places, with children and women.
    –Return good for good.
    –Not to change their promises.
    –Respect their parents and elders.
    –Respect the religious and personal feelings.
    –Courtesy call / response invitation if I was invited to visit, then I also have to invite. If I had guests and I was invited back - impolite to refuse.
    –Between friends, no bills.
    –Talk shit behind my back - badly.
    –Climb into the personal life or feelings - bad.
    –Between family members should be a good relationship.
    –The mother must love children.
    –Grandchildren love more children.
    –A woman should not be rude.
    –"Do not wash dirty linen in public."
    –Need to provide emotional support to loved ones.
    –You can not make fun of physical defects.
    –A woman may be late for a date.

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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    There seems to be a misinterpretation of my statements. Let's take a look at what I said:

    Let's say I believe 65% of IEEs would be sympathetic to people with down syndrome, deformities, etc., but I believe only 30% of ILEs would be sympathetic. I could say that IEEs would "typically" be sympathetic, as the majority are, but since you could still have an ILE who's sympathetic and an IEE who's unsympathetic, it's still not "definitively" (100% definite) type-related. There is absolutely nothing of what I said in this thread, afaik, that contradicted itself.

    I believe Suz was inferring 100% absolutes as well, and not considering that something may be 'more likely' even if it's not 100%:
    Sorry William. I dont speak Te.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    do you try to adhere to social norms regarding Fi?...
    To emphasise: I don't think the question is whether people follow or agree to these norms, it's just whether, when they're making decisions related to Fi, they seem to create these "norms" as guides on what to do. Examples of Fi-norms are then listed to illustrate the kind of norms that people create.
    Warm Regards,

    Clowns & Entropy

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    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    no problem @Suz
    do you try to adhere to social norms regarding Fi?

    Normative perceptions on Fi
    Not really. Most of that list looks arbitrary and useless to me, in general. But I think this might fit one of your 'norms':

    My general anxiety comes from my inability to determine distance between myself and others. For instance, at what point is it appropriate to assume someone you talk to at work in a friendly manner to hang out outside of your workplace? Are you just friends at work, or could that friendship extend outside of work? What if they don't view you in that way? Okay, best not to put yourself too far out there in case they just see you as work friends; it would be best to wait and see if they invite you to hang out outside of work.

    I don't make many new friends lol. I am wary and come across as very closed off because I don't know what is appropriate. Depending on how comfortable I am in an environment, however, I can do the opposite and come on too strong. Not in terms of asking people to hang out, of course (that's too invasive), but just in general mannerisms.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    Not really. Most of that list looks arbitrary and useless to me, in general. But I think this might fit one of your 'norms':

    My general anxiety comes from my inability to determine distance between myself and others. For instance, at what point is it appropriate to assume someone you talk to at work in a friendly manner to hang out outside of your workplace? Are you just friends at work, or could that friendship extend outside of work? What if they don't view you in that way? Okay, best not to put yourself too far out there in case they just see you as work friends; it would be best to wait and see if they invite you to hang out outside of work.

    I don't make many new friends lol. I am wary and come across as very closed off because I don't know what is appropriate. Depending on how comfortable I am in an environment, however, I can do the opposite and come on too strong. Not in terms of asking people to hang out, of course (that's too invasive), but just in general mannerisms.
    wow i seriously do not resonate at ALL with this.

    This is how i have thought of Fi-POLR in the past as well; so I guess i wasn't wrong.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    This is how i have thought of Fi-POLR in the past as well; so I guess i wasn't wrong.
    Unless I'm wrong and am actually not Fi-PoLR at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    Unless I'm wrong and am actually not Fi-PoLR at all.
    of course, there is always that possibility
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