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Thread: Oscar Ichazo's enneagram descriptions

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    Dauphin's Avatar
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    Later typists excising most of the New Age stuff was really for the better. Gurdjieff was a bunch of bullshit.

  2. #2
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carolus View Post
    Later typists excising most of the New Age stuff was really for the better. Gurdjieff was a bunch of bullshit.
    Later typists stripped it to make it more appealing to the masses. Nothing wrong with that but it lost some of it's depth and soul (not in a religious sense) in the process. Most people can't understand it without the modern definitions. It would be like translating an alien language for them.

    E type is the false ego that overlays your lead and creative cognitive function. It can cause conflict and cognitive dissonance. All I can do is plant some seeds. If they take root and grow then some people will transform their lives. I have been doing this with people on the forum for some time now and other forums before this one. I have seen some pretty amazing things.

    I bumped this to remind people where the system comes from. If anyone wants to use it for self knowledge then they have some basic information here to go on. I think Gurdjieff's The Fourth way is not for the faint of heart. That is not a challenge or an insult to anyone.

    What is referred to as "New Age" beliefs are superficial for the most part, there isn't much discipline and they have no idea where the beliefs they adopt stem from. The term "New age" is used as an umbrella term by those who don't understand or in derogatory ways to lump everyone who has studied the occult in with fluffy bunnies. The term itself in rather new. New Age doesn't apply when there is scholarly interest in these subjects to see what truths are enduring across time and which apply briefly then fade away.

    I am not surprised people don't know this since there are people here who use socionics and have never read a word of Jung, only other people's interpretations of it.

    Gurdjieff and Hermeticism?

    The system, as presented by Gurdjieff, was not a man-made system. While Freud formulated psychoanalysis through his own observation and Darwin formulated evolution through his own studies, Gurdjieff’s system could not have been conceived by a single man or even a group of people, for its purpose would instantly be defeated. That purpose is elevating the human to the superhuman. Human mind has definite limits beyond which it cannot jump, and any system that claims to pull man above himself must originate from beyond man’s limitations.

    That ‘beyond’ need not overly concern the newcomer to the Fourth Way. It will become more evident as he progresses along the path. Gurdjieff called it ‘higher mind’, a source of ‘objective knowledge’. Objective knowledge means knowledge of the objective principles that govern the universe. In this respect, the Fourth Way follows the Hermetic principle of As above so below and as within so without: it outlines the fundamental laws that govern any cosmos, and thereby sheds light onto the micro-cosmos man. It doesn’t belong to anyone, hasn’t originated from anyone and, therefore, will not end with the death of anyone.
    You were just the catalyst. So nothing personal against you here.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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