These thinking styles allow me to see the the obvious leap between MBTI descriptions and socionics ones. In MBTI j is described as thinking in parts and p more holistically, requiring the forest to see the trees. They are not so alien, obviously the inter-type relations are a P holistic step forward!

Wouldn't you say the learning styles of DA vs VS are totally opposites?
VS would be very chaotic and haphazard, shooting for gold from the first try, why entj is stereotyped in a permanent steeple chase, and infp is caught forever dreaming up the best result. DA would be very linear step by step process controlled learning. VS is a more natural form that spontaneously seeks to reproduce the whole result and over time through natural ordering comes together. School learning is very much DA, step by step,very structured and ordered goals and homework, procedures etc etc. VS wants to start trying to produce the best result immediately, but the haphazardness makes DA think they are reckless and immature. Whereas VS thinks DA is overly structered, ineffective nitwits who are forever producing useless "progress". Does the duals thinking style back you up and support you in this manner or just acknowledge the validity of your style? It seems that if we are a dual nature type then the dual must provide very helpful data from the outside on your progress.

I believe Malcom Gladwell pretty much decribed this mechanism ( not for the first time, hes just a pop psychologist/economist who states the obvious and repackages it with a Phd and makes $$) when he described how skill mastery is reached: not through any special procedures other than general practice.