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Thread: Dialectical-Algorithmic thinking

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Default Dialectical-Algorithmic thinking

    I have a good sort of visual-impressionistic metaphor for DA, but its kind of hard to translate. The best I can represent it as would be something like a scale that has weight being constantly poured onto it, and the EJ's role is to dictate where the weight falls in order to maintain proper balance. I think it makes a lot of sense for Aristocratic EJs: rational aristocracy is all about maintaining a social structure, so its fitting that the EJs have a style of thinking that supports their role, one focused on "keeping things together." The mental assumption of EJ temperament is that everything is in motion, and that it should be organized, and that energy needs to be exerted in order to maintain organization; the Democrat EJs, being the transition point to aristocratic quadras, take a more generative role with Vortex thinking, finding the right opportunity to promote cathectic action; once the shift is made into an extant collective, the Aristocratic EJs take on the role of holding everything together once the opportunity to organize has been capitalized upon.
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    These thinking styles allow me to see the the obvious leap between MBTI descriptions and socionics ones. In MBTI j is described as thinking in parts and p more holistically, requiring the forest to see the trees. They are not so alien, obviously the inter-type relations are a P holistic step forward!

    Wouldn't you say the learning styles of DA vs VS are totally opposites?
    VS would be very chaotic and haphazard, shooting for gold from the first try, why entj is stereotyped in a permanent steeple chase, and infp is caught forever dreaming up the best result. DA would be very linear step by step process controlled learning. VS is a more natural form that spontaneously seeks to reproduce the whole result and over time through natural ordering comes together. School learning is very much DA, step by step,very structured and ordered goals and homework, procedures etc etc. VS wants to start trying to produce the best result immediately, but the haphazardness makes DA think they are reckless and immature. Whereas VS thinks DA is overly structered, ineffective nitwits who are forever producing useless "progress". Does the duals thinking style back you up and support you in this manner or just acknowledge the validity of your style? It seems that if we are a dual nature type then the dual must provide very helpful data from the outside on your progress.

    I believe Malcom Gladwell pretty much decribed this mechanism ( not for the first time, hes just a pop psychologist/economist who states the obvious and repackages it with a Phd and makes $$) when he described how skill mastery is reached: not through any special procedures other than general practice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jughead View Post
    These thinking styles allow me to see the the obvious leap between MBTI descriptions and socionics ones. In MBTI j is described as thinking in parts and p more holistically, requiring the forest to see the trees. They are not so alien, obviously the inter-type relations are a P holistic step forward!

    Wouldn't you say the learning styles of DA vs VS are totally opposites?
    VS would be very chaotic and haphazard, shooting for gold from the first try, why entj is stereotyped in a permanent steeple chase, and infp is caught forever dreaming up the best result. DA would be very linear step by step process controlled learning. VS is a more natural form that spontaneously seeks to reproduce the whole result and over time through natural ordering comes together. School learning is very much DA, step by step,very structured and ordered goals and homework, procedures etc etc. VS wants to start trying to produce the best result immediately, but the haphazardness makes DA think they are reckless and immature. Whereas VS thinks DA is overly structered, ineffective nitwits who are forever producing useless "progress". Does the duals thinking style back you up and support you in this manner or just acknowledge the validity of your style? It seems that if we are a dual nature type then the dual must provide very helpful data from the outside on your progress.

    I believe Malcom Gladwell pretty much decribed this mechanism ( not for the first time, hes just a pop psychologist/economist who states the obvious and repackages it with a Phd and makes $$) when he described how skill mastery is reached: not through any special procedures other than general practice.

    Whatever makes you feel better about your awesome selfs, guys. I guess smart people will know bs when they see it, anyway.

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    Dunno about Vortex, but here's my take on Dialectical-Algorithmic:

    It's spaghetti architecture. You have links here, and links there, and it doesn't make much sense and guess what - any single link doesn't really matter. No particular way matters. It's the clusters that matter, where they meet, where they lead... condensation points. But this point doesn't depend on any single link - so the breaking of that, holes in it, don't matter much, it's just one of many. If I were to define DA on my own, I'd say it's about the opposite of relying on any one way, on any line of thought. So there can be no right way, no step by step, no dependable procedure or proof whatsoever. It goes against its nature, which lies in interconnectedness - at the cost of not really creating any stable structure, thus leading to often accurate enough, but not "reliable" results. Or inaccurate, if all the links fail and the redundancy is merely misleading. That's what I think Ganin really describes when he talks about ILIs "circumstantial" or "unpredictable" approach to logic, by the way - Dialectical-Algorithmic style in NT type.

    IMO the static system crazedrat described represents Holographic more than any other style, and jughead's rant doesn't rely to any (unsurprisingly).

    I suppose Causal-Deterministic compliments it by focusing on building a more stable structure, one that doesn't suffer from DA's main drawback, "so that's more or less somewhere there" tendency. Not quite what jughead describes, anyway.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    If I were to define DA on my own, I'd say it's about the opposite of relying on any one way, on any line of thought. So there can be no right way, no step by step, no dependable procedure or proof whatsoever. It goes against its nature, which lies in interconnectedness - at the cost of not really creating any stable structure, thus leading to often accurate enough, but not "reliable" results. Or inaccurate, if all the links fail and the redundancy is merely misleading. That's what I think Ganin really describes when he talks about ILIs "circumstantial" or "unpredictable" approach to logic, by the way - Dialectical-Algorithmic style in NT type.
    I've noticed this in my ISFp mom, where she'll have these little talks with me about how there is no such thing as a 'right way' or dependable course of action to take in any given situation. I more understood this as her catching on to my E6 ticks though.

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    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    Default Dialectical-Algorithmic thinking

    I'll ask some questions about dialectical-algorithmic (DA). Why is the formula if-then-else indicative of it? How does that formula relate to dealing with oppositions, if at all? If DA is not a form of synthesis, then what is it? That is ...

    Does DA have anything to do with cognitive dissonance? Would a goal of DA be to see oppositions and seek a middle way, or a means to blend them to create something new? Or would it allow for oppositions and unblendables and let them coexist, even if they are not reconcilable?

    Also, would DA possibly relate to what is known as Rogerian argumentation? ( This is a form of argument, or a rhetorical strategy, in which both or all "sides" of a matter are developed fully. The person using this form of argument assesses the usefulness and accuracy of different viewpoints and tries to find a fair common ground. I wonder if there might be established rhetorical forms in general that best fit the four cognitive styles.

    (And speaking of that, now I also wonder what Rogers's type is:

    What would be some real-world applications of DA? And how would it manifest differently in the different sociotypes Gulenko says employ it?
    Last edited by golden; 05-09-2011 at 05:04 AM.
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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    An example of Dialectical-Algorithmic could be the issue of Socionics and MBTI(and other MBTTian systems). If you're from the Socionics camp, then you pretty much agree MBTI has a faulty system, but still holds validity in terms of the types and general basics of functional typology. All MBTTian systems - that is, those that derive themselves from the Myers-Briggs interpretation of Jungian theory(Pod'Lair, Keirsey, JCF) are all essentially the same thing as MBTI, because they work on Je = J ; Pe = P.

    So you have a dilemma of Augusta's interpretation and Socionics versus the Myers-Briggs interpretation and MBTT. An expert Socionist is more likely the one to realize that, although MBTT is faulty and inaccurate, and Socionics is the more accurate, consistent and applicable theory, still there is the actual phenomenon out there which cannot be systematized so precisely. Also, in the early stages of conflict, a dialectical-algorithmic thinker would seek to find a link between MBTI and Socionics, to see if they are both valid(here is my own attempt to find a link), but if they are not, then argue dialectically why one of them has to be invalid(in this case, MBTI, and it's function flips for Introverts, which are the cause of the controversy; this is what invalidates MBTI, it's heavily inconsistent on a functional level). This entails heavy perspective tweaking, as that is pretty much all it is. A dissonance of perspectives.
    Last edited by EyeSeeCold; 05-09-2011 at 04:23 AM.

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden View Post
    I'll ask some questions about dialectical-algorithmic (DA). Why is the formula if-then-else indicative of it? How does that formula relate to dealing with oppositions, if at all? If DA is not a form of synthesis, then what is it? That is ...

    Does DA have anything to do with cognitive dissonance? Would a goal of DA be to see oppositions and seek a middle way, or a means to blend them to create something new? Or would it allow for oppositions and unblendables and let them coexist, even if they are not reconcilable?

    Also, would DA possibly relate to what is known as Rogerian argumentation? ( This is a form of argument, or a rhetorical strategy, in which both or all "sides" of a matter are developed fully. The person using this forum of argument assesses the usefulness and accuracy of different viewpoints and tries to find a fair common ground. I wonder if there might be established rhetorical forms in general that best fit the four cognitive styles.

    (And speaking of that, now I also wonder what Rogers's type is:

    What would be some real-world applications of DA? And how would it manifest differently in the different sociotypes Gulenko says employ it?
    The way I see it, D-A is sort of about holding multiple lines of reasoning in mind without much regard for their particular truth values as such (as phenomena are intrinsically viewed as hard to fully encapsulate and, thus only ever approximate). There's concern for internal consistency, but it's a creative endeavor that pulls things into some sort of cohesive amalgam. Apparent contradictions are brought into line with an eye towards preserving belief systems in a greater, holistic sense. In some respects it's a how-do-I-make-this-and-this-fit, but it also has a way of taking any reasoning and postulating contrary argumentation as a means of back and forth building. If this then this else some other set of events/factors/explanations that reloops and is reevaluated. Some might say it's a very unskeptical way of dealing with various beliefs, but I'd characterize it as chiefly doubtful in a way that any reasonings are equally suspect and thus worthy of consideration and involvement as a means of finding some wider truth by means of collision of opposites. It views all things as being related, reconcilable, particularly in areas that are most apparently paradoxical.

    I'm not sure I'm saying precisely what I want to say or all I want to say here, but that's what I have after 9 shots of vodka.

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    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    The way I see it, D-A is sort of about holding multiple lines of reasoning in mind without much regard for their particular truth values as such. There's concern for internal consistency, but it's a creative endeavor that pulls things into some sort of cohesive amalgam. Apparent contradictions are brought into line with an eye towards preserving belief systems. In some respects it's a how-do-I-make-this-and-this-fit, but it also has a way of taking any reasoning and postulating contrary argumentation as a means of back and forth building. If this then this else some other set of events/factors that reloops and is reevaluated. Some might say it's a very unskeptical way of dealing with various beliefs, but I'd characterize it as chiefly doubtful in a way that any reasonings are equally suspect and thus worthy of consideration and involvement as a means of finding some wider truth by means of collision of opposites. It views all things as being related, reconcilable, particularly in areas that are most apparently paradoxical.

    I'm not sure I'm saying precisely what I want to say or all I want to say here, but that's what I have after 9 shots of vodka.
    Like it. Thanks.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden View Post
    Why is the formula if-then-else indicative of it?
    I don't think it can be associated to DA, if-then-else is a typical causal-deterministic approach. I believe DA is usually connected to thesis-antithesis-synthesis.

    What would be some real-world applications of DA?
    Programming, checking for other's logical/practical mistakes; in acting/entertainment, it's best suited for controversial roles that need to integrate extremes of behavior; in practical jobs, it's probably most useful when what is being produced requires an extreme carefulness and attention to detail...
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    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I don't think it can be associated to DA, if-then-else is a typical causal-deterministic approach. I believe DA is usually connected to thesis-antithesis-synthesis.
    I asked bc Gulenko connects if-then-else to DA.

    Programming, checking for other's logical/practical mistakes; in acting/entertainment, it's best suited for controversial roles that need to integrate extremes of behavior; in practical jobs, it's probably most useful when what is being produced requires an extreme carefulness and attention to detail...
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden View Post
    I asked bc Gulenko connects if-then-else to DA.
    If-then-else is a control structure used in computer programming, and generally anything where you're dealing with procedural logic, i.e.:

    If: <condition>
    Then: <do action>
    Else If: <other condition>
    Then: <do other action>

    So on, so forth. It's where the 'Algorithmic' aspect of DA comes in.

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I don't think it can be associated to DA, if-then-else is a typical causal-deterministic approach. I believe DA is usually connected to thesis-antithesis-synthesis.

    Programming, checking for other's logical/practical mistakes; in acting/entertainment, it's best suited for controversial roles that need to integrate extremes of behavior; in practical jobs, it's probably most useful when what is being produced requires an extreme carefulness and attention to detail...
    thesis -antithesis - synthesis is probably a better way to put it, yeah. The rest makes sense to me also.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    If-then-else is a control structure used in computer programming, and generally anything where you're dealing with procedural logic, i.e.:

    If: <condition>
    Then: <do action>
    Else If: <other condition>
    Then: <do other action>

    So on, so forth. It's where the 'Algorithmic' aspect of DA comes in.
    Ashton! You must answer the vague, rambling questions you asked me to ask you!
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    Please, direct all questioning of my self-typing to this thread. Thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden View Post
    My opinion (I'm not sure if it's right, but it makes sense and I've seen it happen) is that given that they're the only types which are both process and negative, they're the best suited towards painstakingly keeping in check potential errors, and improving a given process by means of elimination. OTOH a synergistic would improve a process by adding components, which doesn't necessarily work better (that's where negative-result-static should intervene and shed away useless fuss).
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    one of the first things that comes to my mind for DA practical application is debate. Playing devil's advocate, being able to follow the consistency of two lines of opposing thought at the same time without being married to either one of them. It's excellent for testing the strength of an argument. The reason "if then else" applies to the balancing of opposites present in DA is because it's conditional, meaning both sets of opp. could be true IF one or another condition was met. So, if A then B, else C.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    one of the first things that comes to my mind for DA practical application is debate. Playing devil's advocate, being able to follow the consistency of two lines of opposing thought at the same time without being married to either one of them. It's excellent for testing the strength of an argument. The reason "if then else" applies to the balancing of opposites present in DA is because it's conditional, meaning both sets of opp. could be true IF one or another condition was met. So, if A then B, else C.
    Yes, that's a good point.
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    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    The most striking difference (at least to me) I found between Causal-Deterministic and Dialectical-Algorithmic is the "else" in the if-then-else of DA - CD is much more rigid and direct, whereas DA has a certain breathing room to it...

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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    The most striking difference (at least to me) I found between Causal-Deterministic and Dialectical-Algorithmic is the "else" in the if-then-else of DA - CD is much more rigid and direct, whereas DA has a certain breathing room to it...
    I think that's what one can read reading these, nice find though

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Golden View Post
    But I do think this (overproduce, then pare down) is a valid strategy for creative processes in general, tbh. I wouldn't have thought it should be a mere preference.
    So that's what it is. One of my friends likes tossing me random ideas, because I'll then go on really long-winded, highly detailed rambles where I compare and contrast and think out different ideas. In general incredibly over-detailed and long-winded rants are my style, but I always figured it for exclusively a Dynamic thing.

    BG noted a similar habit where he'll make lots of parenthetical statements. For me, when I do that, it's like they're branches in the overall mass of thought that are somewhat unique but can't really adequately be removed from whatever thought it is that they're parenthetical to.

    I think DA thinking and writing is a lot like a slime mold growing. It's this expanding mass that picks up detritus and nutriment that then coalesces into branches and filaments given enough time

    When it comes to writing and thinking, for Dynamics, the focus is on the journey: "Here's the idea, and here's how I arrived at it, laid out in painstaking detail". I suppose Statics are more about "Here are the conclusions and the structure."

    Another SEI I know also commented that she has a lot of trouble telling stories because she really wants to start at the beginning, but knows that other people don't want to hear long-winded rambles filled with irrelevant details as she leads up to her "point". In the face of that, it's often too hard to pick a point closer to what she's (or I'm) trying to get at. If you can't mentally build up to what you're trying to say, there's no way of saying it, that build-up is a vital component of the idea.

    Anyway. I think I've demonstrated DA's epic capacity for WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

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    I think this is one example of the difference between VS and DA:

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    Part of it is, unlike a lot of people I know, I actually think in words, like my thoughts are actually like a stream of consciousness book; a lot of Ni egos I've talked to say that they are the opposite, that everything is sort of like these hazy globs they kind of jump to and the words just come to them when they have to say them. So to me, to really proces all of this, I have to interpret it in my fully fleshed-out inner monologue, and even then my recognition of certain "archetypal" situations, motivations of others, etc, is based on re-checking my little inkling of intuition with external factors.
    The bold is somewhat how I picture VS. But, even better is the definition Ashton gave for synergy "Synergy - The combination of two or more things that creates an effect which is greater than the sum of both separately."

    In other words, the conclusions drawn are greater than what you could get from the data alone. It's not step by step, one thing adding to another, but instead a leap from many pieces to a conclusion that cannot be directly derived from adding up the pieces. That's why it seems to come out of nowhere to those of us not in the heads of the VS.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    The bold is somewhat how I picture VS. But, even better is the definition Ashton gave for synergy "Synergy - The combination of two or more things that creates an effect which is greater than the sum of both separately."

    In other words, the conclusions drawn are greater than what you could get from the data alone. It's not step by step, one thing adding to another, but instead a leap from many pieces to a conclusion that cannot be directly derived from adding up the pieces. That's why it seems to come out of nowhere to those of us not in the heads of the VS.
    Reminds me of:

    “Despite the oceans of ink and years of thought which have been devoted to the elucidation of war, it's secrets still remain shrouded in mystery. Indeed, it is due largely to the very volume of available information that the veil is so thick. War is an art and as such it is not susceptible to explanation by fixed formulae. Yet, from the earliest time there has been an unending effort to subject it's complex and emotional structure to dissection, to enunciate rules for it's waging, to make tangible it's intangibility. One might as well attempt to isolate the soul by the dissection of a cadaver as to seek the essence of war by the analysis of it's records.”

    @Sir Knight: Getting to your post.

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    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Possible examples of D-A:

    V. Gulenko: This is precise style of thinking that branches out and runs along multiple parallel courses (multi-course style of thinking). It works according to principle "thesis-antithesis-synthesis." Types using this type of logic make for the best programmers.

    "But I do think in complications and contingencies, and balance a lot of conflicting possibilities in my mind all at once." - EIE

    "... my thinking style mostly consists of balancing opposites, finding middle grounds and relative truths based on the relative strength of opposing internal dispositions; when I'm under stress it kind of feels like I'm walking a tight rope, trying to balance what's going on in my head. To me it feels like a constant balancing act of my own internal tendencies for the things that I consider good and evil, the things I consciously do to improve myself and the world and my ability to promote my own vision of how I think things should be vs. the evils I am compelled to do either by my own impulses that I struggle to control or by circumstance. Everything I do is weighed on these scales, every word that comes out of my mouth, every emotional signal I send, every action I take, and the final outcome, what comes out of me and goes into the world, is dependent on how the scales are balancing inside me." - EIE (this one is Gilly's)

    "I have a horrible talent for entertaining and enhancing oppositions in my mind. If two things don't go together, I put them together in my perceptions. Then I get paralyzed or something. I'm basically nuts in how I really see how a thing and its opposite fit together, locked up. This can be very pleasing to see this. The downside seems to be that I can't function. These are gestalts. And so a good friend will come in with a nice hammer and start breaking it into pieces." - EIE

    ILI profile: Natural state for ILI is to engage in gathering of information, separating it into qualitatively distinctive parts, differentiating main aspects of an object from its insignificant and secondary aspects. ILI accumulates information, characterizes, compares and contrasts events, observes what is happening around him, on basis of this he can predict the future progression of affairs. He constantly keeps track of the developments in society and compares them with his own planned script.

    "All that we identify with in reality was all brought about by the psychic current of introversion. Extraversion is like a contra-density, a force of expansion and inflation that prevents the complete nullification of all ideas and concepts, and the collapse of all psychic energy in the universe into recursive introversion. It is the mirror image of introversion in every respect, and has to be in order to function as a perfect eternal balance giving rise to infinite truths in infinite forms." - ILI

    "I tend to view myself in terms of certain attributes. Like for example, I'm intelligent, foolish, amiable, distant, novelty-loving, rut-oriented, independent, afraid of losing people, savor the moment, and am pretty indolent. I have my moments, both ways, and sometimes at the same time." - SEI

    "I wanted to set up a situation where there are hundreds of sentences all of which are plausibly true to someone, but then in effect pose the question what do you do? How, for example, would you govern given all these conflicting opinions?" - LSE

    Tao Te Ching -

    When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness arises
    When it knows good as good, evil arises
    Thus being and non-being produce each other
    Difficult and easy bring about each other
    Long and short reveal each other
    High and low support each other
    Music and voice harmonize each other
    Front and back follow each other
    Therefore the sages:
    Manage the work of detached actions
    Conduct the teaching of no words
    They work with myriad things but do not control
    They create but do not possess
    They act but do not presume
    They succeed but do not dwell on success
    It is because they do not dwell on success
    That it never goes away
    Last edited by silke; 12-27-2014 at 09:05 AM.

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    James Madison- Federalist No. 10 strikes me as ILI DA cognitive style. I had to read it for a political science class. It's not a fun read but it was weird seeing my own thought processes laid out before me.

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    @Contra could you say some more about how this essay is illustrative of this style of thinking? it's not native for me so i don't pick up on it right away

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    @Contra could you say some more about how this essay is illustrative of this style of thinking? it's not native for me so i don't pick up on it right away
    Ok so I had to reread a bit to conjure up the same thoughts I had when i read it. I think this example encapsulates the method he uses through out:

    "There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction: the one, by removing its causes; the other, by controlling its effects.

    There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests."

    Here he sets up the dialectic. He gives two different sides to two different aspects of a problem. They don't necessarily have to be diametrically opposed; only constituting two different viewpoints on an issue. The part I italicized is what he focuses on in the next paragraph:

    "The second expedient is as impracticable as the first would be unwise. As long as the reason of man continues fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different opinions will be formed. As long as the connection subsists between his reason and his self-love, his opinions and his passions will have a reciprocal influence on each other; and the former will be objects to which the latter will attach themselves. The diversity in the faculties of men, from which the rights of property originate, is not less an insuperable obstacle to a uniformity of interests. The protection of these faculties is the first object of government. From the protection of different and unequal faculties of acquiring property, the possession of different degrees and kinds of property immediately results; and from the influence of these on the sentiments and views of the respective proprietors, ensues a division of the society into different interests and parties."

    Here, the parts I bolded, are where he explains, through Ni, why either said solution to removing the causes of faction won't work. This is a partial resolving to the dialectic. He doesn't really explain his intuition, he only states it as a fact, which I think is typical of ILIs when they aren't challenged on their intuitions. In the bolded-italicized, You can see, more obviously, where his reasoning conforms to an If-then form even if he didn't literally use the form.

    "It is in vain to say that enlightened statesmen will be able to adjust these clashing interests, and render them all subservient to the public good. Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm. Nor, in many cases, can such an adjustment be made at all without taking into view indirect and remote considerations, which will rarely prevail over the immediate interest which one party may find in disregarding the rights of another or the good of the whole.

    The inference to which we are brought is, that the causes of faction cannot be removed, and that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its effects."

    Here is where he fully absolves the dialectic and comes to his solutions. If I remember correctly, he does this through out the essay, but this is the more obvious example. This is structurally and I guess you could say cognitively how I've set up a lot of my own papers so it was weird reading something so similar in something so old.

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    If: <condition>
    Then: <do action>
    Else If: <other condition>
    Then: <do other action>
    I think this approach is considered to be very clumsy approach in programming.

    ILI programmers make you suffer if you do this.

    Functional and object oriented approach?

    I tend to find pure object oriented very confusing.

    For example:
    PHP Code:

    This is straight forward:
    PHP Code:
    if rectum full:
    Goes towards goals linear way.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I have a good sort of visual-impressionistic metaphor for DA, but its kind of hard to translate. The best I can represent it as would be something like a scale that has weight being constantly poured onto it, and the EJ's role is to dictate where the weight falls in order to maintain proper balance. I think it makes a lot of sense for Aristocratic EJs: rational aristocracy is all about maintaining a social structure, so its fitting that the EJs have a style of thinking that supports their role, one focused on "keeping things together." The mental assumption of EJ temperament is that everything is in motion, and that it should be organized, and that energy needs to be exerted in order to maintain organization; the Democrat EJs, being the transition point to aristocratic quadras, take a more generative role with Vortex thinking, finding the right opportunity to promote cathectic action; once the shift is made into an extant collective, the Aristocratic EJs take on the role of holding everything together once the opportunity to organize has been capitalized upon.
    This is a good description of me. If I see something is missing, I provide it. Like if everybody is on one side, I will become the side that is absent and fill the role. Even if I totally don't believe in what I am arguing. There is something missing and I pick it up. Even when it often means being the bad guy. Somebody has to be the bad guy, and the bad guy is bad for a reason. He is a product of something.

    And I am always changing. The person you were debating with no longer exists later. He was used and discarded for purpose.

    The movie on Facebook, The Social Network. This probably never happened but at the end of the movie somebody says to Zuckerberg, "You are not really an asshole, Mark. You just try so hard to be." I related to that a lot.

    “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”- Emerson

    "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it, and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tearsofaclown View Post
    This is a good description of me. If I see something is missing, I provide it. Like if everybody is on one side, I will become the side that is absent and fill the role. Even if I totally don't believe in what I am arguing. There is something missing and I pick it up. Even when it often means being the bad guy. Somebody has to be the bad guy, and the bad guy is bad for a reason. He is a product of something.

    And I am always changing. The person you were debating with no longer exists later. He was used and discarded for purpose.

    The movie on Facebook, The Social Network. This probably never happened but at the end of the movie somebody says to Zuckerberg, "You are not really an asshole, Mark. You just try so hard to be." I related to that a lot.

    “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”- Emerson
    fwiw you sound like an IEE much more than EIE, quite possibly the Fi subtype.
    ~* astralsilky

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    Post types & fully individuated before 2012 ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by vesstheastralsilky View Post
    fwiw you sound like an IEE much more than EIE, quite possibly the Fi subtype.
    I've heard that. You may be right.
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    I don't completely understand cognitive styles, but I feel like this might be a good example of DA cognition.

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    From what I’ve gathered, it seems to hold consensus as the most unhinged cognition style, at least to outside people when you don’t appropriately explain the conclusions you’ve reached through it (thankfully, I am more than happy to unless I’m purposely bringing up two seemingly opposing phenomena with absolutely no explanation out of the blue for humor or shock value purposes- works brilliantly, might I add ) I think it may be something of a double edged sword for EIEs because on one hand it can make you appear nothing short of brilliant and on the other hand it can make you appear crazy but not in a sexy way at all and, well... EIEs are usually creatures that put a lot of importance in their image. SEI might relate to that in a further distance from on their particularly sensitive days, but I doubt an ILI ever would unless they were put in a position where their prematurely described DA conclusions made others question their intelligence, and perhaps for an LSE, their authority but that one is just a theory because LSE seems the least stereotypically DA of the bunch to me. In between brilliant or crazy you may find a less intimidating perception from others as asinine- this is typically where the many ILEs who attempt to duplicate DA fall into (IEEs can more rarely be imitators, I think Ne as a function just has inherit qualities of DA cognition- not sure if I recall LIEs ever following the pack, but they are certainly one of the best non DA types in quickly deciphering it).

    On the bright side, it is easily the main culprit in EIEs and ILIs being absolute master manipulators but a major drawback is that (to me, at least) I am less confident in what I truly believe as an individual because my natural inclination is to avoid picking sides in matters, stay neutral when possible, or (the most satisfying route) be alone in believing whatever I managed to synthesize from two polars. When both of these quirks occur at once, it is essentially just the DA person manipulating themselves into some state of confusion or unrest. It is without a doubt the perfect cognition style for (verbal) arguments or mere debates but the thing is, it will cut the DA user even deeper themselves when they are solely internalizing it (take a look at the infamous self doubt of EIEs... messy ) than it will cut other people in an argument (and believe me it does that well, I have had to withhold my tongue in heated debates to not burn the opponent too hard- not that I’m implying you can never beat me in an argument ).

    Overall, I think it works best as a cognition style when it is applied 100% to external data, which it really is meant to be being a tool for nonstandard synthesis (for the purpose of fixing what very few others would ever see around you); when it is taken into isolation it often produces the most cynical or overdramatized people on the planet (and yes, that tends to be ILI and EIE respectively; on the flip side of the coin, SEI tend to be more cynical compared to LSE’s overdramatized: I think this explains the strange, faint attraction between ILIs/SEIs or EIEs/LSEs at times).

    I think walking a tightrope is an adequate way of describing the mental strain it can induce but someone’s gotta do it, right?
    Last edited by flames; 01-15-2021 at 01:22 PM.

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    I have nothing to add, besides the fact that my brain parsed "Dialectical Materialism" when I saw this thread.

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    DA works like a russian roulette, VS works like a money printer.

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    This isn't correct at all, that's CD > DA.
    DA works in the realm of anti-thesis according to thesis that happens to be a synthetic progress of discerning information.

    If: <God doesn't exist>
    Then: <God might not be exist>
    Else if: <God might be exist>
    Then: <God probably exists>

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    I think DA types can become good specialists. Instead of trying to rumble forward (what CD types are about) DA perfects itself in cycles that can be made leaner. The crux of this approach is that return of the gains follows exponential decay model. CD types can introduce new plausible starting points in cooperation with them.
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    As some had already pointed out, and Gulenko has said, DA is best illustrated by using the algorithmic nature of computer programming.

    In Computer Science there is a very DA style thesis-antitheseis-synthesis proof theory called the Curry-Howard Correspondence similar to what @CTzu was saying.

    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Math patterns work in accordance with the real, tangible, physical world, so to be so catching of the moonlight silver, and bounding off for extravagant scenes of dress and rehearsal, Your must detach from determinism, and become a free jewel.
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    By the way, just to keep in mind that "if-then-else" associative thinking also works in Ni in general, and is not necessarily correlated to the cognition style to an extent. However, as if it really has a correlation, then it'd dialectically be an algorithmic form of thinking which is known as a Dialectical-Algorithmic. Albeit, that doesn't mean if-then-else only works on cognition style in general, since Socionics Ni is really that associative or contemplative towards the thinking form that doesn't involve a direct conclusion according to the cause of effect. The difference between Causal-Deterministic and Dialectical-Algorithmic can be formulated with an ontological approach, as in, gambling or the probability according to the chances of if-then-else in possibilities, so there should be a breath of space rather than the Causal-Deterministic.
    Last edited by Metaphor; 12-10-2021 at 11:26 AM.
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    It is kind of like a balancing act. For me, it's about weighing different facts before I draw conclusions. Enough facts get weighed and I have the impetus to act on them. I kind of visualize it as two ribbons that converge at a certain point, and the point of convergence is where the conclusion is drawn. The OP kind of helps me understand EIE better.

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