Quote Originally Posted by Nanooka View Post
Mhm. But if it's far more specific to EII than ESI, and at least as related to Se-devaluation so it's often not even Fi-related, then it seems like a really bad question to toss under the "Fi" section.
ESI-Fi is pretty conflict avoidant really... less than EII, but still a clear Fi influence in it.

I think it is often enough Fi related so it's a good question for the Fi section.

The weird translations were far worse.

That's why typology is so muddled. And maybe part of the fun.
I like psychology for its complexity, sure. It's frustrating tho' when I see typology simplifications...

I could see an EIE enjoying the atmosphere of an intense sporting event, like a football or hockey game. Just like a metal concert, the two have similar atmospheres actually. It's less about the visible sensations there than about the crowd, but as they're part of the same spectacle they can be easily linked in our minds. I'd think many such EIEs would answer in the affirmative to that question.
For me they are not linked in my mind but possibly the question is too ambiguous as translated. I wouldn't mind looking at the original test questions really if I knew Russian.