Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
D - Si - Epicure 24
F - Ti - Logician 22
E - Te - Professional 21
A - Ne - Fantastist 17
B - Ni - Foreteller
H - Fi - Peacemaker 13
C - Se - Winner
G - Fe - Romantic

Can I be delta now?

(I think the test sucks, yes, at least the Se-questions. Who in their right mind will score high on being an argumentative, vengeful trouble seeker?)

To balance the test, I suggest similar questions for the other functions:
Ne: "I love the look on people's faces when they cringe in pain over my goofy comments"
Ni: "I adore the feeling of manipulating people and seek situations where I can position myself to control others from inside".
Ti: "I adore crushing people logically by making them feel stupid"
Te: "I love ridiculing people for doing things wrong and to show them how I'm better in every way"
Si: "I crave the feeling of being powerful when I use my parental authority to make people feel like little children that I am above"
Fi: "I adore shaming people I don't like, so that they want to suicide"
Fe: "I love destroying the mood of people I don't want to join in the fun, so that they want to go home and isolate forever."

I'm SURE such people exist, but I don't think these questions fit well in a test....

I often wonder about the way Se is presented by Russians. Do they hate Se? Or do they think "bully behavior" is "strength"? I guess Se-egos seek to be seen as "strong" and "impressive" - and seek to BE strong and impressive, and the only way these Se-questions can be anything but a misunderstanding of Se, is if being outrageously insensitive is seen as "strength" and impressive in Russia. I could buy that as a possibility, seeing how Russians seem to love Putin (who's a Se-creative bully (LSI))...

Edit: Aixelsyd wrote this in chat, and somehow I found it relevant to this post:
aixelsyd: i'm going to assume type goals i.e. SLE: divide and conquer and SEE: defend and retaliate
I found the Se questions pretty good actually. Do you mean I'm not in my right mind if I admit I'm argumentative and whatnot? What do you see as so wrong with that? Sure it's not the most polite way of existence but luckily you don't have to constantly hold yourself to all the silly standards of behaviour out there.

Overall I didn't see the Se section as just being about bullying. It's way beyond that simple stereotype. So I don't buy the Russian explanation.

Btw I liked the idea of putting in questions about behaviour that's typically considered as negative. Yeah, we need a test that's full of those questions and nothing else

Though the Ni one is kinda cool too.

Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
The questions are looking at a specific stacking, not a function I think. That's why the key has the names of a type and not "leading Ne" and why a seemingly Si question can be in the "Fi" section for example...
I like the way you put that, I agree it looks like that...