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Thread: Inordinate ESE hate

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethanyclaire View Post
    @Virtuoso it was sort of an out of body experience- i saw how soft yet diplomatic I could be. I think as I am older, she did just expect me to talk to her about anything. But we had got off on a bad foot for other reasons, and it just got so awkward. And yes I have experience of working with crazy leaders. I was already gaining confidence- (self-possession, self-assuredness), but the crazy leader helped me to understand that you gotta be prepared for anything lol.
    I know it's right! You seem pretty nice, but nice and confidence makes a huge power combo. You got the message!

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    For all the shit I’ve gone through, it can be fun having an ESE mum. Taylor Swift (ESE) is obsessed with her IEIs..I think it’s quite a romantic friendship pairing.

    uh I really liked my ESE-fe therapist. She didn’t quite cure me lol, but she was so nice…and we had really good convos, like a twin best friend therapist. It was a bit dual like, like when you’re talking to a dual and it’s all flowy and nice

    My SLI guy doc is my new bf too, my go to guy!

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    [QUOTE=Bethanyclaire;1575830]Taylor Swift (ESE) is obsessed with her IEIs..

    Taylor Swift - ENTP. and "IEIs" can be other too

    > I think it’s quite a romantic friendship pairing

    What you think is quite against IR theory.
    Friendship fits to good IR and not to among worst as suborderie. IEI will perceive ESE as lower kid, and ESE would prefer more of logical reason from a pair. Pairs with bad IR are made by not personal attraction, but mainly sexual or for profits.
    When I had an attention from familiar ILI revisor, I wanted more of emotional warmnes, of inspiration. She was attractive, but not enough interesting to inspire significant feelings. After knowing me better, she'd wanted more too. So I did not supported her interest and after knowing about types there was an explanation why. I seeked for good long pair and this needed personal attraction of higher level.

    > I really liked my ESE-fe therapist. She didn’t quite cure me lol, but she was so nice…and we had really good convos, like a twin best friend therapist.

    In case you have IEI then that best friend "ESE" could to have SEE, for example.

    > It was a bit dual like, like when you’re talking to a dual and it’s all flowy and nice

    a semidual would be not far

    > My SLI guy doc is my new bf too, my go to guy

    for IEI positive perception is possible for SLE, LSI. for neutral as SEI some possible. for superego - among least possible

    if to identify types correctly observations fit better to theory, while what say contradicts it much

  4. #124
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    @Sol I don’t have long lasting ESE friends- I do like my sister’s best friend who is ESE though. Taylor Swift is friends with Suki Waterhouse, Selena Gomez, Blake Lively. She’s Taylor Swift she can be friends with who she wants. Also when I have had brief friendships with ESEs they have been very fun. TS probs likes being supervised a bit, someone seeming smarter than her..for a change. IEI can have a hard time with EIE and EII, ESE can be similar to those types and feel warm and fluffy, like a best friend, if not truly one. SFs seem to be the best at having ‘best friends’.

    funny to think of ILI being supervisor to LSE..

    I’m sure supervision can be a loving and exciting match- if not the best for long lasting success.

    My dad got super annoyed with me when I criticised his relationship with my mum (supervision). There is chemistry (not obvious) but from his reaction I could see. They’re just not that good at putting their heads together- e.g they could have helped me. In a way it’s passion over helping their kids..I don’t know like they have a secret attachment and it makes them a bit blind to stuff.

    I think for many non positive ITR, for the couple to come together there must be a lot of natural chemistry. I think I met one dual who was my ideal, but imagine if you met a non-dual who reminded you of that person? I think that is what it feels like (or can feel like)- some version of your ideal dual. Like the SEI I fancied- it was so pure in a way.

    like my sister talking about her mirror first love..

    your supervisor can seem ‘weird’ but hey guess what so can your dual, we love weird!

    also TS is not an N type- she tells stories, she paints a picture. She is very F. You can see more n type language in Lana Del Rey because of ni HA. T.S's writing is not abstract, weird maybe, but not abstract- sorry I'm sure a music journalist could describe it better. The music (not lyrics) can be more abstract and overall she has great messages in her songs- ni polr.

    A good example of pretty ILE langauge is in the tv show the OC. The language is pretty and light, like Taylor Swift but it's more wistful and idealistic- e.g there is perfect happy family living in a beautiful perfect home who adopt a teen from a broken home. It's so lovely though so I can see the similarity.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 08-05-2023 at 09:08 PM.

  5. #125
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    And yeah my mum was definitely verbally abusive and emotionally negligent towards me growing up. Probably because she was one- stressed, but two also coz she was verbally abused as a child herself I guess. If it hadn’t been for a stroke of luck, in the last four years my life probably would have been a bit ruined tbh- it’s mental how much that trauma can pass down. Trying to read a bit of Gabor Mate atm..
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 08-15-2023 at 08:04 AM.

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