Quote Originally Posted by youfloweryourfeast View Post
Yeah, I can understand where your coming from, my mother is also my contrary, and very unhealthy. Living with ones contrary is a very difficult and for ones mental health. For example we could never agree on anything and always fought.
My ESE ex has been with his contrary for some time. I saw some recent pictures of them at an event and perceived her as not content and collected. I wonder what that contrary relationship lives out like? Can you give me a hint? (Also he is a narcissist so that doesn't bode well for whoever he is with.)

........G o d...i s...g i v i n g...u s...o u r...c o u n t r y...b a c k...a n d...N O T H I N G...C A N...S T O P...G O D .

."And after three days and an half, the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them." - Rev. 11:11