I knew an ESE who ran a secret drug-house in a VERY nice neighborhood on waterfront property. lol She was always warm and friendly to the people she invited in.

I wasn't even going to share this but it just hit me as ridiculously funny as I was her supervisor and looking at intertype relations I see exactly how it manifested in our relationship. I have met all kinds of people that others would consider shady and she was one of them. She and I had some really deep heartfelt conversations about spirituality, she would dance with me, and she kept a spotless house so I didn't mind being there. She was (is) a sx/so who loved to be surrounded by people of any type because she was very gossipy and loved to party. She made up stories about people that were obviously not true to anyone listening. I actually cared a lot about her. I couldn't help but like her.

My then bf and I ended up renting a room from her for awhile, at the suggestion of a friend, since we were living in a hotel that was very expensive and we needed to find a place quick. Then they started stealing all my stuff when I was at work and I found out from the neighbors that her EII bf, who she also rented a room to, was a registered sex offender (he claimed it was a setup), so we got out of there. I didn't have a lock either and I was constantly sleeping with one eye open so it was stressful. Good times...

Big contrast to my little sister but everyone liked this woman even though no one trusted her. I don't even know why I am posting this.

Perhaps I will write my memoirs on the seedy side of the 16 types some day.