I don't find it hard to understand why people hate some ESE's. I have no problems with them provided the contact is limited to less than a day or two. Afterwards their rationality and Fe starts wearing me down and my limits to tolerance of them constantly invading my personal space and interests is gone and i turn full blown (passive) agressive on them.

Of all the rationals ESE to me seems to be the most "rational" in the sense that they seem to have an approach to life that's extremely opposite to my way. They're literally trying to control the world by talking it to death, not conversing, just talking.......just saying out loud every little combination of light that hits their eye-balls and gets translated to some kind of, not even concept, "event"....

(some LSE's seem to do this too, sensory rationals are such a hassle, you can't even just drift away and ignore them because they want to be HEARD too....)