*wondering if either of them are 7s*

Enneagram Type 7:
Epicure, Entertainer, Optimist, Adventurer or Rationalizer


You want to be fascinating, fascinated, optimistic and enthusiastic. More importantly, you want to be stimulated, creative, positive and excited. You see yourself as visionary, diverse and playful. You would like others to see you as interesting, sophisticated and fun loving. Your idealized image is that you are happy and joyful.

Outgoing and spontaneous, you love anything that is new, novel or unusual. A charmed charmer, you are fascinated by people, places and ideas. Upbeat, positive and optimistic, you naturally cheer up and inspire others. Quick to laugh and make a joke, you easily entertain people. You are also easily entertained. An idealist and visionary, you strive to create a paradise on earth by sharing your vision of love, equality and freedom. A ‘jack of all trades’, you often have diverse skills and interests. You are innovative, multi-talented, creative and at home in the world of things and experiences.

Like the hummingbird that moves in a frenzied blur from flower to flower, you seek the sweet nectar of excitement, new experiences, people and travel. If life gets you down, you escape your anxiety and boredom through variety and activity. Uneasiness is kept at bay by keeping busy with interesting and diverse experiences. Seeking a positive future with unlimited possibilities, you believe that the sky is the limit. You enjoy new ideas and live in the world of your imagination where you can manifest your dreams. You have a talent for squeezing the boredom and monotony out of routine tasks, turning the mundane into the magical.

A creative spirit, you need to be free to follow your heart. Eternally young, you have the light-heartedness of a precocious child or court jester. For you, love is about giving and getting your way – if you are loved, you will be indulged. Even if you are shy, you wish to be seen as a cool, hip, trendsetter. At times, you may act superior to others – even though you may secretly fear that you are inferior to them. An equalitarian, you enjoy people from all walks of life. Rather than buck authority, you find the way around it. Using your quick wit, bright eyes and ready smile, you have a knack for avoiding and diffusing conflict.

Being a 7 sounds pretty fucking good!