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Thread: Enneagram type 9: all things Nine

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  1. #1
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    1 and 9 are opposite the most.
    3s and 9s are the opposite. A 9 could possess a 1 wing and a strong one at that.

    And it is doubtful to underesteemate the "badassness" of E1s.
    1's may be badass but 9w1s are mostly pathetic. I'm sick of them being so spineless because i'm constantly having my 9ness questioned because of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    Seems I communicated with ESI 9w8 sx.
    I don't care about Socionics, so don't randomly try to type me.

  2. #2
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malignantwench View Post

    1's may be badass but 9w1s are mostly pathetic. I'm sick of them being so spineless because i'm constantly having my 9ness questioned because of it.
    Don't you think you might be mistyped? You say yourself type "is not about traits or behavior but about motivation", then you argue that 9w1s posses certain traits that delineate them from 9w8s, and that this is why people don't agree with your self-typing.

    So which one is it? Traits and behavior correlate to motivation, except when it comes to defending a self-typing that is clearly trying to fit a square peg into a circular hole? So they correlate to motivation it seems, when you want them to, and don't, when it suits you.

    The reason I "goaded" you as you put it, and am doing so again, is because you come off really defensive, hostile, antagonistic and immature. I know you're not targeting me, but it's toxic. I'm tired of this, I wish you'd stop taking this so damn seriously, it's just a theory, not settled science.

    You claim to have "vast knowledge" of the enneagram and yet get really defensive whenever anyone even so much as suggests you might be wrong in your self-typing. If you were so confident, you'd more likely brush it off. And no, this is not because I am an "ignorant moron", the contents of your arguments may be true, or not, but you don't act like anyone debating you is your equal unless they totally agree with you and this is really disturbing.

    If there are more than three assholes in your life, you are most likely the problem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    Don't you think you might be mistyped? You say yourself type "is not about traits or behavior but about motivation", then you argue that 9w1s posses certain traits that delineate them from 9w8s, and that this is why people don't agree with your self-typing.
    People only disagree with it when i'm pissed off. I don't think I am mistyped because I know enneagram as a whole. I literally made a thread on what enneagram is actually about.

    The reason I "goaded" you as you put it
    It was goading because you made several accusations that weren't true about me.

    You claim to have "vast knowledge" of the enneagram and yet get really defensive whenever anyone even so much as suggests you might be wrong in your self-typing.
    I am defensive because i'm tired of it. It makes zero sense to judge people based on behaviour or traits because people have gone through different journeys.

    If you were so confident, you'd more likely brush it off.
    I am confident. I'm not going to brush it off when i'm constantly surrounded by people that find it intimidating when someone knows so much about enneagram. If they aren't calling me a mistype for having conviction then they are coming out with it doesn't really matter at all because it's a theory like you. I don't care if you think it's a theory, it is something that has changed my life and many others. People only talk down about enneagram because it is hard for them to get which you have proven.
    Last edited by malignantwench; 09-23-2018 at 11:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Indolence or psychological laziness is also spiritual
    inertia, and EIX entails not only a not wanting to know,
    an “ostrich policy,” but also overstability, a resistance to
    change. This is, in general, a person who is overadapted
    to the desires of others, overly complacent, and with
    scant initiative. His or her inner state resembles going
    around half asleep, half dead to life. This is a dispassion-
    ate, phlegmatic character, though the switching off of
    his or her personal desires frequently coincides with a
    jovial, gregarious disposition. In human relations, how-
    ever, this is an overly self-sacrificing person, overly
    resigned, passive, conformist; generally a simple person,
    “without problems”—apart from his or her excessive
    intolerance of troubles and excessive difficulty when it
    comes to saying “no,” which often makes these people a
    target for exploitation.

    It would appear that there is less to say about EIX than
    the other characters in view of the great simplification of
    their psychological life. Their tendency to forget their own
    needs due to excessive complacence apparently coincides
    with the Christian ideal, and not bothering anyone does
    not have a clear place in the current diagnostic categories
    of aberrant personalities. One of the defense mechanisms
    that characterizes this type (which Freud called “altruistic
    self-postponement”) has even been considered less patho-
    logical than others in virtue of its social function. But the
    advantage of EIX (just like the disadvantage of Enneatypes
    IV and V, at the other pole of the Enneagram) is more
    apparent than real, since these people’s automatic, com-
    pulsive altruism does not make them ethically better than
    others. Actually, it might be said that destructiveness is
    less visible in this character.

    In his description of the “dim man,” Theophrastus
    calls our attention to a cognitive laziness that is charac-
    teristic of Enneatype IX, with intellectual, as well as spiri-
    tual, befuddlement: “Dimness might be defined as a
    slowness of the mind with respect to words and actions.”
    Some of the examples that he includes in his descrip-
    tion refer to absent-mindedness; others reflect not only
    the lack of attention, but also the lack of intellectual
    interest. “If he goes to the theater, he falls asleep and
    when the play is over, everyone leaves and he remains
    alone in the theater.” This behavior of the “dim man” in
    particular may also be interpreted as a lack of cultural
    sophistication, which is the consequence of intellectual
    laziness and concreteness that leads to another character
    that Theophrastus calls “rusticity.”

    Though he defines “rusticity” as ignorance, lacking
    in manners, his portrait suggests something very close to
    a closed mentality. He emphasizes the narrowness of
    interests, an excess of concreteness, and the limiting of
    life in favor of functionality. He also alludes implicitly
    not just to a simple lack of refinement, but to despiritu-

    He wears shoes that are bigger than his feet and speaks
    in a loud, booming voice. He distrusts friends and rela-
    tives and entrusts his most important secrets to his ser-
    vants ... He neither stops nor makes inquiries in the
    street for any other reason; but, however, he stands and
    stares when he sees an ox, an ass, or a billy goat.
    Among the Italian masks, Enneatype IX is to be rec-
    ognized in that of Gianduia. Carla Poesio explains in her
    book as follows:

    Nowadays there exists a kind of chocolate bar called
    gianduiotto in honor of Gianduia, an old mask from
    Piamonte, and they are called so after the Giandujott,


    the children of Gianduia. It is difficult to find a boy
    who is gayer, healthier, more pleased with his lot.
    Maybe because they are peasants. His mother
    Giacometta and his father Gianduia have given rise to
    a very large family. It is difficult to know how many
    Giandujott there are.

    He likes to visit the different inns of the city and his
    humor and gaiety entertains those present. He is not
    handsome but is pleasant. Plump and tanned, with a
    slightly naïve expression, it is always easy to make fun
    of him.

    Excerpt from:

    The Enneagram of Society: Healing the Soul to Heal the World
    by Claudio Naranjo

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by malignantwench View Post
    3s and 9s are the opposite
    E1 is concentrated on the world's improvement
    E9 on the adaptation to the world as is

    I see this as the direct opposing between the essence of these types. Also as the basis for a complementation and self improvement between them. For person's correction through the suppression of redundant types' expression, the suppression by the opposite.
    My current view mb not a common one. Though I may accept the views on E-types from other points too.

    > 1's may be badass but 9w1s are mostly pathetic

    In my perception all E9 inspire some sorrow, including 9w8. They often look sad and childish, give the wish to care or help them. Some assertiveness of 9w8 looks as the result of their inner tenderness, which leads them to easily feel the pain. And such they develop to be (by the dissociation from themselves) and partly only to look as more rough to protect that inner tender self, it's like to wear a mask for yourself and for others.

    > I don't care about Socionics, so don't randomly try to type me.

    I've said there not about you.
    Also as Socionics types and Enneagram may to have the correlations and Socionics is the forum's theme, your assertion and demand are inappropriate and will be ignored. Your types are interesting and there are no good reasons to trust to your opinion about them. To have the assured opinion about your types needs more data about you still. At least, you've given the initial arguments to doubt in your E9 and N types already - too aggressive for E9, too touchy to other opinions about your traits and do not understand good the contexts - mb due to weak Ne. Some plain in the language for IEI, too active and assertive for them. At now, you more remind Se type than IEI.
    I recommend you to make a typing theme with your video to mb correctly understand your Socionics type.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    E1 is concentrated on the world's improvement
    E9 on the adaptation to the world as is

    I see this as the direct opposing between the essence of these types.
    I agree with this, and think it makes a good distinction between the types as I see them too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

    your assertion and demand are inappropriate and will be ignored. Your types are interesting and there are no good reasons to trust to your opinion about them. To have the assured opinion about your types needs more data about you still. At least, you've given the initial arguments to doubt in your E9 and N types already - too aggressive for E9, too touchy to other opinions about your traits and do not understand good the contexts - mb due to weak Ne. Some plain in the language for IEI, too active and assertive for them. At now, you more remind Se type than IEI.
    I recommend you to make a typing theme with your video to mb correctly understand your Socionics type.
    Shut up, fool.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    Forum rule 1.4: Personal attacks, bullying, harassment, threats: Please refrain from doing this,
    You conveniently didn't notice this ''you come off really defensive, hostile, antagonistic and immature.'' from Avebury to me.

    instead of calling someone stupid, tell them why you think they're wrong. Not everyone will be able to figure out everything immediately, it's ok for people to hold on to their personal beliefs, even if you believe them to be wrong.
    I have explained several times that enneagram isn't based on behaviour or traits but they don't listen.

    Calm down.
    I'll be calm when they leave me the heck alone.
    Last edited by malignantwench; 09-23-2018 at 08:00 PM.

  9. #9
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    Ok. I think you're in some vortex of negative emotions towards the forum members. It's ok. It can happen. I just recommend you to calm down and realise nobody's got anything personal against you. I'm not saying you're wrong, and I don't actually care. Just enjoy your time in here and don't get bothered so much by people that have different opinions.

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    Ok. I think you're in some vortex of negative emotions towards the forum members. It's ok. It can happen.
    No, i'm not. I let it go but they won't leave me alone. Why is what Avebury said to me fine but I get the third degree when he has said much worse.

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