So I mentioned in some enneagram group that I read a few paragraphs of Naranjo's 9 (and maybe someone else's briefly but I forget if I really did) and I had an image of a person in a portrait with a weaker contour line around them or without a strong outline. Like the painting is lush and maybe even with beautiful scenery and that person is in the background with an outline around them in pencil or something, lol. Some guy says that it's funny because such a portrait for type 9 does exist on some Spanish Website.

He says "It's a metaphor: the person blends with the bench he/she is sitting on and the doves are feeding out of him/her as though he doesn't exist. The paint is called 'conformismo' which may be translated as 'abnegated over-adaptation' or 'resignation'."

My image didn't really include the blending aspect, like how the bench blends into the guy but my impression was that there's a weak boundary or sense of self, as if they are apart of what's there or around them to the point where the individual self isn't too important, hence the 'meh' accedia-like attitude'. With that I could better understand how someone could develop a 'go-with-the-flow, fatalistic response, it's like the world is bigger and more significant than you and you're (somewhat apart of it) so why fight it?