Quote Originally Posted by Baby
Quote Originally Posted by FDG

I'm not sure...IME if it's intutive sensory it's like you say, but with ethical logical it's goes more like this: ESTp tells friend of ethical INFp that he has hots for ethical INFp, and then ethical INFp starts contact
Actually it's more like this:

ENTp to INFp friend: You know Bertha (ESTp)?
INFp: Yeah.
ENFj: She's really into you.
INFp: Nuh-uh. Really? GET OUT. Really? Can't be. You're so shitting me.
ENTp: Yuh-huh.
INFp: Nuh-uh.
ENTp: Yuh-huh.
... etc.

(three hours later)

INFp: Nuh-uh! Bertha? The one who's had the penis of half the football team down her throat? That Bertha??
ENTp: I swear to God she's into you!
INFp: That's so weird.

(next day)

INFp (notices Bertha looking at him): Hi. *smiles*

The rest is history.
ahhahaah, this the other side of the story