Quote Originally Posted by Agni View Post
they can notice them, but since it's their creative function, they don't give so much of a damn about them and they are not overly consistent themselves. Logic is subordinated to their goals, not to rigid consistency requirements, because they are irrational types. Just as Fi dominants evaluate their relationships and "ethical consistency" in people on a rather general and not easily changeable basis, while Fi creatives use this function in a very flexible way.
but if we're associating logical consistency (the ability to be logically consistent, the ability to point out others' logical inconsistencies) with Ti, and if Ti is valued (which it would be if it were in the creative position), then it seems like logical consistency would be something an SLE would, in fact, give a damn about. and if Ti really does have to do with logical consistency, then a type with strong Ti would be better than a type with weak Ti at pointing out others' logical inconsistencies, which was my original point.

as far as I know, a SLE's logic is dependent on their Se. I kinda think all functions are subordinate to one's goals; if you have a source that says otherwise, I'd be interested to see it, as I don't know much about rationality/irrationality. I'm not sure that all irrational types are inconsistent in their behavior -- I suspect I'm an ENFP, and I can be counted on to exhibit quite a few behaviors.