Here is something I just posted on another (MBTI) forum:

-I am literal, specific and detail oriented. I remember all the specifics (particularly exact words people say), whereas my gf, an ENFJ, has a way of only remembering the general "feeling" or "mood" of a situation or conversation, leading us to have many wacky misunderstandings/arguments. "You said this!" -me "But I MEANT THIS!" -her "I don't care what you MEANT. I can't read your mind! SAY WHAT YOU MEAN." -me
This does also apply to physical details. I am likely to remember a persons height and eye color and what they were wearing. However, I'm less in tune to the environment than to the people in it.
-I believe Ni is my weakest function.
-I want to go into Physical or Occupational therapy and that's what I'm studying to do.
-The Ne dominants I know are insane. Or I consider them insane. Hence my apprehension in identifying as one of them.
-I consider myself a rather conventional thinker. My thought process is linear. I'm very methodical. I don't skip around too much.
-I am something of a slave to my senses. I like to drink, eat sweets, do sexy stuff, and just generally have fun all the time.
-I am competitive. I like to challenge people physically. For example: Races, holding breath, holding body parts under ice water, touching hot surfaces, holding notes, wrestling, lifting, flexibility, balance, etc.
-Though I read and enjoy literature, and I myself am a good writer, I struggle with metaphors and other figurative language. Sometimes in real life conversation I will try to use a metaphor which often has hilariously disastrous results.
-I'm bad with money and I spend it all pretty quickly on food, drink, maybe clothes, things on the internet, etc. I like to buy things, but don't care too much about HAVING things, so most of what I buy is consumable instant gratification stuff.
-In general, I relate much more to an SP than NF. I didn't do too well in the public school system for one thing, and I feel I lack the typical compassion of an NF.

-I like psychology and personality theory probably more than anything else.
-I am physically lazy and sit at home on the computer most days, especially like during the summer if I'm unemployed. This inactivity WILL eventually drive me nuts. But I'm very prone to inertia.
-In socionics I tend to test/be pegged as an Ne dom.
-I read a lot and am more likely to learn something from reading about it than trying to experience it firsthand.
-I am very interested in what makes people tick.
-I enjoy discussing theory/concepts as long as it is not too OUT THERE. I enjoy talking about any and all psychological theories, but can't stand metaphysical talk or anything relating to religion (outside of the reasons religion is nonsense), philosophy, ethics, etc. I can't stand thinking/talking about things that require a lot of reaching, filling in the blanks, faith or opinion. Too much wondering hurts my head and soul.
-I spend a lot of my time alone, thinking or researching. And yet I am definitely an extravert, but hesitant to leave the house at times. If I am not in a FUN social situation though, you could mistake me for an introvert, and supposedly ENFPs are more "ambiverted".
-I am horrible with directions and spatial orientation. I suck at: tetris, putting things together, packing boxes, loading the dishwasher, drawing, etc.
-I'm not very pushy or forceful unless I am in my element.
-I don't care for material belongings so much. I have a crappy car, thrift store clothes, no fancy gadgets besides my $300 laptop. If Se doms are necessarily materialistic, I am no Se dom. I can have fun with nothing.
-I am aesthetically challenged to say the least, and I don't care too much about the appearance of my surroundings, or even the comfort so much. I am inclined to believe this has more to do with me being Sp last in my instinctual stacking though, as well as the last point.
-I'm not 100% sure this is related to Ne at all, but since I was a kid, I've been rather "out of it". I was never able to pay attention in school and I was always off in my own world doing my own thing, wandering off and getting lost, making crafts in my desk (which inevitably got my desk turned around), reading fiction secretly, writing stories (often not appropriate for school), etc. It's possible I had childhood ADD. If so I believe I have grown out of it, at least for the most part.